Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 200: The Rewards

Chapter 200: The Rewards

After they stepped out of the light gateway, they returned to the first where they camped out before. Unexpectedly, the daylight had almost gone and they were welcomed by the darkness of the evening.

"Time flies"

Arrora said after noticing the timer that showed that three and half days remaining till the portal opens.

"Let's camp out somewhere"

The tigress said as she walked into the dense forest with the three cubs.

On their way, Arrora or Knight did not talk anything about what happened before he entered the arena. The three of them walked in silence and followed the tigress into the forest.

"This place is good"

Knight scanned the area and made sure that there are no threats around them.

"You stay put, I'll raise the huts"

Knight said as Don nodded and sat on the ground while Arrora gathered dry woods to make fire as Knight raised the huts.

"You will be a legend when you return to your world"

The tigress and the cubs came to him and sat beside him.

Looking at the chubby fluffy cubs beside him, Don slightly rubbed their heads with his fingers as they happily purred.

"Hey, are you alright?"

The tigress asked as Don raised his head to see Arrora stumbling with dry woods in her hands. Arrora nodded her head but suddenly she dropped all the wood and fainted on the spot.

The three cubs rushed at her and tried to shake her with their tiny paws.

"The potion is wearing off"

Knight said when he noticed her facial hair disappearing.

"What potion?"

The tigress asked shockingly and saw her face transforming as well as her ears becoming pointy.

Seeing her body was transforming, the cubs jumped back in shock but after a few seconds, the cubs sniffed at her and realized that she was the same person as before.

"What did you two make him drink?"


Knight said to the tigress as Arrora slowly opened her eyes when her transformation was completed.

"you are a half-elf, I've never thought I'll see one in real life"

The tigress walked around her with wide eyes as the cubs crawled their way up on her body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Go change your robes"

Knight calmly said and waved his hand as the woods flew to the center.

"Do you mind?"

The tigress followed her behind the tree as Arrora frowned

"What? I'm not a human, you can change in front of me, besides, we are both girls after all"

Seeing she's stubbornly looking at her, the tigress rolled her eyes and walked back to the campfire with the tiger cubs.

"Why did you two change her into a man?"

Knight shrugged as Don sat before the fire transferring everything he got in the arena into his personal space ring.

"You don't have to tell me because I know, you three are trouble makers are you? That's why you changed your faces and all these secrecies"

While she was talking with them Arrora came to them after putting on a new robe and wearing a new face.

"Let's see what we got, shall we?"

Knight waved his hand as the four rewards he got appeared before him.

"Daggers, frost sword, Armor set, and this tablet"

The tigress opened her space ring and retrieved the four rewards she had gotten.

"Jade dagger, a bunch of arrows, armor that perfectly fit my body, pure life energy ingot"

The tiger cubs ran towards her and tried to bite the pure energy ingot as the tigress pulled them away from the ingot.

"You can't eat that"

The tiger cubs growled and stared at the energy licking their lips.

"What did you get?"

Knight asked Arrora as she flicked her wrist and retrieved the four items that she got.

"Cool shield"

Unlike Don's shield, Arrora's shield was in pristine condition

"Flaming sword"

The sword came with a scabbard as the moment Arrora unsheathed the sword from the scabbard, the orange flames appeared and enveloped the blade.

"Here, take this frost sword, I think they are meant to used together"

Knight pushed the frost sword towards Arrora and when she grabbed the frost sword in the hand and the flaming sword in the other, both swords hummed as Arrora could feel the power of the swords doubling.

"I'll teach you how to fight using two swords when we get back"

Don calmly said and already noticed the swords forging a connection with each other like they had a mind of their own.

While Arrora was checking the swords, Knight pulled the other item that Arrora acquired.

"Hmm, I wonder what can it do"

The spear before him looked nothing special, it had a grayish shaft etched with runes and various symbols. There was no doubt about the sharpness of the spearhead because just by looking at it, Knight could see the sharpness.

While Knight was checking out the spear, Don took the tablet and tried to make sense out of it.

"What's it say?"

Knight put the spear aside and asked Don.

"I think it shows how to forge metal limbs and attach to the body"

"That's interesting"

"Put those in your personal space ring " 

Don gave the tablet to Arrora as she nodded and sent the items into her space ring that Don gave him.

Knight also put his items into his ring and then their gazes fell on Don.

"Come on, I can't wait to see the cool toys you got"

Because of the tigress and the cubs, Arrora couldn't ask what happened before and Knight acted as nothing had happened. For the time being, Arrora decided not to ask any question.

The eyes of Knight and the tigress were brimming with expectation as he retrieved the items from his space ring, one by one.

It took him a few moments to take all the eleven items from his ring. The items that at the moment lying before him were the two tablets, the destroyer arrow, the armor that shrouded in bolts of lightning, a ceramic plate, a big chunk of metal, one egg, his shield, three long needle-like blades, a bow made of some ancient wood and a mace.

"May I?"

The tigress asked Don with full of excitement 

"Go ahead"

The three of them moved closer to Don and each of them took an item in their hand to take a closer look.

"Ouch, it hurts"

The tigress was electrified by the bolts of lightning shrouding the armor when she tried to touch the armor.

"How do you wear this if you cannot even touch it?"

The armor kept producing a buzzing sound as she asked annoyingly.

"I don't know"

 He shrugged and the tigress touched the ceramic plate cautiously fearing that it would do something like the armor.


However, when she touched the ceramic plate, she didn't feel anything, nothing at all.

"I think it's just a ceramic plate"

Don saw the tigress clawing and probably putting life energy into it to see if the plate could do something.

"How can the arena reward you with a normal plate? I bet there's something magical about it"

"Feel free to play with it"

While the tigress was trying to figure out the plate's function, Knight was studying the two tablets, and the more he spent time looking at the tablets, the more he got excited.

"We hit the jackpot, if we can assemble this ship, we would be an unstoppable force in the sea and this siege weapon looks like no joke too"

Even though they were not expert in ships or shipbuilding, they knew that the ship they could build according to the tablet would be an unstoppable force because the tablet indicated that the ship would produce powerful bolts of lightning to attack the other ships as well as have an impenetrable hull and many other deadly and powerful stuff.

"What do you think would come out of this egg?"

Arrora was gently holding the egg and asked them.

"No idea"

Don shrugged as the tigress looked closely at the egg.

"Hmm, the egg is radiating pure energy and I could feel two heartbeats inside it"

"I can hear it too"

Knight nodded. Since Knight and the tigress were magical beasts, they could sense the heartbeat better than Don or Arrora.

After meddling with the items, the three of them looked at the shield lying before them with an excited look on their faces.

Arrora couldn't compare her shield with Don's as Knight couldn't wait to toy around with the shield.

"Come to papa"

Knight raised his paw with a smile but his smile froze on his face when he saw the shield didn't even move an inch towards him.

Looking at the scene, Don was surprised too because the shield was made of metal and Knight could metal bend just like him.

"What are you doing raising your hand at the shield?"

The tigress chuckled looking at Knight standing there in three legs while pointing his one hand at the shield.

While laughing at Knight, the tigress stepped towards the shield and put her paw under it to lift it.

"It's heavy, I give it that"

Don looked at the tigress trying this hard to lift the shield with a surprised look on his face because when he was holding it, the shield felt light as a feather.

"It can't be that heavy"

Looking at the tigress trying her best to lift the shield, Arrora gently handed over the egg to Don and came to help the tigress.

The tigress breathed heavily after trying to lift the shield while Arrora put her hand on the shield to lift it up.

However, the veins on her face popped up as she tried to lift the shield up.

She even used her bound energy to strengthen her muscles to lift the shield but no matter how hard she tried, the shield didn't even move.

"How strong are you?"

The tigress looked at Don with a startled face as Don reached his hand out at the shield and the shield flew right into his arm.

"It seems only I can use this shield"

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