Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 192 - Artem - Wedding Day Part 2




I had honored traditions as much as possible, even though we were having a non-traditional wedding. I wasn't going to see my Star until it was time for the wedding.

What I was doing before the wedding was getting ready for it.

Yeah, that consisted of me eating breakfast, taking a shower, shaving, and getting dressed. But that is not all that I had to do to get ready for the wedding. I had to go down and supervise the last minute prep and then greet the guests.

When I got to the meeting spot for the pack, the place the wedding was being held, I stopped in my tracks. I didn't recognize the place anymore. It had been set up with long flower benches. And by that I mean literally flowers made into benches. They had been crafted from Aaron's magic, and they looked spectacular.

The arch that was on top of the platform stone was also crafted completely out of flowers from Aaron's magic. The large beautiful blooms fit together perfectly to make a special decoration for us. The colors were all done in a rainbow effect, light shades of every color possible.

The only thing that I could see that had been brought out here was the white carpet that Star and Vivian were going to walk down for the wedding. Everything else had been magically brought here by Aaron. Well, I guess it paid to have a Pixie with us.

"This place looks amazing, don't you think?" Kent had asked me before he had to head back up the aisle for his escort duties.

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"That it does. I had just been thinking about that. Aaron did some amazing work on this place." I was nodding my head as I agreed with him.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me with a smile on his lips.

"Not at all. This is the best day of my life. I have been looking forward to this day ever since I met Star. On her birthday, when I was walking her through the house in her silver dress I imagined this day. I knew that she would be my bride, or I hoped she would. And now that she is, I feel like every dream I ever had has come true." I knew that I was grinning like a fool, but I didn't care.

"Well, I guess you need to get some more dreams." Kent was laughing softly.

"Yeah, I guess so. Think it's bad if they include all the kids too?" 

"Nah, I think that suits you just fine." Our conversation died out after that, and I started to think about what I wanted in the future now.

After all the guests had arrived, and when it was finally time for the wedding to start, I was standing at the front just before the platform stone. Mazus, Aaron's father, was on top of the stone already, awaiting the brides and the other groom.

It was going to be a complete surprise to Star that all of Aaron's family was here. Even Acacia's side of the Fae family was here, but she herself wasn't. Acacia was with Trinity and Reece as they visited Queen Gloriana.

I know that Star was going to be very happy that more of her family was here to celebrate. She had felt sad at the thought that they might not be here in time. I was just glad that we managed to get them here for her.

Finally, it was time for the wedding to actually begin. The music started, and all the boys started to walk down the aisle in pairs. Nico was part of this group since he wasn't eighteen yet, and it rounded out the group for us. They all proceeded down the carpet while the flower petals fell around them. When they got to the front, they took their places on the stone platform. Mazus smiled at the boys, he knew that all but one of them were his great grandsons, and he couldn't have been happier.

After the boys came the wedding party. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle together. Bailey and Ella, who were siblings, had to walk together since their mates were the Maid of Honor and Best Man.

Chay and Kent were walking down the aisle next. Now that the entire wedding party had taken their places on the platform, the music changed to the bridal march.

I watched in awe as my beautiful mate made her way down the aisle with her Dad. Aaron had his arm wrapped protectively around Star's,and he was wearing the biggest grin I had ever seen.

My mate was gorgeous. She was radiant and beautiful, and every other word you could possibly think of to say how amazing she looked. And I was the one she was walking toward.

When Star and Aaron reached the end of the path, I took Star's arm and Aaron took my place. I helped Star up onto the platform and I noticed when she saw the man that was waiting for us.

"Grandpa Mazus?" Her jaw dropped with excitement.

"Hello, my dear." He grinned at her.

"Is anyone else here?" She asked him as we took our places.

"Everyone is, we wanted to see this special day for you and Aaron."

"I am so happy, thank you, thank you for coming Grandpa Mazus."

It was time for Vivian to walk down the aisle now. We turned and watched as she was escorted down the aisle by Daniel, the old man that had tried his best to save his children and grandchildren. He was smiling proudly as he led the woman that we all thought had been lost to the world down to her waiting fiancè.

Finally, after Vivian and Aaron took their places on the stone platform it was time for us to get married.

"Welcome guests to this most joyous occasion. I am honored to be here to unite my son and his mate and my granddaughter and her mate. There was a time when I never thought that my son would marry, but he has finally found the key to his happiness and unlocked his heart. I haven't known my new daughter in-law long nor my granddaughter, but I know that they are both wonderful and special women. So I want to thank you all for coming to celebrate this wonderful day with our families."

Mazus grinned at us all. Looking at first Aaron and Vivian and then Star and me.

"This ceremony is not what either of our cultures would call normal, and that is fine with me, because normal has not been what these four have experienced. I know that you have all written your own vows to share with each other. So, Aaron, if you would like to begin."

We had all agreed that Vivian and Aaron would go first since they had waited so long to get married. I was more than happy to help them reach that end point.

"Vivian, my dear sweet Vivian. I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found you again. I could tell you the words all day everyday for the rest of my life, and it still wouldn't do justice to what I feel in my heart. I can't express to you the way that my heart has sung nonstop for you since I was finally able to see you and hold you again. I know what it is like to live without you, to not have you in my life. That is a torture that I never want to experience again. I hope you know, my love, that I will never in a million years betray you. My love for you is pure and eternal."

After those words, Aaron raised Vivian's hand to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckles gently. At that, there was applause that rang through the gathered guests. The sweetness in the words even moved the wolves here.

"Aaron, my dearest Aaron." Vivian began her vows with tears already in her eyes. "I once thought that there was no hope for us. I had to learn what it was like to live without a mate and without my beloved child. I have since been gifted with a second chance. I had been given a gift by the Goddess that I will never squander. My love for you never lessened, not once, in all the years that we were apart, and I will never in a million years let my love for you fade. I will love you just as much in a year, five years, ten years, a hundred years, even a thousand years. I will never stop loving you Aaron, because even when I thought there was no chance for us, I never stopped loving you."

More applause met the end of these vows, and I heard more than a few people sniffle from the emotions that had been put into those words; Star was one of them.

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