Speed Is King

Chapter 245 Batshit Crazy

“Jenn, do you see the rune as the picture that little freak does?” Elliot whispered loudly to Jennifer, who giggled uncontrollably at his words.

“Hey! Stop calling me freak. Genius, once a millenium stellar talent, anything else is good, but not freak!” Jessica glared at them both fiercely.

“Big bro, I don’t see it as clearly as that little freak does, but I can roughly see the main points of the story.” Jennifer whispered back so loudly that she might as well shout.

“Hmph! Call me freak one more time, and I won’t help you both master the runes!” Jessica pouted.

“Mwa ha ha! Of course. Of course. What else? Praise me more!” Jessica laughed maniacally and demanded more praise!

“Yes, and also the greatest airhead in the universe! So big and so great that you can launch a hot air balloon service with your head serving as the hot air balloon!” Jennifer immediately said.

“You! Take this! Haiyaaaaa!!” Jessica launched a powerful jab with her little right fist!

“You want to attack me with such weak attack? You truly are an airhead!” Jennifer parried Jessica’s jab easily with her left hand and launched a quick jab of her own at Jessica!

“Ha! To use the exact same move you just declared as airhead-y, it would take someone who is DOUBLY airhead to do that!” Jessica shouted triumphantly and parried Jennifer’s attack easily as well!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And with that, both girls immediately began a series of impressive, high speed punching session that truly showcased their incredible fighting technique and skills!

Elliot merely stepped back and gave his sisters some space to spar. He was particularly interested to find out just how skillful they were.

To his surprise, both girls showed a level of technique that was actually as high, if not higher than his!

“Just where did they pick up those skills?” Elliot wondered to himself, feeling amazed. “These two kiddos are really full of surprises today!”

While the two girls were fighting, Elliot took the chance to debrief his moles.

“Reporting to Master! We have searched high and low, well mostly low, across a huge amount of space, maybe even half the world! And found only a small bit of life seeds left! There are none left in this world!” The lead mole declared confidently as he unloaded the small pile of life seeds he and his group found in front of Elliot.

“Hmmmm. Right. Good job. Don’t stop searching. Let me know when you find some more!” Elliot dismissed his moles.

“As you command, Lord Master Elliot, Master Lord Sir!” The lead mole shouted, saluted like a little soldier, and scampered away.

“None left in the immediate surroundings. I wonder if there are such seeds in other states, or in other continents.” Elliot mused. He did not, of course, believe even for a second that the moles had covered “half the world” as he had claimed.

More like “half the mountain range.”.

Maybe not even that!

“However, without the combination with the deconstructed living armor, whoever got the life seeds only got half the materials needed to create the powerful synergy between the mysterious life and death energy. So I don’t have to worry about suddenly finding an opponent that’s as strong as, or stronger than me with a similar energy base.” Elliot thought to himself.

“I am still at the top of the foodchain here, if I exclude the bounty hunters. I have to be careful and be on guard against them, but there are no reason not to expand my operations. I will lead the girls out to slowly and carefully look for more survivors soon.” Elliot decided.

“And to participate in the monthly race that should be happening very soon. With my current level, the rewards from the monthly race aren’t very attractive. But if they doubled or even tripled it as they did the other events, then it’s still quite worth it to participate. I might even get another sponsor!”

However, right at that moment, within the Gaming Commission, Elliot’s fate for the next few days was being decided for him.

“So, beast tide?” El’Taras asked his Board of Directors.

“Just how many beasts at the King level do you want to waste on him.” Grumbled a thin looking apparation that winked in and out of existence.

“A lot. And Emperor level beasts too. Unless someone here has a hegemon fugitive that they want to contribute…” El’Taras asked his Board of Directors slyly.

“Why waste our Hegemon Fugitives when there are already so many Hegemons on the planet? Just make the next event an open world event for Elliot. The Hegemons would come swarming in and he’ll have his glorious fight, and we’ll get our money from the gambling.” The apparation said.

“Because, my dear Sightless Xar Wraith, that would defeat the purpose of sending him into a Hidden Dungeon in the first place. We want to fatten him up, remember?” El’Taras said patiently. “Allowing him to get swarmed by Hegemons would simply cause him to die before his time. We’ll make a loss ” El’Taras said patiently.

“How about this. Let’s set up a pre-monthly race bonus mission called “Eradicating Emperors and Hunting Hegemons”. All life forms within the Planet are allowed to participate. Kill an Emperor or a Hegemon openly and receive exciting prizes!” A beautiful woman in white fur coat said softly.

Her gentle and beautiful voice contrasted wildly with the bloodthirsty idea that she was proposing.

“This will help us reduce the number of bounty hunters in the Planet, as well as give Elliot a chance to launch his own attack on the Emperors and Hegemons that are hunting him.”

El’Taras’ response to her was a brilliant, brilliant smile, even as the other directors shouted and screamed their protests.

“We have allies in the Planet! I object!”

“You’re crazy, Nine Tailed Demon Fox! Batshit crazy!”

“Those are not players! Why involve them? You’ll turn the situation into complete chaos!”

However, El’Taras only laughed out loud.

“Let the Eradicating Emperors and Hunting Hegemons Game begin!”

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