Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 175 Detection Ward

Once I was free, the first thing that I did…was rub my hands and feet.

The rope tying them up really was rough and with the rough movements that I made to try and escape from them, it really was hard on my hands and feet.

So I had to rub the rope burns that were on them before doing anything else.

When I was back to normal, I went to check the others.

I saw that all of them were still asleep even with the noise that I had made.

It seemed like whatever they had used to drug them, it really was powerful.

I could have woken them up, but there was something else that I wanted to do first.

While I was going through the system's inventory, I noticed something that I had received recently.

This was an item that I had only just received from the system not too long ago, so I hadn't had a chance to use it yet. However, it was the perfect thing for this situation.

With a thought, there was a small square tile that appeared in my hand.

This tile wasn't that big, only being a fourth of the size of my palm. However, there was a strange rune that was drawn on the tile.

After examining the tile for a bit, I brought it up to my lapel and pinned it there.

As soon as it was pinned in place, it felt like there was something that suddenly washed over me. This was a feeling that was similar to being covered in something invisible.

With this, I slowly moved towards the exit of this room, towards the source of light.

When I came up to the exit, I could see that there was a well lit room that was outside of the cave that we had all been tied up in. This place was also a cave, but it was well lit with lanterns and was even decorated with a few pieces of furniture.

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It didn't look like a normal cave at all, it was clear that there was someone that was living here…or rather there had been guards here until they left to get some food. I had heard the conversation between them earlier.

There wasn't much in this room other than two more exits that led away from this place.

Even the table that was here was also bare of anything other than a few playing cards.

It seemed that whoever had been on guard here had been taking it very easy…

But I didn't let myself get distracted by this.

Since there was no one else here, then there was no need for me to stay here.

I wanted to get information on the enemies before I did anything. After all, they would have never thought that I would be free and the element of surprise was the most powerful thing.

Looking between the two passages that I could choose from, I really couldn't see any difference.

So I made my choice with…

"Eenie meenie miney moe, catch a tiger by the toe…"

With this tried and tested method, I chose the passage on the left and quickly made my way away from this place.

As I was heading through this passage, I also made sure to leave some kind of tracks that only I would recognize. I found a few pebbles that I left on the ground that I made small marks on.

As for how I made those marks, these were actually the pieces of the rope that I had blown to smithereens.

I slowly made my way through this passage that was also surprisingly well lit with torches placed every so often.

As I made my way through though…I could hear a sound coming from in front of me.

They were a pair of footsteps.

Someone was coming this way!

The smart thing to do was to go back the way that I had come to find a place to hide so that I could avoid the ones that were currently coming this way, but I didn't do that.

Instead, I found a part of this hall that was rather dimly lit and I pinned myself up against the wall, not moving a single inch.

If one looked at me carefully, it wouldn't be hard for them to find me…but this was what I had chosen to do.

Most people would think that I was an idiot, but I had a plan.

The footsteps came closer and closer and as they did, there were a pair of voices that rang out.

These were different voices from the ones from before, but they seemed to be discussing something that I cared about.

"So the elves are all caught and tied up in the special cave?"

"That's right, I've heard that the only ones who are allowed to approach are the lord commander and his people."

"Well they are our special sacrifices after all."

At this, the two of them suddenly started laughing.

It was at this point that they appeared in my field of view.

They were just like the demons that I had seen in the game before.

These two looked like humans, except that their skin was blue and they had small horns on their heads.

Since they had appeared in my field of view, that also meant that I had appeared in their field of view.

However, even though they should have been able to see me, they didn't look at me at all.

It was almost as if I didn't exist.

They just kept talking amongst themselves as they walked through the corridor, walking right past where I was.

During the time that they had been walking through, I had been holding my breath and it was only when they were gone that I let it out.

I looked down at the small tile that was on my lapel and I couldn't help revealing a smile.

It was because of this tile that those demons who had walked by hadn't discovered me.

This tile was called the Detection Ward and as the name suggested, it blocked people's perception of me.

So as long as I didn't stand out on purpose, this thing would help hide me even if I was in plain sight.

As for why this kind of thing came from a sex toy system…

The description from the system was…

"Sometimes, a little mystery is needed in a relationship."

Simply put, it was to sneak into the bedroom without one's partner knowing and then surprising them.

Of course, with something that was as powerful as this, it could be used for the wrong purpose. So one had to be careful when using this kind of thing.

Or else it would be used for things like sneaking into a couple's room and then…having their way with the wife…

It was definitely something that could easily tear apart a marriage.

He had to be careful with this powerful thing.

Of course, he would never do something like that.

After making sure that they were gone, I continued forward.

I had to find this special room that they had mentioned since that was where Moon and the others were.

Though there was one person that I wasn't looking forward to seeing.

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