Speed Is King

Chapter 246 Beast Tide

“The Games of Planet Earth is descending into chaos. Emperors. Hegemons. And even Ancients are running amok on the planet without the authorization of the Gaming Commission.

To re-establish equilibrium and of course, to increase the stakes and the thrill of the Games, we are implementing a month long Special Event. A unique, never seen before game called Eradicating Emperors and Hunting Hegemons.

Any life form recorded killing an Emperor or a Hegemon will receive great prizes! An Emperor is worth one point, and a Hegemon is worth a hundred points.

Each point can be traded for one resource planet, or for rare treasures in the Gaming Commission’s Treasure Pavillion.

Additionally, after one month, the top killer will receive Ten Resplendent Tokens.

Resplendent Tokens grant access to the once a millenial opening of the “Realm of Treasures”!

There are no prizes for second best.

The Special Event: Eradicating Emperors and Hunting Hegemons begins… now.

Good luck!”

Psionic waves transmitted the message once every minute on the minute for fifteen minutes to every life form on earth.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Elliot was just thinking about what he should do first when the announcement sounded.

As one, Jessica and Jennifer swivelled their heads to look at Elliot. In the Diamond Sponsor VIP Room, all four fans (yes, including Aunt Hills) turned their eyes to look at Elliot too.

He was the focal point for all of them at that moment. Their days were all about him, and for his two sisters, their lives were in his hands.

His decision would drastically impact them for the whole of next month!

Elliot’s mind started to race as he considered the risk and reward. Previously, he would definitely avoid hegemons at all costs.

Afterall, his sisters were too weak to deal with hegemons. But if such enticing rewards were in place, then…

“No.” Jessica said.

“I agree.” Jennifer said while narrowing her eyes.

“No? No what?” Elliot pretended to ask.

“No I won’t hide away while you go Hegemon hunting.” Jessica shook her head.

“We want to join in the fun as well.” Jennifer said resolutely.

“… … you both JUST agreed with me that it’s too dangerous to deal with Hegemons right now!” Elliot said with a frown.

“Yes, and if you remember, I said that we will stick so close to you that Jessica will fly away when you fart!” Jennifer replied.

“The safest place on this planet is next to you, and you know it.” Jessica said.

“Not if I’m out hunting Hegemons! That would be extremely dangerous!” Elliot protested.

“ESPECIALLY if you’re out hunting Hegemons. If you piss off a Hegemon who has info about you, and they come after us, who will protect us then, huh? It’s much safer if we are next to you!” Jessica said loudly.

Elliot could feel a headache coming.

Jessica was actually right!

The cloaking device Elliot had received from Director Sands could hide them from the cameras of the Gaming Commission. But it was completely useless against the senses of a Hegemon hellbent on searching for them.

Sooner or later, they would be caught! And even if they weren’t, there was no way to hide four hundred survivors.

Leaving them would be equivalent to sentencing them to death!

“This is going to be tricky.” Elliot sighed as he felt the weight of responsibility hanging heavily on his shoulders. “If only there was a dimensional storage for living beings that could fit all of them…”

Not five seconds passed after he opened his mouth and said those words when a slight shimmer of energy appeared near him.


[Hidden Dungeon Challenge – Beast Tide initiated.]

[Survive the Beast Tide to win a spectacular prize called Portable Dimensional Fortress!]

Elliot’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Isn’t that exactly what I just wished for?? Oh my God. Could it be that someone in the Gaming Commission is granting wishes right now? Let’s try it out! I wish for a thousand S grade resource boxes!” Elliot shouted.

But of course, nothing happened.

“Stingy.” Elliot muttered.

“Exactly what you wished for? You wished for a Portable Dimensional Fortress, Big Bro?” Jessica asked.

“Yes. How did… wait. You got the Hidden Dungeon Challenge as well?” Elliot asked.

There was no need for Jessica to answer because at that moment, space shimmered around all three of them, and they suddenly found themselves standing atop a thin, ten storey tower that could only fit around ten people on it.

They were obviously no longer on the planet as three bright suns shone down from a clear, light brownish sky.

The tower they were on stood proud but exceedingly lonely, surrounded by a vast and seemingly endless grassland with absolutely nothing else around them.

With so many suns, their vision was completely unobstructed and they could literally see everything for thousands of kilometers away.

Yes, thousands.

The planet they were in must be extremely huge for its curvature to be completely unnoticeable even across such great distances.

The grassland around them was so endlessly vast that its size felt suffocating to them!

“Yeah… Wow… I’ve never felt so small in my life.” Jessica said in a small voice.

“Don’t worry, I am definitely strong enough to deal with whatever the Gaming Commission has to throw at us. I will make sure we leave this dungeon alive and victorious!” Elliot said with supreme confidence.

“I believe you, big bro. Even though we’re just tiny specks of dust here on this strange place, with you around, we would be the strongest, deadliest and most violent specks of dust ever!” Jennifer said.

“I agree!” Jessica immediately said as well.

As before, both girls quickly regained their courage at the thought of having their powerful big bro with them!

“I won’t disappoint you two. And now… if we are to face a beast tide, then it is only fair that I send out a beast tide of my own.” Elliot said with a smile.

“Come out, all of you!” Elliot shouted grandly.

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