Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 254 Weakness

Chapter 254 Weakness

Shaka and I were both taken aback by this sudden question, but we reacted quite quickly since it wasn't as surprising.

After all, we already suspected that the duke knew that we were from Shadow Garden, or else the duke wouldn't have acted this way around us.

Since he wasn't beating around the bush anymore and playing unaware, there was no reason for us to pretend either.

This was a dangerous situation, so we should all do what we need to do.

I gave a simple nod in response to this.

Seeing this, the duke said, "Has there been any response? Are they going to send reinforcements?"

There was a hopeful tone at the end of his voice.

I turned to look at Shaka and he gave a slight shake of his head.

I gave a sigh before saying, "We haven't heard back from our superior yet, so we can't give you any information."

The duke's expression sank when he heard this.

After a long bit of silence, he said in a voice of despair, "Then is this it for our Bright Water City? Can we really not do anything for the people?"

As his voice trailed off, everyone just stood there in silence.

Not a single person here was able to respond to this question from the duke…after all, not a single one of us did have a plan to deal with the undead.

That was until Veronica suddenly said, "We can't give up like this."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When everyone heard this, they immediately turned to look at her in a daze.

Veronica suddenly slapped the table in front of her and said, "We are the only ones that can save Bright Water City. No matter how desperate this situation seems, we can't let ourselves fall to despair. No matter what, we have to think of a plan to deal with this. Not just for us, but also the people of this city."

They all kept staring at her in a daze as they listened to this, but then the duke also slammed his fist onto the table.

Everyone turned to look at the duke as he said with a determined look, "She's right, it is our responsibility to protect the people of this city, no matter how hopeless it seems. Do we really need someone who is half our age to remind us of this?"

The knights gathered looked at each other before nodding with determined looks on their faces.

They were right…they were the only ones that could protect the people of this city, so they couldn't let themselves be filled with despair now.

I couldn't help looking at Veronica with a surprised look.

I had thought that she was a spoiled young miss who acted willfully because she had been spoiled, but it seemed that the sense of justice that she had wasn't fake.

However, even if they had found their spirit, it wasn't as if they could think of a plan.

The undead were there and they knew how hard it was to deal with them. So even if they wanted to take care of this undead horde, it was impossible unless they could think of a method to do so.

There were a few ideas that were thrown out, but there wasn't anything that they could build on.

That was until Veronica suddenly turned to me to ask, "What kind of weakness did you find when you were experimenting on that undead?"

When they heard this, all of the knights and the duke turned to look at me as well.

That was because I had left out the part about my experimenting on the undead out.

It didn't seem important since there was nothing that I had really found about the undead, but since she was asking.

"Well it seems like potions work on the undead." I said in a calm voice.

"Potions…" The duke and the knights repeated before giving sighs.

Potions were just too expensive and there weren't that many of them in the city, even if this was a major trade city.

Based on the numbers that I had given them, it was impossible for them to gather enough potions to deal with all these undead in the first place.

Then I put the nail in the cabin by saying, "Weak potions won't be enough to deal any damage. We need at least a high potion to hurt them."

When they heard this, all of their expressions sank once more.

High potions…there was no way that they would have enough of those to deal with all of these zombies. Not to mention, there weren't many of them in the city in the first place.

Perhaps the large auction houses would have a few and the duke might have one or two in his storage, but beyond that, there would be nothing.

Seeing this, I remembered something else and said, "Fire also works since it burns them enough that they can't regenerate."

"Fire…" The duke and the knights repeated before shaking their heads again to deny this suggestion.

Fire was too devastating and if they couldn't control it, they might just burn down the city by trying to fight the undead.

Burning down their city just to stop the undead horde, it wouldn't be worth it.

So they would have to think of another way to deal with the undead horde…

But before anyone could say anything else, Veronica suddenly slapped the table and said, "That's it! We'll burn them all!"

Everyone looked at her with confused looks.

After all, just thinking about it a little would one understand that it wasn't worth burning down the city to burn the undead horde.

But Veronica didn't mind as she pulled the map on the table over.

She looked down at it for a few seconds before suddenly pointing at a spot on the map.

Everyone looked at where her finger was and they saw that it was pointing at a spot called "Wind Valley".

Then they couldn't help looking up at her with an even more confused look.

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