Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 255 Alcohol

Chapter 255 Alcohol

The duke didn't say anything at first as he looked at the area that Veronica was pointing at.

But then he said, "Even if we do trap them there, the wind will blow out any fire that we set. It's called Wind Valley for a reason."

Veronica didn't seem discouraged when she heard this. She just simply gave a nod of affirmation before saying, "That's right, the wind will blow out the fire."

After she said this, everyone couldn't help looking at her with a confused look.

Why did she sound so positive when saying this?

This was confirming that her plan wouldn't work since the fire wouldn't last to burn away the undead.

But then Veronica said, "But what if we used something to keep the fire going?"

At this, everyone revealed even more confused looks.

This seemed possible if they used something to keep the fire going, but where would they get that much of that thing?

The undead were getting closer to the city with each passing second and if they wanted to lure the undead to Wind Valley, they needed to do so right as they passed by it, which gave them even a shorter window to put this plan in action. This was around half a day for them to put this plan in action.

With such a short window, how were they able to gather all of this?

It didn't seem feasible no matter how one looked at it.

Veronica could see the look on their faces, but she didn't say a word as if she was keeping them in suspense.

Finally, after a bit, she said, "We'll use alcohol?"

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"Alcohol?" Everyone repeated after her with a confused look.

"Alcohol…" The duke also repeated with the same confused look, but his expression slowly started to change as if he was realizing something, "No, you can't mean…"

As soon as his voice trailed off, he turned to look at Veronica and he found that she was looking at him with a sly smile on her face.

"No, please, anything but that." The duke said almost as if he was pleading with her.

But Veronica just had that same sly smile on her face as she said, "Daddy, this is to protect Bright Water City. I'm sure you can make a small sacrifice like this?"

Though he understood that what she said was correct, the duke still couldn't help revealing a pained and unwilling look. After all, what she was talking about was the precious treasure that he had spent years gathering…it was his treasure that was only second to his daughter.

Veronica just ignored him and said, "We'll take all of the alcohol from my father's wine warehouse and use that to drench the undead in."

When they heard this, all of the knights revealed surprised looks before looking at the duke with sympathy.

It was a well known fact that the duke was an enjoyer of fine alcohol, so he had spent quite a bit of his personal money on building this wine warehouse. It contained fine wines from all over the kingdom, so the money spent on this wasn't cheap.

It was enough to buy several manors that were the same size as the one the duke currently used and still have spare change.

This was something that he had spent many years on building and before he could even enjoy it, he had to use it like this.

As fellow men, they could understand the pain that this caused him.

In the end, the duke gave a sigh as if he had found closure with this and said, "The people of the city come first. Take the alcohol and do what you need to do."

At this, all of the knights gave a sympathetic nod towards the duke.

Even Shaka and I couldn't help giving a sympathetic nod.

After all, we were men too and we understood the pain that the duke must be feeling.

After hearing this, Veronica didn't waste any time in saying, "Just in case, try to get some alcohol from the bars. We don't want to regret not getting enough when we could."

The knights all nodded in response to this, but then one of them suddenly asked, "What about the money? Do we just take the alcohol and say that it's for the good of the city? Or do we pay for it?"

Veronica didn't miss a beat as she said, "Take the money out of my father's wine collecting stash. Since it's all alcohol, it doesn't matter where it's used."

When the duke heard this, his expression sank and he looked like he was about to die.

This daughter of his…not only was she destroying the treasure that he had spent many years and a large sum to gather, she was even cutting off the future of his enjoyment. This stash that she talked about was the money that he set aside to gather even more alcohol, but now she wanted to use it here…

That would mean that he wouldn't be able to buy more alcohol in the future!

Or at least until the next tax season where he would be able to set aside some more money.

This was just too much…

Veronica then turned to say, "Daddy, this is an emergency. We have to think about the people."

The duke's face twisted when he heard this.

He couldn't help thinking that he had really raised a sly daughter.

After all, she was even calling him 'daddy' when she spoke directly to him to trigger his feelings for her. He had already heard her call him 'her father' when she talked to the others, so he knew exactly what she was doing…

But in the end, he couldn't win against her.

So with a sigh, the duke said, "Gather all the men other than the bare minimum needed to protect the city. We ride out in an hour."

The knights all revealed serious looks and bowed to the duke before walking out of the room.

Since the duke had given the order, there was no more hesitation.

This was a fight for their city, for their family, so there could be no hesitation.

The only one who felt a bit of regret was the duke, but he had already lost much more than the others so it couldn't be blamed on him.

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