Spy Mage System

Chapter 135

135 Once Again: A Whole New Level

However, as I was running from the kitchen, Rocke got up, and I can perceive you he burned through no time pursuing me.

I went to the side similarly as he came running at me with a clench hand that was so quick it nearly looked as though it were moving in sluggish movement. However at that point abruptly it was moving at super speed and hit me square on my chest, which made me snort and tumble to my knees as the air was taken out of me.

I moved something like 20 feet on the ground, covering myself in this red fire or anything it was that covered me from head to toe as I arrived in this glass case. However at that point abruptly this glass fell to pieces and tumbled to the floor as I kept on moving around in it.

I at last halted and got up with a moan as I saw Rocke running towards me once more, as his eyes shined red once more.

I yelled to myself, “Get up!”

I got up so as to dodge his punch, as I tossed one back, hitting him square on his jaw as he staggered in reverse a couple of steps. Yet again however at that point he quickly hopped forward, hitting me in the stomach as I multiplied over from the blow. He swung a punch at my head and finished a kick to my chest.

I immediately kicked him in the thigh, breaking his development enough to finish a decent kick, however at that point he out of nowhere moved around and handled me from behind as I was going for my Advantage! He constrained my arms into a lock while I attempted to liberate myself from his hold, however he kept it secured while he started hitting me in my side with his clench hands!

Out of nowhere, he bounced high out of sight, and his speeding clench hand sped towards me, and it seemed like it would crush squarely into my face, however at that point he took an alternate route and threw one more punch at me that hit me in my stomach.

I hacked brutally as I battled beyond his control, however at that point unexpectedly he started to hammer his clench hand into my stomach again and again.


Then, at that point, he snatched me, the breeze lashing against my body, and he tossed me down, as I sped towards the ground at extraordinary speed, likely at around 80mph, thinking about everything that have occurred, I could hear myself shouting as I flew through the air, as I collided with a wall and felt something pop in my left eye.

I felt like I planned to drop from the aggravation, as my body was crushing me into the ground with my face first. I hacked savagely by and by as I gazed toward him while he remained over me, panting.He peered down at me with a mischievous grin, as his eyes shined red.

“You... won’t ever win... against... me,” he said, grinning violently as he inclined forward towards me.

“You will never under any circumstance win against me.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I was unable to try and move, or do anything. I felt frail, skinny, defenseless... and that was all there was to it for me. He didn’t have to clutch me to hold me back from getting away.

“I want to believe that you know that,” he expressed, peering down at me like some insect, “since I will kill you.”

Out of nowhere the words started to stream out of my mouth while I gazed at him:

“You... will... pass on... today.”

And afterward right then, I felt a crazy intensity on my body once more, and I previously perceived what it was. My fire had gone to another level: Blue.

Gradually I rose starting from the earliest stage, ascending in the air, as fire dragged along me like a cape, as though I were a phoenix of some sort. Furthermore, unexpectedly Rocke’s eyes enlarged as he understood what had simply happened to him.

He watched in dismay as my fire consumed with extreme heat from me as it encompassed me from head to toe in blue fire. However at that point he did likewise, with the exception of his was as yet red. However, he ascended, crashing through the roof and spreading the word about it so that every one of them might see. Everybody in the docks had their eyes extended, shock composed all around their countenances, as they remained there in shock.

Rocke’s eyes flared with red fierceness as he watched me fly up high towards him while blue blazes dragged along me like a cape. “This will be fun,” he mumbled, speeding towards me.

Presently I never anticipated that this should occur, yet I must use by mind here.

What do I am familiar with Rocke’s battle abilities?

1. He knows a great deal, truth be told.

2. He’s quick

3. He realizes his fire Advantages

4. He knows how to utilize them alright to battle somebody with it

5. He knows how to battle overall.

6. He gets a kick out of the chance to go over the top excess, particularly with regards to battling another person.

7. He appreciates obliterating things that aren’t him.

8. He adores obliterating things that are him.

So presently I know he will attempt to needless excess me and utilize his fire Advantage against me, in any capacity he can.

Rapidly, I shot out a burst of discharge at him, hitting him in the chest however not hard enough to wreck him. It was even more an interruption for me to get up in the air so I can begin tossing fireballs at him with my left hand as I kept on flying towards him, shooting fireballs at quick speed.

He was a decent dodger however, sidestepping each shot that I shot out, as he kept on moving at super speed. His eyes erupted by and by and he shot out a rush of shoot at me so I was unable to draw near to the point of hitting him with any fireballs. I could hear the yells of individuals at the docks, yelling in disarray, as I kept on flying through the air and shoot fireballs at him.

He began chuckling manically.

Then, at that point, out of nowhere he shot out one more flood of discharge at me, hitting me in my right arm, as I lost my balance or I surmise for this situation, my flight. I attempted to get up yet I was unable to control myself alright to get once again out of sight. As I attempted to get once more out of sight, he got my body and tossed me against another wall, which broke it and sent me flying through the air.

Rapidly I attempted to get my equilibrium right once more, as I gazed toward Rocke and could see that he had quit giggling briefly as he checked out at me with an underhanded grin all over. He shot out a rush of red flares that hit me on the chest as I attempted to get out of sight.

I expected to bring him down, and rapidly.

I shot out a major blast of discharge, yet he did as well, making there be a major blinding light that was developing as we shot. I endlessly attempted, endlessly pushed, yet he had the option to evade each one, as I could see that his blazes were getting greater to an ever increasing extent, greater and greater, as he kept on avoiding all of my shots at him.

Then unexpectedly I felt my body collide with something exceptionally hard that made a boisterous crashing sound followed by a noisy breaking sound followed by an uproarious crunching clamor. I gazed upward and saw Rocke chuckling twistedly at me as he remained over me with his sparkling eyes and said: “I win.”

Unexpectedly the world became dim once more. I felt myself disappearing once more. Then unexpectedly my vision began to get back to ordinary when out of nowhere it hit me with a crushing weight as the agony of my wounds unexpectedly began to kick in at the same time. I felt myself flinch and moan in torment as I attempted to take my body off of the floor yet could do nothing however snort.

“I’m not!” I yelled, as Rocke took a gander at me with skepticism, prior to chuckling once more.

I checked out me at the scene and saw that I had crashed through the roof once more, and had some way or another arrived in the dock with a major wreck before me, with boxes and things all around the floor. Yet again however at that point abruptly Rocke started to chuckle uproariously at me, while the other dock laborers on searched in shock at what had occurred before them all.

“That was unimaginable,” he said in awe as he strolled towards me, “You’re most certainly a warrior.”

I was unable to talk as I gazed up at him in sheer doubt, making an effort not to drop from the aggravation from my wounds. I just looked as he strolled increasingly close until out of nowhere his foot kicked me in my stomach, thumping me in reverse onto the ground onto my back, making my body roll across the ground until I at last halted when I hit one more stopping point with a noisy crash, making a portion of the cases behind me fall over.

I turned my head and watched him stroll over towards me with an underhanded sneer all over.

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