Speed Is King

Chapter 241 Born Ready

“Maybe if I could find the black, green and white dragon blood essences and complete their entire set, I would be able to unlock that potential.” He thought to himself and resolved to search for those three blood essences as soon as he could.

The road to ultimate power was really long, and even though Elliot was well into his journey, he could only be considered as a novice adventurer!

“If that’s the case, then I should call my energy… the Cosmic Dragon Energy!” Elliot decided with a satisfied and happy smile.

“Cosmic because the dragons probably belonged in the wild and vast outer space, and dragon well… what else can I call it? Lizard?” Elliot chuckled at his own lame joke.

“Take this! Cosmic Lizard Energy! Hahaha.” Elliot laughed as he actually took his own joke one step further.

In his public mindspace, the chatter immediately resumed as his beasts finally realized that Elliot was done with his power up session.

“Guys, we need to find a mate for our master immediately.” Brock announced seriously to his beast mates. “He seems to have become totally insane. And if we allow this to go on, it wouldn’t be long till his insanity makes him stupid. We don’t want a stupid, crazy master who goes around collecting lizards, do we?”

“I second that.” Winter said gravely in a rare show of camaraderie with Brock.

“Third.” Red drawled lazily. But of course, being Red, he wouldn’t stop at just one word.

“This little pipsqueak is growing too fast. And all his growth is due to one thing and one thing only. He has too much time in his hands. He needs to spend more time with his mate doing bedroom stuff. That way, he wouldn’t grow too strong too fast and make it impossible for his enemies to kill him. We need him to die so that we can get his inheritance, you know.”

“Bedroom stuff? What’s that?” Ellie asked curiously. “Eating on the bed?”

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“Of course not.” Rex snapped at Ellie. “Why would they eat in bed? Bedroom stuff is obviously cleaning up. Not everyone enjoys sleeping in dirty beds like you!”

The adults glanced at each other, and then glanced away. Nobody wanted to be the one who breaks the kids out of their innocent bubble.

“Fourth.” Rom said mildly to break the awkward silence.

“Fifth.” Khellendra said as well. “But the question is, do we look for a human female, or a dragon female? At the rate he’s evolving, he will probably end up being more dragon than even dragons like me.”

“Hmmmm.” Khalendros nodded in agreement.

“Human, of course.” Aldera said. “I am rooting for that Camelia girl. She obviously likes him. And she’s pretty too.”

“Human, yes. But not Camelia. I say Kara. She’s younger, and can bear more children.” Brock said.

“Why not both?” Red asked.

“No!” Came the shouts of all the female beasts in unison.

“True males only have one partner.” Khellendra said gravely and gave Khalendros a withering glare.

“Huh? Why are you glaring at me. I support that statement wholeheartedly!” Khalendros protested.

“I know. Just making sure you know how I feel about it. Hehehe.” Khellendra laughed.

“I disagree.” Red immediately replied. “True males are generous with the gift of their genes. They need to impregnate as many females as possible so they can have thousands of kids and bless their race with the power locked within their DNA.”

“Birds, maybe. But definitely not the rest of us.” Winter snorted at Red.

“Wu Kong, why are you so quiet? What’s going on there with you?” Brock said.

“He’s fighting… again.” Brock said with a deep sigh. “See? You Beast Apostles should be ashamed of yourselves. You have the power to help our master strengthen up by gaining levels, and yet here you are, idling chatting useless topics with us. Shame shame. Go and learn a thing or two from Wu Kong!”

“Who said I am not fighting? I am fighting! I am fighting very hard! If there’s some sort of contribution chart for us Apostles, I am sure I would rank at the very top!” Red said lazily with a yawn.

Of course nobody believed a single word he said.

But his words had sparked a very interesting question. Who among Elliot’s beasts had the highest contribution?

In fact, Elliot, who was only half listening to the chatter of his beasts, perked up and wondered if Hawk the AI could produce a chart like what Red said.

However, before he could ask Hawk to do that, a very wise comment from the most unexpected beast changed his mind!

“Each one of us has different roles to play. No one is more important, and no one is less important. We are like a body. The brain is not more important than the hand. Without the brain, the body would not live. Without the hand, the body would not be able to do critical things that would ensure its survival. No contribution chart can capture the importance of each and everyone of us.” Said little Kai.

At his words, everyone grew silent.

It was true. They all had different functions within Elliot’s plans and were all equally important to him!

“Very good, little Kai. So young, and already so wise.” Elliot praised the little baby Specter Wolf.

Aldera and Rom smiled at each proudly. Kai was their son! Aldera had very recently given birth to Kai, and he was automatically Elliot’s tamed beast as the contract she had signed with Elliot had taken form with Kai as well.

So he had access to the public mindspace and could communicate within it even though he was only a few days old!

“Are you ready to sign a Beast Apostle Contract with me?” Elliot asked him.

“Of course Master. I am born ready.” Kai said serenely.

If those words came out of any other beast, it would sound extremely cheesy.

But for Kai, those words were actually true. He WAS born ready!

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