Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 175 - Star - Farewell Banquet




I couldn't believe that I had magic now, not just what I knew about before, but a lot more! My dad had taught me so much yesterday. And Artem said that his lunch with the Queen had gone great. This was all going so well.

I was a little sad though since tonight was our last night here. We were having a farewell banquet with aunt Gloriana and most of the Fae in the compound. I was officially being introduced as Aaron's daughter and another niece to the Queen.

That was nerve wracking, but I would deal with it and get through it splendidly. I know that I was wearing another of my formal dresses for the occasion tonight, the black one with a pair of silver strappy heels that wove around my legs. Artem was wearing a night tux with a tie and vest to match my silver accents as best as he could. And I was even having Acacia help me with my hair and makeup. I was going to rock this night with my mate at my side.

When it was time for the banquet, Artem and I were being kept in a side room until everyone else had arrived in the hall. We could just barely hear the words that were being said on the other side of the door. It sounded like there were hundreds of people already in there, and they weren't done yet. By the time they were all there, it would be close to, if not over, a thousand people.

For a moment, I felt my stomach roil and roll like I was going to be sick. Then I felt Artem grab my hand and give it a gentle squeeze. The smile in his eyes spoke more to me than all the words on the other side of that door. He was my rock, my mate, my heart and soul. He was all I needed to make it through this life. If he was with me, then I was fine.

"Are you ready?" He asked me with a soft voice.

"As I'll ever be." I grinned at him.

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"I love you." He whispered to me, love in his voice.

"I love you too, Artem."

The commotion of the other side of the door died down at that. It was like a cue for everything to start. I know it wasn't us that caused it though, and a moment later the reason for the silence on the other side was made clear.

"Friends, family, guests, citizens of Faerie, I thank you for coming to join us today. I have someone I would like to introduce to you all. My nephew, Aaron, has recently found a long missing part of his family. His daughter, Astraia, has returned to us. Please welcome Astraia and her mate, Artem."

As the booming sound from the Queen's voice faded, the doors in front of us opened. I saw the grand hall for the first time. There were tables everywhere. Some were raised onto platforms so that the people there were higher than the others, but no one was higher than the Queen who sat at the end of the hall.

Artem and I walked into the room with tables filled with people on either side of us. I saw the looks that many of them were giving me. They had heard rumors about me, but only those close to the Queen even knew what I looked like prior to today. I hadn't spoken to anyone outside of the staff, Acacia's family, and my dad's family. Them and Aunt Gloriana of course.

"Come, Astraia dear." Aunt Gloriana beckoned me up to her. "Come and sit next to me; this is a banquet in your honor of course." I walked up the stairs to her platform and took her hand. From there, Aunt Gloriana guided me to the table where Artem and I were to sit beside her. There was a man on her other side that I had never met before; he was handsome and appeared to be in love with the Queen.

"Aunt Gloriana, who is he?" I whispered to her as we sat next to each other.

"Oh, this is my consort, dear. He is the current stand-in for the role of my spouse. Curtis, please welcome my niece, Astraia."

"Welcome to the world of the Fae." He nodded at me with a smile. "I am pleased that you could join us."

"Thank you, Curtis. I am so pleased to be here as well. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you in time."

The food was brought in then, and the hall was distracted with eating. The noise level didn't really diminish though, as the conversations continued over the food. I heard some people mention my name, but I didn't know who they were or even what table they were at with all the voices echoing around me.

I was enjoying myself though since nothing bad was happening, and the food was amazing as always. Artem seemed to be pleased as well.

After the meal was done, there were some people who were brought before me for introductions. Twelve different men and women that were called the nobles. They were introduced in order of rank from lowest to highest. The lowest all came at once and didn't get a chance to speak to me aside from giving their names.

"A pleasure to meet you, Astraia. I am Michaelangelo."

"What a wonderful day this is, welcome Astraia. My name is Renalda."

"Welcome, I am Yvetta."

"Greetings, young one, I am Pruitt."

"It's a pleasure to meet you today, Astraia; my name is Jasper."

"Greetings, I am Serine."

After the lower six came the middle four. They were promised time to talk later if I wanted to speak to them more.

"What a bright day that this is when we get to spread our seed and sow new roots. I am glad that you could come learn about the Fae lands. I am Brickston."

"A million well wishes to you and yours, young Astraia. I am so delighted that our Queen has more family at her side. I am Nicholette."

"Oh, praise the nature spirits, I sense strong magic in you, young one. I cannot wait to see what you can do in the future. Blessed be to you, Astraia. I am Havon."

"Everlasting love, I see it between the two of you. I love when true love is found. I thank you for coming this evening, I am Frannine."

I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed already, but there were two more to meet. These two were the only two that were directly below the Queen in power apparently.

"I never would have thought that wolves would solve our mating crisis. Who would have suspected such a thing. Well, it is what it is. I am Tarragon, it is wonderful to meet you."

"Welcome. I am Valerian." This man was the only one among the twelve who looked angry and upset upon seeing me. I wonder why? Did I do something wrong?

The nobles moved on quickly though, and I promised to speak with Havon and Tarragon later. They were the two that seemed to be the nicest out of them all.

There was a portion of the evening where dancing was allowed on the floor when the tables had been cleared away by the brownies. I thought, if I danced at all, it would be with Artem seeing that he was my mate. However, my dad ran up and asked if he might dance with me. He had no one else to dance with anyway.

"I would love to." I told him with a smile.

He led me out onto the dance floor and guided me through the traditional dance that was going on all around us. I messed up a few times, but we were both still all smiles.

Following the dance, I got another surprise. Valerian, the only noble who had seemed opposed to me, asked if he could dance with me for a moment.

"If I may, Star." He used my nickname so he must be close to Aunt Gloriana. "I promise I have no ill intention."

"Alright, I would be honored." I smiled at him and took his hand. He guided me through the same dance only he was better at leading than my father was, and I didn't mess up as much.

"You have my brother's dark shade of hair. Or is that a trait from your mother?" He looked at me with curious eyes.

"I'm sorry? Your brother?"

"Sorrel. He died many, many years ago, but I see traces of him in you. He would be your great great grandfather."

"I don't know of him, but I am happy to learn his name." I smiled as the man guided me in the dance.

"Sorrel and I are Gloriana's brothers. Sorrel was the first among us to have children. I had a son once, but he died many years ago. His mother was not my mate, unfortunately, so she left me. Sorrel's family is all that we have."

"I am so sorry." I felt the tears sting in my eyes then. "Wait, that makes you my uncle, right?"

"Yes, I am as much your uncle as Gloriana is your Aunt." He tried to smile, but I could tell that he wasn't that used to it, and it was hard for him.

"Well, thank you for the dance, Uncle Valerian. It was lovely."

"Thank you, Star. And I hope you come back to visit at some time. I know that Gloriana would like that."

With that the music ended, and my Uncle Valerian turned to walk away. I didn't see him again for the rest of the night. Actually, the night didn't last long after that. After my dad announced to everyone that he was going to live with me so he could be there for me and my family the night was over. I felt tired and ready to rest.

We slept as soon as we got back to the room. Our luggage was packed by brownies who were much quicker at it than we were. We said goodbye to Acacia's family and my dad's family. I went to see Aunt Goriana as well, and she cried tears of loneliness as I left.

It was finally time for us to head home. This trip had not been too long, but felt like it had lasted for months. I just wanted to go home and get back to my normal life with the kids all around us. I missed their smiling faces, and I just know that they missed us too. I wonder if any of them were going to run to us and yell "mommy" and "daddy" happily. That would be wonderful.

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