
Chapter 100 Interview

"What changed?"

"I said it before, but everything changed the day I fainted from a blow to the head... that day my emotions exploded and I felt so much rage... that I ended up beating the three bullies that were harassing me... after that I ended up arguing with mom and I shed tears for the first time in this life."

"Your first time crying?"

"Yes, I'd never cried before then, not even when I was born, you can even ask my mother or the nurses who were covering my mother's delivery that day."


After a brief silence, Sonia continued "Christian, if I were in your shoes, it would have been quite difficult during that time."

"And it was... because at that time I only had bad memories, and those memories always came without me asking for them, the beatings I received from my bullies, the abuse I received from my father... I just couldn't forget and it was overwhelming."


"But after the argument I had with my mother, everything changed for the better. She became more aware and found out about the situation with my father... after that he left and my mother quit some of her jobs, spending more time with us and I became more and more expressive, as you can see today."

"I'm glad everything turned out well for you." Smiling softly, Sonia asked "Christian, we know that after that you started writing books, and to this day are one of the most recognized writers in the world. Can we know what your motivation for writing is?"

"That has to do with my past too, as I couldn't communicate well before. I lost myself in different kinds of books... I learned different languages, I read history and science books, whatever I could find, I read."

"Do you know other languages?"

"Yes, right now I speak 14 languages and I learn a new one whenever I'm bored."

"Wow, that's a lot of languages, what languages do you speak?"

"German, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Latin, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic and finally English."

"Could you give us a demonstration of any language?"

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"Which one do you prefer?"


"Me aliquantisper cepit ut Latine loqui discere, sed quaedam monumenta inveni ubi hanc linguam loquuti sunt eamque facile postea sustuli" (It took me a while to learn to speak Latin, but I found some records where they spoke this language, and then I learned it easily).

"You're very fluent," Sonia was surprised.

"Do you need me to translate what I said?"

"I'd love to."

"It took me a while to learn to speak Latin, but I found some records on how they spoke the language, and then I picked it up easily"

"How long does it take you to learn to speak a new language?"

"It depends on the language... the first ones were more difficult since I wasn't used to speaking another language, but today I can say with certainty that it takes me at most three days to master a language with perfect fluency."

"That's certainly great!" Sonia replied with shock. "Christian, all these words bring me to a certain question, have you ever taken an IQ test?"

"Yes, a person from Mensa came to my school a few years ago and gave me a test. I got the maximum score of 450 according to their scale, but I don't know how that number compares to others, as I was never interested in something so superficial."

"Why superficial? Many would be proud to get that result."

"Sonia, if I've learned anything it's that there are people who at first, are not very smart, but they have great potential and intelligence that just wasn't discovered... for me that intelligence number is just garbage because I know you can't measure the potential of a human being with just that. In general, I would say that the education given today is to blame for all of this, always forcing you to have a square mind and never exploiting your true potential."


"But let's put that aside, you asked me about the books and how I started... the truth is that I was simply bored and started writing, and before I knew it I had already finished the first volume of Harriet Potter; it didn't take me more than a day to write it."

"Only a day?"

"Actually, it was a few hours, after that, I spent a whole week freewriting and ended up with about 40 or so... today I have over 70 books written and they've all been handled by my publisher."

"That's certainly quite an accomplishment, but coming from you, I guess that's to be expected" With a slight daze, Sonia nodded and continued "Christian, how did you get interested in mathematics? Today you have many awards worldwide, breaking the record for the youngest person to ever receive them."

"It was one day when I left the publishing house, I was going with my mother and I saw the millennium questions on TV, after that I found them funny and started to investigate... not even a week passed and I had already answered three, by the time the Harvard professors arrived, while I was explaining the three theories, I got a kind of enlightenment and I was able to answer the fourth one."

"So, it all started because you found it funny?"

Smiling bitterly, Christian nods "My biggest problem to this day, is that I get bored easily with everything... I swear, if I'm doing nothing for at more than 30 minutes, I'll go crazy."

"And how do you solve that?"

"As I said before, my brain works in a different way... my brain constantly comes up with ideas and it never stops working... I think and think, but over time I've managed to find things that somehow turn it off and calm me down... spending time with my family is one of those switches, also music brings me to a quiet, pleasant state, especially when I sing or play an instrument."

"I think we all saw you sing today, your song that you dedicated to the event was uploaded to YouTube and has millions of views... how did you discover your taste in music?"

Smiling slightly, Christian spoke "For Christmas, my mother gave me an electric piano... it was just a sudden thing, I played it and fell in love with the music, then I started to discover more and more, and came to feel that it was a whole new and exciting world."

"So you play the piano?"

"Yes, do you want me to play you a unique melody?"

Raising her eyebrows, Sonia nods, "I'd like that."

Getting up from the couch, Christian walks over to the piano that was a few feet away and sits down, then looks towards the cameras and smiles "This tune was only played in my mind, today I will play it for the first time for you all to hear, take it as my gift to your show for being so polite so far... this tune will be called 'Nocturne'."

Taking a deep breath, Christian straightened his back and began to play Chopin-Nocturne N20, as always feeling every sound from the heart, moving softly to the rhythm of the melody, stunning everyone in the place.

After almost 5 minutes, Christian slowly stops the melody and sighs, then turns to Sonia and speaks "Did you like it?"

"It was... beautiful," Sonia nodded dazed, then pulled herself together and smiled, "Thank you for the dedication."

"Not a problem." Getting up, Christian stretches and smiles "Shall we continue?"

"Yes," Sonia nodded without losing her smile.

After the latter half of the questions about Christian's entire life, Sonia touched on the subject of investments. "Christian, today it is known that you are the youngest person to become a billionaire, we know some of your investments, but I would like to know your secret, is it possible for you to tell me?"

"The truth there is no secret Sonia, the world is constantly evolving, it is something I understood and I just adapt to the future changes... the next era is a digital era, applications and technology will be everywhere in our life... I just bet on the future and somehow everything has turned out well."


"Yes, I've invested in companies that weren't worth a dime, and I don't just invest a few thousand dollars... WhatsApp for example, was in the beta phase with no messaging when I discovered it, but I saw the potential and didn't hesitate to invest millions of dollars in them... everyone told me how risky it was and that it wasn't worth it, but I always saw its true potential... it's complicated to explain, but when I believe something will succeed, I don't hesitate and I take the risk... in the beginning, I got to the point where I spent almost all my money generated by the books, investing hundreds of millions of dollars in different areas."

"I see..." Sonia nodded "Could you tell us what you have invested in lately?"

"Of course I can" Christian nodded with a smile "My latest investments are in Tesla, Netflix and Uber... plus I'm preparing some apps with Georgia, the former CEO of WhatsApp, but I won't tell you anything about that yet."

"What led you to choose those companies?"

"In Uber I saw the demand that its creator is trying to fulfill, I found it ingenious and I invested in her vision.... the truth is that today, Netflix is bad, but its current CEO has a vision and is determined, I did some research on the path she wants to take and I also believed in her... I assure you Sonia, even if these companies today are not worth much, in the future they will be worth billions of dollars and they will dominate in all their areas."

"That is a strong statement."

"I don't lie, Sonia. Everyone who knows me can confirm it".

"And what about Tesla?"

"In Tesla the situation is special... it has had quite a few falls and today it is having a hard time keeping up..... but the truth is that I invested because of Elene Musk's mind, I researched her and I think she has an amazing mind, I certainly know that whatever she does, it will be successful... I don't share many of her visions, but that is the reality. I invested in Tesla because of Elene, in fact, I talked to my people to see the possibility of investing in Space X... that woman has an amazing mind and it is something that everyone should recognize now before it is too late."

"I am sure she will be happy with your words" Smiling, Sonia continued "Christian, now that you talk about entrepreneurs... a few years ago you talked about a story about a boy blinded by greed, today everyone knows it was about Henry Holmes, who to this day is still has charges being added to him that will potentially increase his sentence, may I know how you knew about that?"

"The truth Sonia is that I had no proof or anything of the sort, in fact, I never spoke to Henry.... but I know a liar when I see one, that man had no shame in trying to copy someone else's personality, so I did a little research on his company and saw quite a few flaws in his ideal, I found inconsistencies in his life and at the same time I saw through the press how his supposed product worked... I honestly don't understand how nobody noticed it before, everything about him and his farce was more than obvious."

"I guess geniuses see things we don't." With a defeated expression, Sonia spoke again "Do you have any stories you want to tell us today?"

"..." Thinking for a moment, Christian nodded "Yeah.... I might have one."

"Oh, and what would it be?" With sparkling eyes, Sonia asked.

"This story is short, but it's about a big red dragon and a little piggy who thought he had everything."

"..." Thinking for a moment, Sonia searched her mind for references to red dragon, then opened her eyes a little wider and muttered "China?"

Pretending not to hear, Christian smiled and spoke "Once upon a time there was an ordinary little pig... tired of his life of poverty, he set out on a journey to new lands... where after much work and effort he got the ideal land, it had great riches and no one exploited it. ... time passed and the little pig became more and more successful and bigger, to the point that he was respected and admired by all the other animals... but just as he began to be seen by the other animals, he had the bad luck that a hungry red dragon was watching him from the clouds".


Edited By: Joy_a

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