Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 199: Avoiding an unnecessary fight

Chapter 199: Avoiding an unnecessary fight

"You have completed the arena challenge"

The mechanical voice sounded as fireworks decorated the sky above the youths.

After the werewolves in the eighth wave, Don faced three more waves.

In each wave, he faced different mythical creatures such as one-eyed cyclops, a swarm of cockroaches the size of a cat, and finally a giant cobra that sent chills through everyone's spines.

For defeating the cyclops, he was rewarded with an armor set but he couldn't even touch the armor as it was shrouded with lightning cracks.

The lightning that covered the armor was even more powerful than the lightning bolts created by the hydra and he decided to ask Ken about what kind of armor or when he could wear that.

After the cyclops, he faced a swarm of nearly a thousand cockroaches. At first, some youths laughed at the cockroaches but no matter how many cockroaches Don killed, they always respawned and attacked him. Eventually, Don figured out that he had to kill the queen of the cockroaches who were hiding among the swarm to permanently kill the cockroaches.

The cockroach wave was the longest wave he had faced in the arena and what he was rewarded for killing those damn creatures almost made him go mad.

It was a ceramic plate and at first, Don thought that it could have some spirit hiding in it or some overpowered function but as far as he could tell, the plate had nothing magical to it.

The youths, however, had various ideas about the plate's magical function as someone said that the plate was so ancient and could provide unlimited amounts of food, someone said that the plate could summon a mythical beast to the aid as many youths like this, pondered about the plate's function.

And the last wave with the cobra was the hardest one for him. The cobra's scales were so tough as even the arrows from Don's bow could only make a tiny cut. It struck lightning fast with its poison coated fangs.

What made the cobra extremely the deadly opponent was its ability to summon a poison rain on him and if it wasn't for the shield, he would have melted considering the acidity of the poison.

If he couldn't conjure hell flame, he couldn't have defeated the cobra as only by coating the arrows with a thin layer of hell flame, he defeated it.

Without the hell flame, no one could defeat the cobra and fortunately, no one noticed the thin layer of the hell flame that Don used. What he was rewarded for the final wave was neither a weapon nor a blueprint nor an armor but an egg.

Unlike the ceramic plate, the egg radiated an immense amount of power as Don couldn't help but feel excited when he was holding the egg in his hands. He had no idea of what's inside the egg but after seeing the power it radiated, he knew that the egg was something extremely special and belonged to a powerful beast.

"Do you have a quill? I want to take an autograph from him"

Many youths wanted to talk to him and establish a friendship with him. The girls looked like they would do anything to make him fall in love with them.

"Let's get out of here"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Don sighed and walked into the light gateway.

"Young master"



The moment he stepped outside the light gateway, he saw a swarm of people running towards him.

He was extremely tired as he looked for Knight among the crowd 

"Make way for her royal highness, Princess Audrey of the Archeron Kingdom"

"Move out of the way, The Crown Prince of the Star Empire, his royal highness, Prince Reudan wants to meet the archer"

The crowd suddenly made way for the two big shots as Don saw the crown prince and Audrey walking towards him.

Princess Audrey let the crown prince talk to him first as she stood behind him.

"How do I address you? No one seems to know you"

Prince Reudan asked as everyone waited for Don's answer.

"Name is, Spectre, Prince Reudan, no one knows me because I'm not from this continent"

Reudan thought he was being arrogant by addressing him without any honorifics but hearing him saying that he's from another continent, he calmed down but still, he was pretty shocked, so was everyone.

"You from Elvenor Continent?"

"Yes, Prince Reudan"

Reudan frowned as he asked

"Then how did you get an ancient key?"

Although Don started to get irritated by Reudan's investigative tone, he chose to answer them in a calm and polite tone so he could avoid unnecessary trouble with the prince.

"My father bought one from a wandering heavenly mage, Prince Reudan, as for the mage's identity, he didn't give us one"

With a single sentence, he implied that his imaginary father is a very rich man and has a connection with a heavenly mage.

Reudan's empire had some heavenly mages and he knew what a single heavenly mage could do in a battle. Because of that, Reudan didn't keep talking to him with an authoritative voice but changed his tone to sound more friendly.

"Alright, Lord Spectre, I'll get straight to the point, do you have any intention to sell the items you got? Our empire would pay a hefty sum for your shield"

Don shook his head

"Sorry Prince Reudan, those items aren't mine to give you yet because the mage told us that he would have the first pick from my ring and only then, the remaining items would be mine, but what I'd do is that if he didn't pick the shield, I will take you up on your offer"

Many youths including Prince Reudan and Audrey were shocked to hear him as they expected that he would act arrogantly or refuse to give the shield right off the bat when Reudan asked.

"How do I contact you? Prince Reudan"

Don didn't give any time to Prince Reudan to ask any more questions


Prince Reudan was not dumb to initiate a fight that he couldn't win or fight for the items that practically belong to a heavenly mage. Reduan was in fact quite happy with Don's response as even if he didnt get the shield, the remaining items in his ring would also be very valuable to him, so he removed his chain and handed it over to Don.

"Inject life energy into the chain and I will appear before you"

Taking the chain, Don nodded at the Prince as he smiled and turned back to walk into the light gateway to get out of this level.

After the prince, Don expected that Audrey would step forward but surprisingly, she followed Prince Reudan without speaking to him.

Don didn't know that Audrey took the way he talked with Prince Reudan to avoid conflict as a lack of boldness for a warrior. However even if he knew what she thought about him, he wouldn't have cared.

"Lord Spectre, which gateway would you use to leave this dungeon?"

Don heard a familiar sweet voice as he turned to see Amara was walking towards him with a flirtatious smile.

The young master around him was pretty jealous of him seeing all the girls looking at him with sparkling eyes and their jealousy grew higher when the way that Amara smiled at him.

"Why do you ask, miss?"

Don pretended that he dont know her as she waved her hands

"Oh silly me, I'm Amara Wildon, core disciple of the Everlasting Sect in the Moon Empire, Young master Spectre"

She reached her hand out to shake his hands as Don sighed in his mind and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you miss Wildon"

He felt like touching a flower petal as her hands were so soft 

"We would honor to give you a tour around our humble sect if you grace us with your presence, young master Spectre, and I will personally make sure that you get everything you need when you get out from the dungeon after a tiresome journey"

"What a slut"

Aster mumbled when she saw Amara getting close to him with a seductive smile on her face while the youths felt their heart jump a beat since she emphasized the word "everything" with a smile.

Arrora was already super mad on Amara and seeing her trying to seduce Don, she wanted to rip her head off.

"If I come to moon empire, I will stop by at your sect, now if you excuse me, I shall go meet my friends"

"Young master, please give me an autograph"

The girls lined up before him with their hands reached out at him as some of them even showed their neck and chest area for him to write his name.

"Oh, come one"

The young masters cursed Don in their heart looking at the scene while some virgin young masters wiped their blood flowing out of their noses and adjusted their trousers.

"Shame I'm not him at this moment"

The tigress chuckled as Knight laughed with her and their laughter irritated Arrora even more.

He sighed and signed the name Spectre in some of the girls' hands and squeezed through the swarm of girls to reach Knight.

"Why don't you enjoy it a little more?"

Knight asked with a devilish grin 

"Let's get out of here"

He said and vanished into the light gateway.

"I'm not going to wash my hands"

"It's not fair, he didn't sign mine, but I slightly touched his arms"

"You can touch mine if you want"

Don heard the boys and girls quarrel before he disappeared into the light gateway with Knight, Arrora, and the tigress.

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