Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 193 - Artem - Wedding Day Part 3




"That was beautiful, both of you did splendidly." Mazus smiled at his son as he spoke. I think he was very proud of him at that moment. Hell, even I was proud of Aaron right now.  "OK, Artem, would you like to go next?"

"With pleasure."

I turned to face Star a little more as I held her hands in mine. I looked her right in the eyes and smiled as I started to recite the words that I had written for today.

"Astraia, my Star, I love you more than anyone or anything in this life. I am beyond happy that it is you that I have been joined with for all eternity because I can't imagine anyone better than you. You are not just the most beautiful woman that I have ever met, Star. No, you also have the most beautiful heart and soul. You are the sweetest woman there is. Your heart is so big that you cannot bear to see people suffer. You have so much love to give that you share it with those that are lacking the love of a family. You light up every room that you enter, and your smile is the warmest thing I have ever seen. You're smart, you're thoughtful, you're perfect, at least in my eyes. I will never hurt you in any way, and I will spend my entire life protecting you and our family from harm."

I put everything that I wanted to say into those words. I told her how I felt, and I hoped that she felt it as much as I did. If the tears in her eyes were anything to go off of, then I would say she did.

With a deep breath to settle herself, Star smiled at me and started to recite her own words.

"Artem, for a while I struggled with what to write for you. I thought that I had to write something specific that was a promise of some sort. But then someone told me that telling you why I love you so much would be just as good. So Artem, here I go." She took one more deep breath before she continued. "Artem, I met you when I was the most scared that I have ever been, and even then I felt safer than I had ever felt in my life. You rescued me Artem, with no questions asked. You came for me not once, but multiple times, and I know that you would do that time and time again for as long as we both live. You were patient with me when I needed time, and you were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I can't imagine my life without you Artem, because my life didn't even start until I met you. From the moment that I met you, I have felt the love for you growing inside of me, and it only gets stronger with every passing day. I have heard you say how lucky you are that I am here with you, but Artem, don't you know that it is me who is the lucky one? Don't you know that without you I am nothing? Without you Artem, I wouldn't even be here. I hope that I get to be lucky enough to love you for the rest of time, with my love for you only growing with each day that we see in the future. I will never leave you, Artem, I wouldn't want to miss out on any part of my life, my heart, or my soul since you are a part of all of them. I love you so much, Artem."

OK, now I know that I was crying. She had broken me down and made me cry in front of everyone, but I didn't care. Let them see me cry, they would know how much I love my mate.

"Once again those were beautiful words." Mazus smiled at us. "You all have crafted beautiful vows that were made specifically for your mates, and that is something that you should all take pride in. Now, on to the only traditional part of this wedding ceremony. Artem and Aaron, we will do this as a group, so when it comes to the right time please make sure you use the name of your mate for these vows."

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"Yes, Sir." I nodded at him.

"Yes, Dad." Aaron agreed as well.

"Now then, gentlemen, repeat after me. I, say your name, take you, say bride's name, to be my wife."

"I Aaron, take you Vivian, to be my wife."

"I Artemis, take you Astraia, to be my wife."

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live." Mazus continued the short vows.

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live."

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live." Aaron and I repeated after him.

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you." Right on cue Marcus and Will stepped forward with the rings for us to take. 

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you."

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you." Aaron slid his ring onto Vivian's finger while I slid the ring I got from my mother onto Star's finger.

"Now, ladies, if you would repeat after me in the same fashion."

"Yes, Sir." Vivan smiled.

"Yes, Grandpa Mazus."

"Very well then, repeat after me now. I, say your name, take you, say groom's name, to be my husband."

"I Vivian, take you Aaron, to be my husband."

"I Astraia, take you Artemis, to be my husband."

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live." The vows continued.

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live."

"To have and to hold, to love, honor and cherish, for as long as we both shall live." The lines were repeated again.

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you." This time it was Gil and Kevin that stepped forward for the rings to be taken from the pillows. 

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you." Vivian slid the ring onto Aaron with shaking fingers.

"With this ring, I promise that I will always love you." Star's hand was steady as could be when she slid the ring on my finger; she wasn't nervous, and that made me happy.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you married. Four people came and two couples shall leave. You may kiss your brides."

Aaron leaned in toward Vivian, but I didn't pay much attention, I was too busy pulling Star toward me for our kiss. I pressed my lips to her gently, yet passionately. I wanted a deep kiss, something that would show her my love for her, but I kept it simple and as chaste as I could. I didn't need to delve that deep right now.

"Guests, I would like to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Fields and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. May we celebrate their unions with our congratulations and applause." At his words, cheers and applause exploded from the gathered crowd of three hundred or so guests. The ones that were cheering the most though were the boys. They were happily cheering that their soon to be parents and grandparents had finally done what they wanted to. Aaron and Vivian married finally after almost twenty years, and I married my mate even though it had only been about five months.

As we descended the platform and walked among the guests, the family that Star had longed to see were there to greet her. My family, Acacia's family, and Aaron's family all came forward and hugged us all. They were celebrating the two weddings equally. This was a wonderful time for all of us now.

"I am so happy for you Star, my sweet girl." Briallu hugged Star then ran to Vivian. "I am sorry that I ever doubted you. I am so glad that you are here, and that you and my boy can finally be together."

"Oh Star, you look amazing." Lotus was smiling happily as she held onto the both of us.

All of Aaron's siblings as well as Acacia's siblings came in for hugs. They were only going to be here for the day since they had to go back for the visit with Trinity and Reece, but they didn't want to miss out on the wedding either.

"Artem, you look so handsome, and Star, you are gorgeous." Aunt Criztie was in tears when she came up for her hug.

"You did great, son." Dad hugged me. "Star, thank you for choosing my boy."

"I think I am going to cry." Mom was next, holding onto the both of us tightly.

It took a while, but we all finally managed to make it out of the sea of family members. We were heading over to the yard behind the pack house where we had the reception dinner waiting for us. It was time to move onto the next part of the wedding. Dinner, dancing, photos, and everything else that came with getting married. I loved the fact that I was able to be here with my friends, my family, and my wife. That was the best of all, being able to call Star my wife for the rest of time.

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