
Chapter 140 Wound

With determination in his eyes, Christian took quick aim as he raised his sniper, then quickly adjusted his sights and smiled as he saw the person he was looking for.


"Dead" Sighing with relief, Christian turns with a slight smile and speaks "We're leaving?"




"Make me a son and then leave you with the baby" Looking at Christian seriously, Greed speaks.

"Why would we have a baby if you would then abandon me?"

"Because it warms me to think I'm carrying your baby, but I also dislike the idea of having a baby."

"You crazy fucking bitch" In disgust, Lust spoke.




"What? I would never ask you for a baby!" frowning, Lust exclaimed "I just want to fuck and nothing else!"

"We're leaving" Losing his smile, Christian spoke coldly, then turned to Pride, who was still breathing heavily "Are you okay?"

Gritting his teeth, Pride nodded "This shit hurts, but I'm fine."

"Let's go" Leaving first, Christian visualized the area and kept walking.

Walking for another 5 minutes, Christian comes to a corner and pokes his head out, then opens his eyes a little wider and speaks "So this is where the Apache went down?"

"Really?" approaching quickly, Gluttony peeks out and whistles "They went into the building, you can just see the tail of the helicopter."

Grabbing his radio, Christian speaks "This is team 1-0, I'm 50 meters from the downed Apache helicopter, should I check for survivors?"

"Negative, we already dispatched troops and they confirmed the death of the crewmen, continue your current mission."

"Too bad, I'd like to see it up close..." Pursing her lips, Gluttony sighed sadly.

"Let's go."

Seeing no enemies, Christian runs off to cross the street, being instantly followed by the others.

"It's weird... this should have a lot of people, I don't see anyone" Frowning, Christian mutters.

"Don't call bad luck" Wrath commented.


With his senses on full blast, Christian kept moving forward, but as he reached the street where they have to cross, he came to a sudden stop.

Frowning, Christian brings his ear closer to the wall beside him and focuses on his hearing.

"N-no... gargaar" (N-no... help-Somali).

Hearing the faint voice, Christian frowns knowing what they say.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Did you hear something?" asked Envy with a frown.

"A man...he's calling for help inside, he's a Somali"

"What do we do?"

"..." Staring at the door in front of him silently, Christian looks at his people for a few seconds and sighs "Let's see what we find"

Grabbing his gun, Christian carefully opens the broken door and enters the place, being instantly followed by his team.

"..." As he enters, the moans and sobs became easier to hear, causing the entire group to frown.

Moving forward quietly and cautiously, they reached a room and looked at the door which was half open.

"..." Silently, Christian slowly opens the door, finding something that made him frown deeply.

"Shut up bitch!"


Slapping the man on the bed, a woman covered in dirt screamed, as she frantically jumped on the man's penis.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Angrily, Pride walks over to the woman and grabs her by the neck, and then throw it on the ground.

"..." Startled by the sudden intrusion, the woman tries to grab her weapon, only to be restrained by Pride easily.

Looking at the silently sobbing man, Christian moves a little closer and speaks "Ha werwerin, naagtaas ayaanu daryeeli doonnaa" (Don't worry, we will take care of that woman- Somalia).

"*Sniff*" But being stunned by the situation, the man just sobbed silently as he walked away, causing Christian to sigh in frustration.

Turning his gaze to the woman, Christian spoke "Ranger, I saw your squad, they're all dead, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Get the fuck off me!" Struggling on the ground, the woman screamed in fury.

"..." Watching the woman silently for a few seconds, Christian sighs and approaches the soldier, then takes the gun from her and approaches the man "Xanuunka waxaa lagu bixiyaa xanuun" (Pain is paid with pain -Somali)


Taking the man's hand, Christian places the gun between his hands and guides the gun towards the woman on the ground, while the whole team watched the situation silently "Xanuunka waxaa lagu bixiyaa xanuun!" (Pain is paid with pain! -Somali!"

Sticking the man's finger on the trigger, Christian didn't give him time to think and forced him to shoot.


Taking the gun from him, Christian looks at him and speaks "Sababta dhibkaaga ayaa dhimatay" (The cause of your suffering, she died -Somali).

Approaching the corpse, Christian takes the woman's military necklace and turns around, then throws the gun on the bed and leaves the room.




Looking at each other silently, the girls finally shrugged and left the place, closing the door behind them.


They didn't even make it out of the house, and a gunshot rang out behind them, causing Christian's expression to turn sour as he muttered "So he chose the easy way out..."

Walking out of the house, Christian turns and speaks "Does anyone remember what just happened?"

Smiling, Greed answered with a question "What should we remember? We were just walking"

"Let's move on."

Putting this little event behind them, Christian and the team continued on their way, to at last hear what they were looking for.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Hearing the exchanges of gunfire, Christian turns and speaks "Things are going to get rough, be careful."

"This is team 1-0, we are less than 80 meters from the hot zone, advise our arrival."

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Team 1-0, delta team 1-1 is in a 5 story building with a red paint job, they currently have the Somali president in their custody, secure extraction while the other teams cover them"


Increasing speed, Christian walks down the street, then looks down an alleyway to his right and peers out "We have 17 enemy in front, they are separated, but in the same alleyway, prepare to fire, Greed, we have 2 people a few meters ahead, they are yours"

"..." Silently, the whole group readied their weapons and approached Christian.

"Make sure you aim well" Taking a deep breath, Christian stepped out first, then carefully crouched down and aimed at the 2 women in the center "3"



*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Eliminated" Quickly changing the magazine, Christian nods "We're not going down this alley, we're going to the next one."

Crossing the place, Christian quickly reaches the other alley and peeks out "Two people pointing the other way, nothing covers their backs, I'll try to be quiet, cover me and follow me."

Picking up two knives in his clothes, Christian leaves the gun hanging and walks slowly down the alley.

Standing behind the first woman who is pointing away, Christian positions himself at her back and slits her throat, then takes the other knife between his fingers and throws it towards the woman beyond, causing her to fall instantly as she covers her neck in desperation.

Picking up his weapon, Christian approaches the downed woman and pulls the knife out of her neck, then wipes the blood with his clothes and continues walking.

Reaching the end of the alley, Christian looks out and sees what he was looking for, a building with several signs of explosions and multiple gunshots coming at him.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"This is team 1-0, we have the building in sight, we will clear your left for retreat, tell them to move out when they hear the explosion."

"Affirmative, which building will they blow?"

"The building in front of them, I manage to see about 25 people shooting out all the windows, better blow it up"

"Demolition authorized, good luck."

"Heh, no doubt about it" With mockery, Greed commented.

"We're turning back, we'll enter through another alley, we can't go down this street without getting mowed down" Looking at the place for a few more seconds, Christian turns and speaks.

Turning back, Christian reaches the street they came from and they go straight on, then cross arrive at the expected alley and peek out.

"Nobody, let's go in."

Moving faster, the team finally reaches the side of the building, as gunshots rang out louder than ever.

Moving closer to Gluttony, Christian speaks in her ear "We're going into the building, you need to be as fast as possible."

"Two minutes tops" Gluttony nodded, then grabbed her bag and started pulling out various black packages.

"Girls, don't shoot unless it's really necessary" Looking at the door in front of him, Christian speaks.

Opening the wooden door, Christian pokes his head out a bit and looks around the place, finding 3 women shooting from the windows.

Entering quietly, Christian looks at his girls and points towards his knives, then slowly approaches towards the farthest one and nods towards Envy and Pride.

Quickly approaching the woman's back, Christian cut her throat, then slowly lowered her to the ground while Envy and Pride followed in his footsteps.

Quickly approaching them, Christian spoke "Grab the guns from the ground and start firing towards the front building, if the bullets from this floor are stopped, the ones above will get suspicious."

Nodding, Envy, Pride and Wrath, take the guns and start shooting.

"Lust, cover the entrance, Sloth, cover the back door, I'll cover the staircase" Giving the orders, Christian walks to the wooden staircase and stands behind it, patiently aiming at the place waiting for an unlucky person.

But after 2 minutes, no one came down, while Gluttony already prepared everything, causing Christian to sigh and indicate the exit.

Without pausing, Christian and the team exit the alley, then quickly move forward to the previous location.

"Cover the building."

Grabbing his radio, Christian speaks "This is 1-0, we will blow up the building and provide cover, team 1-1 needs to come to us, our back is clear."

"Affirmative, give us 10 seconds"



With the order ready, Gluttony walked over to look at the building and with a big smile, pressed the button in her hands.


"Hahahahahaha!" with the woman's maniacal grin, several soldiers began to exit the red building, as Christian grabbed his gun and ran into the middle of the street followed by the others.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

With several covering shots, the soldiers had no trouble getting to their side as they dragged a dark-skinned woman blindfolded and tied up.

Running into the alley, Christian's team gave cover with no chatter in between, and after 5 minutes, they were out of the hot zone.

Grabbing his radio, Christian speaks "This is team 1-0, team 1-1 is secure, we're out of the hot zone, request extraction."

"Affirmative, you need to go 400 meters east, it's safe zone."

Looking at the muscular woman who earlier refused to work with him, Christian simply nodded and spoke "We'll be there."

Relaxing momentarily, they continued walking in silence, but on the way, a sudden noise startled everyone.


Quickly turning his gaze, Christian saw Lust collapsed on the ground, while his complexion was incredibly pale.

"Stop, we have a wounded soldier!" Looking up, Christian shouted.

"We can't stop, we have to escort the target" Frowning, the woman spoke.

"Then get out, we won't continue without giving her treatment!" Watching the woman's stomach bleed non-stop, Christian lost control and screamed.

Frowning, the woman grabbed her radio and spoke "This is team 1-1, team 1-0 requesting time to treat one of your team"

"Negative, come out now"

Picking up his own radio, Christian spoke "This is 1-0, I will not go on without treating her, let them go on without us and then we will catch up with them"


"I don't give a fuck about your order!" Cutting off the signal, Christian looked at Lust and exclaimed "Sit down and take off that damn vest!"

"We're leaving" Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, the woman looked at her team and spoke, then quickly left the scene.


Edited By: Amiss


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