
Chapter 141 Returned

"..." Helping her take off his vest, Christian took his knife and ripped his clothes, then looked at the wound that wouldn't stop bleeding and gritted his teeth "The bullet damaged an artery, but it got plugged with the bullet, at this rate you'll die in less than 30 minutes if we don't do something"

"I'm fine..."

Taking his bandage and canteen, Christian poured water on the wound, and approached "You can't keep walking, or you'll hit a second artery, I can't get the bullet out either or you'll bleed out even faster, for now I'll bandage you up and get you to the base"

Turning his gaze, Christian looked through the rubble and shouted "Bring me that roof!"

Without hesitation, Pride ran to the middle of the street and fetched a metal roof, then set it down next to Christian.

Cutting the bandages, Christian squeezed it tightly on the woman's stomach, then looked at her pale face and spoke "Hang in there, we'll get you out of here, for now press hard on your wound."

"It's nice to see your worried expression..." Weakly, Lust smiled and whispered.

"Get her up to the roof, Envy and Gluttony, carry her carefully, we'll clear the way, Pride, cover the back!" Giving quick orders, Christian gritted his teeth at the sight of his own wound, and continued "Let's run, don't move Lust too much!"

"..." Silently, they quickly followed his orders, as they all glanced sideways with concern at the woman.

"We'll take the most direct paths, we don't have time" Gritting his teeth, Christian grabbed his gun and started running, passing street after street without firing at the enemies that usually cross his sides.

But after 5 minutes of running, Christian stopped and looked at the alley in front of him.

"Damn..." Gritting his teeth as he saw several enemies mixed with civilians, Christian turned his gaze trying to look for a shorter path, only seeing one far in the distance with several enemies on the rooftops.

"We can't shoot, they're surrounded by civilians..." Frowning, Greed commented.

"I know..." Trying to quickly search for a solution, Christian finally gritted his teeth and spoke "Wrath, give me your grenade launcher."

"What do you need it for-?"

"Just give it to me!" interrupted Christian angrily.

"..." Silently, Wrath took it off her back and handed it to Christian.

Staring silently at Lust for a few seconds, Christian muttered "I'll bear all the sins..."

Approaching the alley, Christian took aim and without further hesitation, fired.


Returning the grenade launcher, Christian spoke "Let's go on"




But, being stunned by what just happened, they didn't move an inch.

"LET'S GO!!!" Christian shouted, moving quickly down the alley.

Arriving at the mess of blood, Christian quickly looked at the area and took a deep breath at the sight of the torso, of a dead child, but without giving it any more importance, took the remnants of the explosive ammunition and kept running.

Startled by the scream, the women came back to reality and quickly followed the man.

After 10 minutes and being completely sweaty, Christian picked up the radio and spoke "This is team 1-0, we are in block B, zone 9, totally clear, need immediate aerial extraction, soldier wounded, life threatening"


"Respond!" Angrily, Christian pressed the radio and spoke.

"Black Hawk in one minute"

"Thank you..." With reddened eyes, Christian looked at Lust and muttered "I won't lose anyone else..."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



Hearing the roar of the helicopters, Christian sighed with relief, then ran to the helicopter and helped Lust up "We're leaving"

Climbing quickly, Christian approached the pilots and spoke urgently "We don't have much time, maximum speed"


Although they didn't respond, Christian noticed the sudden increase in speed, causing him to sigh in relief and approach Lust.

Sitting down next to her, Christian slapped her lightly and spoke "Don't fall asleep, we're coming."

"I love it when you treat me badly *cough* *cough*"

"Stupid..." With concern, Christian spoke "We'll get there, don't talk and bear it"

"I don't think I can..." With a bitter smile, Lust whispered "I'm too cold... I'm sleepy... I can't stand it anymore"

Gritting his teeth, Christian bit his lips and thought quickly, then leaned close to the woman's ear and whispered "If you survive, I swear I'll fuck you for the rest of your life"

With a sudden twinkle in her eyes, Lust whispered haltingly "R-really?"

"I don't break my promises" Christian nodded earnestly.

"Ha... ha... ha... ha... Then I can't... die *cough*" Smiling, Lust whispered.


Sitting on the ground while firming his hair, Christian stared dazedly at the ground.

Since they arrived at the military base, Lust was quickly taken to the improvised military hospital, being already more than 2 hours in surgery, while Christian was healed without problems and was now waiting with the girls at the exit of the place.

Sitting next to Christian, all the girls looked at him with concern, knowing that the man is now on the verge of emotional collapse.

After another half hour, a woman with a face mask and came out "Your friend is stable, she'll survive"




Instantly, everyone let out a sigh of relief, while Christian seemed to melt to the floor.

"She will be in bed for about 1 to 2 months, after that she will be discharged, we are looking at her travel to the United States to receive better conditions" The woman continued speaking.

"Do what is necessary, if you take her to the United States, place her in the best hospital you can, no matter the cost, I will pay for it" Christian spoke as he looked at the woman with gratitude.

"That will be done" Nodded the woman, then withdrew without speaking further.


With a sudden silence, Christian looked at the place and seeing how empty it was, he spoke "Girls... do you want to continue in the army?"




Looking at each other in confusion, the women fell silent.

"I really... I don't want to stay in this shit" Looking up, Christian spoke with reddened eyes "Death, blood, war.... it really stresses me out, even more so in situations like these, where we are nothing but invaders destroying for no reason at all"

"And what shall we do..." Leaning against the wall, Envy commented as she looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"..." With a few seconds of silence, Christian finally sighed and spoke "I really don't know yet... but work for me, I'll give you a good amount of money as to not worry anymore and then we see what to do... maybe we can put together our own private army"

"I follow you" Answered Wrath wearily "I can't stand this shit anymore either... and you're our leader, I trust you"

"..." Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Pride spoke sincerely "You are the leader I recognize; I would follow you anywhere... but I want to buy my family a nice house, I can't follow you if I don't have money"

"Don't worry about that, we can buy them a mansion if you want..." Resting his head on his knees, Christian spoke weakly.

"If you do that, I'll pay you back by working for the rest of my life" With absolute seriousness, Pride replied.

"Then we'll see about that..." Turning his gaze to Gluttony, Christian asked "You'll do what?"

"I'm not short of money..." Shrugging his shoulders, Gluttony continued "But I'll follow you"

"And you?" Turning his gaze to Greed, Christian asked.

"I won't last long in the army anyway" With a slight smile, Greed continued "Besides, it would hurt my soul to leave a beauty like you in the cruel world"

Nodding with a slight smile, Christian looked at Envy "And you?"

"..." Staring at him in silence for a minute, Envy asked "Your plans are fun?"

"I tend to get bored quickly"

Smiling slightly, Envy replied "As long as you pay for my food, I have no problems"

"*Sigh* Then we're out of this shit when they take Lust away, in the meantime we'll just do close quests"

"You didn't ask me" Pursing her lips, Sloth spoke.

"You and I already have a deal; I don't need to ask you"

"But I feel bad if you don't ask me like the others..."

"What contract do you have?" Curious, Greed asked.

"When she gets out of the army, she'll be my slave"

"Sexual?" With a sudden twinkle in her eye, Greed asked with a smile.

"Because you're interested?" raising an eyebrow, Christian asked.

"If there's money in between, I'm really interested" Greed nodded quickly.

"But what are we going to do to get out? As far as I know, it's not that simple to get out of the army" Envy spoke with interest.

"Leave that to me, I have someone who will get us out whenever we want"

"*Sigh* It's so rewarding to have a rich sponsor" With a sigh of relief, Sloth spoke "I've had enough of this crap"

"What desperate women" Rolling his eyes, Christian stood up and stretched "I'll go get some rest, you should do the same, then we'll talk about what we'll do"

Without waiting for a response, Christian turned and walked with his injured leg limping towards his room.

Walking in a daze, Christian finally reached his own room in the compound, closed the door and collapsed on the floor.

With his hands in his hair, Christian had a completely blank look on his face.

Remembering all the civilians and children he killed, Christian simply could no longer bear to wear his mask and whispered in pain.

"How did my idea of saving children from a pedophile ring.... End up with me killing children..."

Looking down at his hands, Christian for a few seconds saw them covered in blood.

"I... I'm nothing but a demon"


1 week later.

With his snake on his shoulder and a military backpack on his back, Christian took one last look at the place and got on the military plane, being followed by his girls.

"Tsk, that bitch Lust gets to relax and lie down, while we have to sit for hours" With a snap of annoyance, Greed got on the plane.

Rolling his eyes, Christian set the backpack down with the others and sat down in the corner of the seat, then buckled in and waited quietly.

Sitting on either side of Christian, the women went about their business as the plane waited to fill up.

"You really brought that snake with you" Looking at the snake that appeared to be a python, Pride commented.

"It's my friend"

"I couldn't be friends with a snake"

"You're friends with Envy"

"Why are you attacking me?" with a frown, Envy looked at Christian and asked.

"I'm not attacking you, I always told you to look like a snake, and look at me, I sleep with one every day" Stroking Lilith's head, Christian smiled slightly.

"Shit, I was flirting with you all this time and you never gave me any signs, but now you're flirting with Envy's bitch!?" Opening her eyes wide, Greed looked at Christian and exclaimed.

Rolling his eyes, Christian spoke "I'm not flirting, I'm just telling the truth"


"..." Watching them silently, Christian only chuckled lightly, then watching the entrance close and spoke "Girls, I already planned what we'll do when we get there"

"What will we do?"

"I'll give each of you $10 million as advance pay, take a vacation for about two months"

In disbelief, they all turned to Christian, including Gula.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"10 m-million?" with a clipped voice, Greed asked.


"All at once?" Wrath asked.


"No taxes?" asked Gluttony.


"Can I buy whatever I want?" Pride asked.


"Can I buy a Ferrari-model?"

"Yes, yes and yes" Impatiently, Christian cut off Envy's question.

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, all the girls looked at each other.

"You why are you surprised? You're rich" Looking at Gluttony, Christian asked with confusion.

"Because my mother will never give me more than a million dollars at once!"



1 day later.

Stretching to relax his muscles, Christian looked up at the blue sky and sighed "I never thought it would feel so good to be back in this country"

Looking at his snake, Christian whispered "Beautiful, hide in my clothes for now, let's not scare people"

"Hisss~" hissing, Lilith began to crawl in between Christian's uniform, then curled around his torso and laid still.

"Good girl" Stroking her clothes, Christian nodded with satisfaction.

"Why the fuck did we get to Chicago, I hate Chicago!" grabbing her purse, Greed exclaimed.

"You can go by private jet if you want, you have $10 million" Grabbing her purse, Envy yawned and spoke.

"Actually the money is already in your accounts, I made the calls before I got on the plane" With a slight smile, Christian grabbed her purse and exited the plane.

"Now that you mention it, Chicago is a beautiful place" Laughing, Greed walked downstairs confidently.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Gluttony looking at Christian.


Edited By: Amiss


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