Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 174 Skewered

Seeing that I couldn't break free of the ropes with my strength alone, I started looking around the room for something that could help me break free.

I looked at all the others that were in the room with me, hoping that I could find something sharp to cut these ropes with.

However, I found that every single weapon that we had brought with us had been confiscated. Even the armour that our guards had been wearing had been taken away from them.

It seemed that these demons didn't play around.

They had been very thorough in confiscating the things away from us.

In fact, they might have even been a bit too thorough…

As my eyes adjusted to the light, or rather the lack of light, I was able to see things better. I could see that a few pieces of clothing that were supposed to be on the girls of our group…were missing.

It revealed more of their figure than it should have.

I couldn't help feeling that this was done on purpose by whoever had caught us so that they could take a closer look at their bodies…

At that same time though, I also felt a trace of anger since they had done the same with Haley and Cecilia.

I had already thought of these two as my women, so when there was someone who did something to my women…of course I would be mad.

But I quickly calmed myself down after this.

I knew that this wasn't the time to be thinking about this right now, the more important thing was to find a way out of this mess.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So I gathered myself and started looking around for something sharp to cut this rope.

However, there wasn't a single thing here in this room that I could use.

At the same time, I realized that this place that I thought was a room wasn't actually a room.

When my eyes adjusted and I was able to see it more clearly, I noticed that this place was actually a cave. There weren't any stalactites or stalagmites in this place, but the uneven stone floor and the stone walls around me were more than enough to show that this place was a cave.

But once again, that wasn't relevant to this current situation.

Since I wasn't able to find anything that could help me in the cave around me, I turned to my system.

I didn't know if there would be anything that could help me, but it was better than just lying around here helpless.

I pulled up the system's screen in front of my face and started going through the panels of the system, trying to find something that would help.

There was nothing that could help me in the quest panel, though I really didn't know what I was looking for there. Perhaps I had hoped that the quest information had changed and it would give me some kind of clue, but there was nothing there.

Then I went to the store panel, but that was just another bust since there was nothing currently in the store.

The only thing left after that was the inventory panel, but I really didn't know how a bunch of sex toys would help me in this situation…

That is until I suddenly remembered something.

I could pull the items in my inventory out with just a thought and that included choosing the location that it appeared in. There was a limit to this, but as long as it was around my body…then it would work.

So didn't that mean that as long as there was something that was sharp, I could have it appear in my hand or near the rope so that I could cut it?

When this thought appeared in my mind, I immediately started searching my inventory for something that was sharp…but I was quickly disappointed by what I saw in there.

The system's inventory was something that could only be used to store things that had been given to me by the system. It meant that I wasn't able to put a single thing inside that wasn't related to the system.

Otherwise, I would have put a basic survival kit in there a long time ago.

Since it was only the things that the system had given me…that meant that this inventory was currently filled with only sex toys.

There wasn't a single thing that wasn't a sex toy in this inventory.

And then the problem with sex toys was…

Since these were things that were meant to be used on the human body, whether they were put inside or used on the outside, they had to be safe to be used on the human body.

That meant that most of these things were…rounded!

There was no sharp edge to any of them, so I couldn't use them to cut myself free from these ropes…

For the nth time, I regretted what kind of system I had…

But there was nothing to gain from regret, so I tried to figure out a solution with what I had.

In the end, my eyes fell onto The Penetrator.

While it was a long shot, I felt that The Penetrator was my only hope in this situation.

The Penetrator's special ability was that it had 99% penetration to anything that it hit.

While this was mainly for blunt force, when blunt force was strong enough…it would be able to break things…such as the rope that was tying me.

So I was hoping that if it could be swung with enough force, it would be able to break through the rope that was tying me.

Once I had this idea, I didn't waste any time in bringing my tied hands together.

Then with a thought, The Penetrator's hilt appeared in my hand. The rest of it appeared and…it was caught on the rope that was on my feet.

Since my hands had been tied behind me and they were pointing down, when The Penetrator appeared in my hand, the dildo bat part of it was pointing down. With the way that it appeared, it got caught in the ropes that were on my feet.

If one looked at this from afar, they would see a very strange sight.

It was like I had been skewered by this very large and very purple thing.

I was like something that would be held over a bonfire and roasted with the way that it was caught in the ropes.

Even though I couldn't see it, I felt very strange just imagining it.

But this was also what I wanted.

With The Penetrator resting on the ropes on my feet, it would be easy for me to swing at it.

So after making sure that there was no one around, I swung the hilt of The Penetrator down and the dildo bat hit the ropes on my feet.

There was a shredding sound before the ropes on my feet were ripped to pieces. It shattered apart like they had imploded from the inside…

Just how much force was there that this happened?

But there was no time to think about that, so I quickly put The Penetrator away and then brought it out so that my feet were holding the hilt, while the dildo bat was resting on the ropes tying my hands.

Then with my feet, I swung it and shattered the ropes on my hands as well.

Just like that, I was free.

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