
Chapter 99 Truth

Pausing her caresses on the boy's hair, Eva frowned slightly for a few seconds then sighed "What do you want to know?"

"There's no need to talk about it if you don't want to" Noticing the change in his mother's mood, Christian stopped his hands and looked at his mother with concern.

"It's okay... sooner or later you're going to find out" With a reassuring smile, Eva went back to stroking the boy's hair "Just tell me what you want to know."

"Who are these people you should call parents?"

"..." Looking at the child for a few seconds, Eva sighs and looks up at the ceiling "I'd better summarize everything for you... the truth is that I'm not from the United States, we come from England... we came to the United States when I was pregnant and you were born here"

"England?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian looks at his mother suspiciously "You don't have a British accent."

Smiling slightly, Eva replied "I've been living in the united states for years, I lost the accent after a few months, but I can do it if you want me to"

"For another time, now tell me about your family" Not caring in the least about the accent, Christian looked at his mother and asked curiously, then opening his eyes wide and saying "Please tell me you're not a princess or something similar, while me and my siblings are also royalty, because that would be the most cliché shit in the world"

"..." Staring at the boy silently, Eva just sighed.

Opening his mouth wide, Christian looks at his mother in disbelief "D-don't tell me to guess..."

"Not really... *sigh*" With another sigh, Eva caressed the boy's face "My mother is Duke of Great Britain, head of the Duchy of Edinburgh."

"..." Looking at his mother with boredom, Christian spoke with suspicion "Why does she have that title?"

"My grandmother's mother was Queen Mary's granddaughter, the title has been in the family since about 1920, as it used to belong to other people, but they died without heirs."

"Then what are you? I don't know what title a duke's daughter receives."

"Just the title of 'Lady', no big deal."

"So your family are millionaires?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked.

"You could say so, but it's no big deal" Eva nodded.

"They're dukes, they should have a lot of money, no?"

"Sort of, my mother has a few properties she inherited and money, but they don't have any businesses that are really lucrative or successful investments, as far as I know, the fortune hovered around 500 million dollars"

"That's pretty..." Frowning, Christian looks at his mother "Then why did they kick you out of the house? I understand that there are stupid parents who kick them out because of pregnancies or similar things, but usually it's because of money... your parents clearly have no lack of money."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Looking at the child with a complicated expression, Eva spoke "Because they wanted me to have an abortion and separate from Brayan."

"..." Looking at his mother's complicated face, Christian just smiles and speaks "Why that face?? I already had a suspicion about the reason a long time ago, and as usual, I got it right."

"It doesn't bother you?" with concern, Eva asks.

"Why would it bother me? Don't I have the best mother in the world today?" caressing Eva's face, Christian kisses her breast and continues "But it bothers me that your parents kicked you out at such a young age for something like this... you had to suffer a lot because of those people."

"..." Looking at the boy silently, Eva smiled fondly "I don't know what good I did to deserve a son like you..."

"I guess you cultivated your karma from your past lives" Christian smiled "But I don't understand something..... Brayan was from England too? Why did they want you to leave him?"

Sighing, Eva bit her lips for a few seconds and spoke "Brayan was born in the United States, but he moved to England with his family when he was 7 years old... after that things happened and we met by chance in the street... he is not from a wealthy family, that didn't please my parents and they told me that he was only for the money..."

"So you refused and they expelled you? How did you get to the United States? Did they give you money? Besides, isn't it illegal for them to just expel you with nothing when you are a minor?"

"I sold all my stuff... I arrived with a couple of clothes and 8000 dollars, where half of that money came from my older sister, since I didn't have many things to start with and plane tickets to the United States are not very cheap... as for the legal... although it would seem that democracy exists, the truth is that everything is controlled by the nobility, so they had no problem to disinherit me and even remove me from their family records."

"..." Drawing circles on his mother's chest with his finger, Christian puts aside the topic of parents and asks "Do you have sisters?"

Smiling softly, Eva speaks "Yes, I have an older and a younger sister."

"How old are they?"

"The older one should be 30 by now, and my younger sister is 20, I think so..."

"What are their names?"

"The older one's name is Victoria, while my younger sister's name is Megan."

"Were they close?"

"You could say..." With a wistful look, Eva spoke "At first I had a bit of a grudge with Megan... since she was born all the attention went to her, I just fell in the middle with no importance whatsoever... but that was only the first year, after that I didn't care about anything and we had a pretty good relationship with Victoria and Megan."

"Have you talked to them after you left?"

"Yes..." Eva nodded hesitantly.


"A few years ago... when we were still living at the motel.... do you remember the loan I got?"


"I checked with a lot of banks, but they all turned me down.... so I called Victoria and... asked her for money."

Furrowing his eyebrows slightly, Christian asks "But you said it was the bank that gave you that money?"

"Yes it was... Victoria is a director of a bank in England, she manages the family's investment funds and she approved me for a loan of $100,000."

"I see..." Nodding, Christian continues "So you haven't talked to them other than that?"

"I tried talking to Megan, but she never got back to me... as for Victoria... my calls aren't being received, they don't even dial..."

"..." Looking at his mother's sad face, Christian sighs and hugs her "You know it's not your fault, right? If they decide not to talk to you, it's because simply in their head you weren't as important to them as they were to you."

Biting her lips, Eva simply nodded and fell silent.

Climbing on top of his mother, Christian sits on her waist and takes her hands, then squeezes them and speaks "You know I'll never leave you, don't you?"

"..." Watching the boy silently, Eva just smiled softly.

Leaning back slowly on his mother's chest, Christian remains with his face facing Eva, looking deeply into her blue eyes "I love you so much mommy"

Smiling, Eva lifts her head a little and kisses the boy's nose "Don't worry, the problem with my family is something I already left behind, you are my family now and the past doesn't matter anymore"

"That's my mother" Smiling, Christian gave a quick kiss on Eva's lips, then lay down on top of her and rest his head on the woman's neck.


May 25, 2012.

Sitting the main room, Christian looks at the woman helping him place a microphone between his clothes and smiles "Sonya, what will the interview be about?"

It was all coordinated by Jayden, he went about looking for the most serious people and found a program where they interviewed several celebrities and businessmen, all because of their reputation for not being invasive with them, making it the most accepted by the upper circle.

Smiling slightly, the woman finishes placing the microphone and nods "We talked it over with your lawyer, but in general it will be about your life, your tastes, what you read, everything about you in general."

Nodding, Christian looks at the 4 cameramen surrounding him, sensing that the situation is quite interesting "What's your show about? I don't usually watch TV, so I'm sorry I don't know you guys beforehand."

"No worries" Smiling softly, the woman settled on the couch in front of Christian and took out some papers "I have a program where I dedicate myself to intimately interview celebrities and great people from all over the world, the public likes to know about these people's lives and we usually have quite a lot of acceptance"

Bringing the papers to Christian, Sonia spoke "Here are the questions we will ask you and all the material that will include my interview in case you want to prepare, we also recorded questions from random people in the street and I wanted to see if you would like to answer them, it's up to you".

Putting the paper aside, Christian smiled and spoke "It's not necessary, I like to answer on the spot and not planning everything, as for the recorded questions, I'd be happy to answer them at the time."

Raising her eyebrows for a moment, Sonia nodded and pointed towards the cameras, then looked at Christian and asked "Are you ready? We will start anytime, let me tell you that if you need to move, the cameras will follow us, we will start by asking your name and the introduction to the program we will do it in the studio when we present what we will record today"

"Okay, anytime."

Nodding, the camerawoman spoke "On the count of 3"




When the start was given, Sonia smiled and started asking common things and importance, talking about the weather, her age, name and similar questions.

After about 20 minutes, Sonia asked "Christian, we know that many TV channels asked for an interview with you, could I know why you never wanted to accept one until now?"

"The answer is simple Sonia, I don't trust most of these programs" Looking seriously at the woman, Christian continued "I have seen certain programs, interviews, even news... and the truth is most of them disappoint me, I have seen media manipulation, I have seen manipulation in the image, I have even seen cut answers to make the interviewee look bad... it disgusts me".

"I see" Sonia nodded "Christian, let's change the question to a more personal one, we know that before your family went through many problems and even you came to suffer bullying, could you tell me how you felt in those moments?"

"..." Watching Sonia for a few seconds, Christian finishes sighing and speaks "The truth is a time that was quite hard for my family... and if I want to talk to you about how I felt in those moments, it is necessary that you understand a little my point of view and my situation".

"We'd like to know" Sonia nodded.

"Look, many know that I am something like a genius and things like that, but not everyone knows how my mind is and how it works" Pursing his lips for a few seconds while thinking, Christian nods to himself and continues "To begin with there is something that made me the first years of my life very difficult, and that is my memory... I remember everything Sonia, from my birth to this last second, nothing disappears from my memories"

Raising her eyebrows, Sonia asks "Is that possible?"

"If I didn't have it myself, I would doubt it too... but yes, that's my memory, I remember perfectly the day I was born and let me say it's a terrifying experience"

"In what way?"

"When I was born, I didn't have developed vision, I only saw misty silhouettes and almost everything was dark... imagine that one moment you are calm and with a nice warmth, and from one second to the next you are being touched everywhere while the cold covers your whole body, to make the situation worse, I heard strange noises everywhere and honestly they were terrifying for my mind at that moment. .. but the worst was the blow to my butt, I swear that feeling that pain at the very moment I was so scared, it almost led me to a heart attack..."

"Wow... that will lead to a lot of answers with the doctors" Raising her eyebrows, Sonia looked thoughtful and asked "Can I know how your memory works?"

"It's simple Sonia, if I hear or see something, I remember it perfectly, every time I want to remember, it's as if my mind takes me back to that moment and I replay the situation, I remember smells, voices, touches, everything stays inside mind, even if I only saw something out of the corner of my eye and at the first moment I didn't give it importance."

"Like if you record everything in your mind and then replay the video?"

"Something similar" Christian nodded "But what I'm getting at, is that this memory and my extremely rational thinking, caused me problems in the early years... somehow from the moment I was born, I felt a connection with my mother, in fact, being in her arms was what calmed me from all that fear..... but as I was growing up, I had many doubts, I could not relate well even with my family because I was always trying to find a reason why my family acted the way they acted... for example I tried to understand why my mother smiled, why my siblings cried, why we had to eat... all this led me to close myself off and have problems in communicating with others".

"But I see you've worked it out, haven't you?"

"Yes, I stopped thinking so much and feeling more, I learned that I should only let myself be carried away by my feelings, something that I must remark took a long time to appear, since, until I was 9 years old, I only felt loneliness or a slight happiness."

"I don't understand, how did you not feel more?"

"Until I was 9 years old, I never felt sadness or anger, neither did I feel envy or similar emotions... somehow I felt alone and I didn't have the capabilities to communicate with my family and show them that I wanted their affection... mom worked almost all day and many times she works at night, my father was going through his own problems and my siblings were still children... I simply ended all that time being alone and trying to understand a world that was beyond me."

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