Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 172: Blood Bending

Chapter 172: Blood Bending

A smile appeared on Tatianna's face when she heard Pedra answer as she waited for her to start vomiting blood. And just as she expected, Pedra began to cough up blood and scream in agony as Manuel rushed at his sister just like Davy rushed at Walter.

"Give her the antidote potion please"

Manuel loved his sister so much to the point that he begged Don without minding his position as a patriarch of Clan Demet.

"Only if she tells the truth"

Manuel's eyes turned red in anger and helplessness but he could only swallow his anger and ask his sister to admit to the crime she committed.

"Ped, admit the truth, or"

He couldn't get himself to say she would die but Pedra was in no condition to hide the truth anymore as she was unable to bear any more of this pain

"Yes, I did, it was me who told them to poison Yashira"

She said slowly as Don sent the potion to Manuel.

"Here drink this"

Manuel quickly opened the potion and poured the liquid into her mouth

"Your majesty, she has to die just like my little sister"

Tatianna's stood up and said as tears started to flow out of her eyes


He felt lucky she chose this method considering now he could see what the poison arrows can do to a human.

"No, no please, don't kill my sister"

Manuel screamed at him seeing an arrow with a green fluid oozing from the tip.

"And Yashira was Tatianna's sister"

He said as the arrow flew at Pedra and pierced her shoulder before she could say anything.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It didn't even take a second to show its effects as her whole body started to turn green and blood began to flow out of her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

The pungent smell coming out of Pedra made even Manuel crawl back and close his mouth.

And then her whole body turned into ashes.

"No, Ped, Ped!"

Manuel grabbed the ashes from the ground and shouted looking the ashes in his hand

For a moment, Don's figure resembled a devil with two horns sitting on the throne for the nobles.

"The feud between Vanneste family and Demet family ends here"

Tatianna nodded as the guards shivered in fear behind her.

"The meeting is over"

The nobles stood up as Don nodded at them and disappeared from the hall.


When Don reached the chamber, he wiped away the blood coming out of his nose. He made them all believe in the truth pill and the antidote potion but they were nothing but candy and water.

Since he could manipulate or bend any liquids using battle energy, he used a forbidden technique and bent Walter's and Pedra's blood while fooling everyone that the pills actually work like he claimed them to be. 

Even with his cultivation level, blood bending still took a toll on his body but it was worth it as the nobles wouldn't try to fool him anymore and think twice before lying to him.

He felt weak as he took a few body strengthening pills and swallowed it like candies and then a few glasses of water. When he closed his eyes to meditate before leaving his chamber to meet Lord Clemo and the girls, he heard a commotion coming from the town square.

He could hear the people screaming, shouting, metal clashing and a lot of bones breaking. After meditating for a few minutes, he felt his strength returning and he stood up to leave the room.

"Your majesty"

Lord Clemo, Warren, and Loren bowed at him when he entered the hall where the girls were waiting for him. Unlike Lord Clemo and Warren, Loren looked pale and avoided direct eye contact with him while bowing.

"Your majesty"

Don looked down to see Rose was clutching his legs as he lifted her up 

"I can't bring back the dead, but I can give you and your nephews a new life, far away from here"

Warren was surprised to see him wiping away Rose's tears with his hand as no king or noble-born would do that to a peasant like Rose.

Rose nodded her head and stepped back as Don looked at the other girls and Lord Clemo

"Have you learned about them? Anything about their parents or relatives?"

"I've asked them, your majesty, but most of them wouldn't talk, some of them said they were slaves or orphans before everything"

Don sighed and looked at the girls

"I'd be lying if I say that I know how you feel, what you've been through is not something I can describe using mere words.its not easy to forget all this, but you must try, you're safe now. Don't think about taking your own life, someone once said to me, trauma is a fact of life, it does not, however, have to be your life end"

Even though he knew that his speech wouldn't do much good, he felt the need to say these words.

"Loren, try to talk to them and find out where are their parents or where did they come from"

She was a girl just like them so he thought that they might talk to her than Lord Clemo.

"Yes, your majesty"

Loren said as Warren stepped forward and knelt

"Forgive me, your majesty, I failed you by letting them do this under my nose"

"It's not completely your fault Warren, yes you could have stopped everything, but you don't have the necessary resources to manage something like that. Soon, I will form a special unit in Emir and Agoria to prevent the crimes from happening as well as investigate a crime"

Don motioned him to stand up and continued

"With that unit, I'm sure the crime rate would decrease and find the necessary evidence for you to punish the guilty, no matter his or her social status"

After seeing what's been happening in Emir, he decided to form the special unit as soon as possible. This time he was sure that Walter, his sons, and Pedra were guilty as he guessed but he knew that he couldn't keep guessing and if he kept doing that, one day he would definitely make a wrong guess.

"Loren, give them something to eat and wear"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Come on, let's go see what's happening outside"

Don started to leave the hall as Warren and Lord Clemo followed him behind.

When Don stepped outside, he saw two of his black armored men standing outside as the others had already left the castle to help Arrora as he ordered them to. The rest of the guards outside the castle were Emir's army and he could see their terrified faces.

Leaving the castle ground, he started to walk towards the town hall where the commotion is happening. On his way to the town hall, he couldn't see any people. As closer he got, the screaming, shouting, and metal clashing sound grew louder.

Finally, after walking a few minutes, he saw a crowd gathered in the town square and naked bodies of men tied up to long poles.

"Move out of the way, his majesty is coming"

The guards shouted at the crowd as they were too focused on the scene before them and failed to notice him coming.

"Your majesty"

"My lords"

The people quickly made way for him and bowed. In the center, he saw some of his black armored men were busy cutting the manhoods of youths and some oldmen as Arrora was kicking someone on the ground.

Her clothes had been dyed red by the blood of these criminals.

"How's it going?"

Don calmly asked Arrora as she turned her gaze away from the one she's beating to Don.

"I've rounded up some of the animals who went to the heaven's gate, the men are searching for the rest of them"

"Rose, what're you doing here?"

Warren noticed Rose coming to the scene and most of the people seemed to recognize her.

"I...I wanted to see them, my lord"

She looked up and found Walter and his two sons tied to the poles, naked and mutilated but they were still screaming in pain because when they faint, Arrora would make them drink the diluted healing potion to keep them from fainting.

Don didn't mind Rose as he even thought to make the girls watch the punishment but he realized that they now need a peaceful and friendlier environment than this.

"Anyone here is from other noble families?"

Arrora shook her head

"No, your majesty, most of them from Lambert family and others were just rich people who had nothing better to do"

As she said, she stomped the man under her feet and made the man cough up more blood.

"Is that a woman?"

Lord Clemo noticed a bloodied body with long hair and when he looked closer, he found out the body belongs to a woman.

"She's not a woman, Lord Clemo, she's a beast just like these piece of shits"

Warren and Lord Clemo couldn't believe that a woman like her indulged in the pleasure of sexually torturing other women. 

"This is totally fucked up"

Lord Clemo shook his head in disbelief and didn't feel any pity for the woman.

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