Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 171: Heaven’s gate

Chapter 171: Heaven’s gate

No one uttered a word or made a sound as they waited for Walter's answer.

"I...I didn't"

Walter said and waited for something to happen but realizing nothing happened, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

However, when he thought that nothing happened, he suddenly clutched his stomach as he started to cough blood.

"It seems you lied"

Davy Lambert rushed at Walter as his sons came to his father's aid.

"Make it stop"

Davy Lambert screamed at Don 

"Did you kill Eric, Rose's brother?"

He was still coughing up blood when Don asked 

"The more you lie, the faster you die, only the truth can save you now"

Walter wanted to lie but he couldn't endure the pain 

"Yes, yes, make it stop"

He screamed and stopped coughing up blood as he breathed heavily. Hearing him saying that he killed her brother, Rose shouted and cried as her eyes turned red.

"Now he's speaking the truth

The nobles were shocked when they saw the blood stopped coming out of his mouth.

"What black magic is this? How can we believe this?"

Don turned to see Manuel protesting from his seat

"You want to test it further? All right"

Don calmly said and looked at Walter

"Say, you're a six-legged animal with a long tail" 

Some of them grinned and waited for Walter's response

"Say it"

Don slightly raised his voice as Walter swallowed his saliva. He didn't want to feel the horrible pain again but looking at his killer gaze on him, he couldn't help but say it

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I'm a six-legged animal with a long tail"

The moment he said this, he started to cough up blood again and screamed in agony

"Did you kill the two girls or ordered someone to?"

"No, no I didn't, I didn't kill the girls "

He shouted but the blood hadn't stopped coming out of his mouth

"Why? how? he's telling the truth, they are alive"

One of the twins screamed at Don as Rose stopped crying and looked up at them


Don asked as Davy Lambert knew that his grandson just made things worse due to the love for his father

"In our warehouse"

"Stop, why didn't it stop?"

Davy Lambert shouted at Don as Walter still kept coughing up blood and his face already started to turn pale in color

"Adria, go to their warehouse now"

Arrora dashed at the twins and grabbed one of them by his neck

"Show me the way"

Before Davy Lambert could say anything about the way she grabbed his grandson like a chicken, she and his grandson disappeared.

"You were going to order to kill them, weren't you? "

While Walter was growing in agony Don asked as he flicked his wrist and a colorless potion appeared before him.

"This will neutralize the effects of the pill"

Davy Lambert didn't waste any time as he quickly grabbed the pill when he saw it floating towards him.

"Here, take this"

He didn't have the time or mindset to check the potion as he forced the liquid into Walter's mouth.

When he swallowed the potion, he stopped vomiting blood.

Lord Cleomo thought he would let him die by vomiting blood and screaming in agony, he never expected him to save Walter.

After a few minutes of waiting in silence, everyone heard Rose shouting and running towards the door as they saw Arrora entering the hall with a group of girls covered in which seemed like curtain cloth.

"Luna, Lily"

Don noticed the bruises on the son who went with Arrora to show the way.

"Aunt Rose"

The girls screamed as they rushed towards Rose and hugged her tightly.

While the three of them were having a reunion, Arrora came to Don

"I've found them in a room, they were constantly ravaged by them"

Arrora pointed at Walter and his sons

"And their friends, I can't even describe the place, your majesty. I can only save them, others"

Arrora closed her eyes and shook her head. She didn't expect the warehouse to be like hell for girls as when she entered the warehouse, she saw naked girls hanging on a hook like dead pigs, hands, and legs tied.

When she thought that it couldn't get worse, she saw the devices their captors used to torture them for pleasure. Many girls begged for her to kill them when she woke them as some of them, she couldn't wake up, they were already dead.

"Your majesty"

Arrora gave a coin to Don as he inspected it to see the engraving,

"Heaven's gate, what's this?"

"It's a membership token for the warehouse, only those who have it can enter"

"Do any of you know about this?"

Don controlled his impulse to massacre the Lambert family and turned to look at the other nobles because if they had a link to the warehouse or went there, he would kill them first and ask questions later because he wouldn't work with sinners like them or allow them to breathe in his kingdom.

"I swear your majesty, Pattyn family wouldn't in a million years go to a place like that or do such evil thing"

Jamie Patty quickly stood from his seat and swore at him as the other family head also said the same.

"Good, because I'll kill every single one of them who went there or even knew about its existence"

Davy Lambert felt the sudden urge to run away from the hall 

"Adria, I want you to capture every single piece of shits who had a hand in this, but don't kill them quickly, strip them naked and hang them in the town square, then cut off their manhoods "

Everyone hearing him swallowed their saliva and looked terrified especially the members of Lambert family

"Once you cut them off, heal them, then cut another part of their body, then heal them again, do it until you have no other parts to cut from their body"

Warren and Loren felt a cold chill running through their spines when they heard his sentence, it was a punishment worse than death, and death would be a gift to those culprits.

"This punishment should be a reminder for everyone who dares to rape a woman, sex without one's consent is rape, even if she's your wife. Man or woman, I don't care, if you rape someone, you'll get the same punishment in my kingdom "

Even though the punishment could not bring her brother or his wife back from death or erase what happened to her nephews, Rose felt like justice delivered when she heard him.

"Start with them"

He pointed at Walter and his two sons to Arrora as she nodded and looked at them with gritted teeth.


The nobles saw Davy Lambert's head flying in the air with his mouth still open. The twins screamed like they never witnessed a gory scene as they were bathing in the blood slashing from Davy's headless body.

"You have done and seen worse"

Arrora landed a kick on one twin's chest and punched the other in the face.

She dragged the three of them outside and started her hunt for the members of Heaven's gate as Don called out his guards

"bring Pedra Demet here"

The black-armored soldiers nodded and left the hall to get Pedra

"If she tells me the truth, I'll give her a quick death but if I find out the truth by using the pill, I'll let Vanneste family decide her fate"

Manuel Demet had no courage to speak after he witnessed what happened to Davy Lambert and heard his sentence to the culprits of Heaven's gate.

"Lord Clemo, take them to another hall and let them rest"

Don said looking at the girls and Rose

"Yes, your majesty"

Lord Clemo bowed and took the girls away from the hall as others waited for Pedra Demet to come. Tatianna Vanneste couldn't wait to see Pedra suffer like her sister did.

After waiting a few minutes, the black-armored men returned to the hall with a woman and a bunch of guards following her behind.

"Go find Adria and help her"

They bowed at Don and left the hall to find Arrora as Pedra stepped forward and bowed.

"Your majesty, I'm told that you summoned me"

No one would believe she would poison someone as she looked so innocent with her gentle smile and angelic eyes. She didn't seem like a woman in her late thirties but looked like she's in her late twenties.

Noticing Don's gaze on her, she tucked her golden hair behind her ears while Tatianna tried her hardest to control her anger.

However, when she turned her gaze away from Don, she saw the terrified faces of the nobles, especially her brother and the guards of the Lambert family. 

"Tell me, Pedra, did you give the order to poison Yashira?"

She was startled to hear him as she shook her head quickly.

"No, I didn't, your majesty,"

She said and turned her head slightly to look at her brother.


But when she turned she saw a pool of blood, head of Davy Lambert, and a lifeless body. Her scream echoed through the hall and after she screamed, Don sent the white pill directly into her mouth and before she could realize, the pill went all the way into her throat.

"What have you done? What was that?"

"Let's try this again, did you or did you not give the order to poison Yashira?"

He calmly asked while Manuel stood there without knowing what to do

"Of course, I didn't, I just told you, I've already had this conversation with Lord Warren before"

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