Speed Is King

Chapter 242 Dumb idiot

“A few days old and already a Beast Apostle of the hottest hotshot in the hottest part of the universe.” Brock sighed deeply. “I am envious.”

However, he didn’t say it unkindly. He said it because he didn’t want Kai to relax and take life easily. If he did that, then he would squander the lead that he had on them and would definitely not catch up with the rest of the geniuses of the universe! Red said those words to spur Kai’s fighting spirit!

“Thank you for your kind words Uncle Brock and Uncle Red. I will make sure I make you all and Master proud.” Kai said with a quiet and confident smile. He completely understood Red’s heart. He may be just a few days old, but his soul was a great one, and he easily grasped the reality of things.

If there was a bigger freak in that particular corner of the universe, even the author would be surprised!

“Well said. Kai, I will give you the title…”

“Chaos, Master. Please give me Chaos.” Kai said quietly.

“Hmmm? I was about to give you Time. Why Chaos? It’s my most powerful Element.” Elliot asked, feeling deeply intrigued.

“Because I can feel my destiny very clearly. And in that destiny, I will stand above the entire universe and… present it to you. And to do so, I need your strongest Element.” Kai said seriously.

At that moment, Elliot recalled Aldera’s words describing the many visions she had when he first signed a contract with her.

“A vision of Kai ahead of an army of beasts, going against General Specter and his Shadow Wolves.” Aldera had said. “However, he wasn’t the commander of the beast army. In my visions, he was merely the Commander’s Battlemount. You, Master, are the Army’s Commander.”


[Clairvoyance skill activated.]

“Clairvoyance? Isn’t that the skill I got from Aldera which I had never used before? Why is it activating now… WHOA!” Elliot gasped lightly as he was plunged into a clear vision of the future. It only lasted a split second, but Elliot completely understood everything.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In that split second, Elliot could see Kai truly standing above a vast constellation of stars and planets, and before him were fleets upon fleets upon fleets of Spacecraft, in neat formation, and awaiting his orders.

In turn, Kai was kneeling before him, awaiting HIS orders!

But far more powerful than the sight of the vision that he saw was the feeling of sheer dominance that Kai was giving out.

He was the reason the millions upon millions of spacecraft remained obediently in their places as they awaited his orders. And fleets do not sit still obediently because they were led by a weakling.

No, in that vision, Kai completely ruled the fleets with an iron fist.

And he did so in Elliot’s name.

“You really weren’t kidding at all.” Elliot murmured lightly to Kai. “Very well. The Chaos Apostle is yours.”

[Please select an Apostle Element for Kai Kyzto.]

“I choose the Divine Element – Chaos!”

[Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto has received three unique skills.]

[Chaos Bind – Immobilize all enemies within 10 square meters.]

[Chaos Strike – Add a 1000% Chaos Damage multiplier on all outgoing damage.]

[Chaos Shell – Absorb all incoming damage and convert to health for 10 seconds.]

[Received Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto’s Unique Skill – Chaos Bind.]

[Received Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto’s Unique Skill – Chaos Strike.]

[Received Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto’s Unique Skill – Chaos Shell.]

[Received Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto’s Skill – Spectral Aura.]

[Please select a skill to grant Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto.]

“I choose Blink!” Elliot said.

[Chaos Apostle Kai Kyzto has received [Blink].]

And with that, Elliot got his Chaos Apostle.

At that moment, he had 8 Beast Apostles.

Basic Elements.

Gold Element – N/A

Wood Element – N/A

Water Element – Frosty (Ice)

Fire Element – Rom

Earth Element – N/A

Advanced Elements.

Lightning Element – Wu Kong

Wind Element – Red

Royal Elements

Space Element – Khellendra

Time Element – N/A

Light Element – Aldera

Dark Element – Khalendros

Divine Element

Chaos Element – Kai

Only 4 spots were left!

“How time flies and how quickly things change.” Elliot sighed as he slowly made his way back to the surface. “Just last month, I was a weakling who was lucky enough to reach the endgame of the Games. Now… I seek to rule the universe.”

However, before he could reach the surface, Elliot could distinctly feel his moles approaching. True enough…


“OWWWW! Master is that you? What are you doing in the middle of nowhere?” A mole cried out.




“HEY! Who’s the dumb idiot who stopped in the middle of nowhere?”

Elliot chuckled loudly and immediately continued to surface.

“Come join me on the surface.” He ordered his moles. “I’m sick and tired of being underground.”

“AHHH IT’S MASTER! Master! It wasn’t me who said that you’re a dumb idiot!” Cried the mole who just called him a dumb idiot.

Elliot rolled his eyes.

His moles were truly Red’s kindred spirits. They were a noisy bunch, and would not hesitate to lie to get out of tough situations. Thankfully he could detect their lies as easily as he could see a mountain while standing under one.

He burst out of the ground and gave a happy sigh as he beheld the wonderful sun and the fresh air once more. The birds were squawking loudly and the spaceships were flying by lazily…

Wait… Spaceships??

What the heck? Where did all the spaceships come from??

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