Spy Mage System

Chapter 136

136 Once Again: The Battle of the Docks

Rocke laughed, “I think you are. I realize you are, as a matter of fact.”

He snatched me by the collar, and got me, similar to a cloth doll in his grasp. He began hauling me across the ground towards the edge of the dock, where the water was.

Then unexpectedly I saw two enormous hands snatch him from behind and remove him from me while another huge hand got me by the shoulder and got me. I saw Malachi, placing him in a strangle hold while Tisiah got me onto my feet. Be that as it may, Rocke tossed Malachi over him, sending Malachi colliding with Tisiah, thumping them both to the floor with an uproarious crash.

I took a gander at him and saw that he was glancing back at me in surprise.

I shouted out as I kicked him in his chest, hitting him in the stomach and sending him colliding with the wall once more. Then, at that point, I immediately went to Tisiah and Malachi and aided them up while I investigated at Rocke who was stunning on his feet.

He looked furious, and I mean like that insane furious. Though assuming you killed somebody’s folks, or canine or something to that effect. In any case, I’ve never seen that look on an individual’s face previously, and truly not a look ought to be on any individual’s face.

I heard shouting surrounding us as they began running out of the docks towards us, yelling that we were enduring an onslaught, as they began to overreact.

However, I was unable to try and get some margin to ponder that right now since I needed to get back home to my family, or, in all likelihood I could never pardon myself assuming anything awful happened to them or my companions or family once more. I want to end this now, and this was the opportunity to. However, where could the Cybermade have been?

“Thus, all you kids will battle against me?” he asked, and out of nowhere, guardians ran from all bearings, heaping on by Rocke. September laughed, “I approve of it.”


TSA and YMPA, home against death, win against misfortune, and win against torment... we will battle against evil.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

We charged at one another, everybody with the exception of me and Rocke, since we could utilize our Advantages, and we conflicted. The sound of wands ringing through the air. My psyche was quiet now and every one of my faculties were uplifted, as I was zeroing in on utilizing my blue blazes to go after Rocke in any capacity that I would be able.

Rocke shot out a red impact of fire. I immediately bounced back, prior to dodging down low to try not to get hit by it. Then, at that point, I shot off a blue impact of discharge that shot past Rocke and hit a guardian. The docks were practically unfilled from all the terrified TSA laborers, despite the fact that I would assume they’ve all seen this previously.

I immediately moved far removed as a red rush of fire shot towards me and hit me toward the back, tossing me forward to collide with the ground once more, as I got back up onto my feet and charged at him once more. Rocke checked out at me cheerfully, an underhanded grin. He got shooting going floods of red blazes at me as I immediately avoided all of them. Then out of nowhere I saw another of his protectors come surging at me.

He swung his wand, yet I immediately dodged it. Then, at that point, as he attempted to shoot it at me once more, I utilized my passed available to shoot off one more impact of blue flares at him and hit him right in front of him, causing his eyes to consume as he shouted in torment. I kicked him to the ground, which now I could zero in on the genuine danger here.

Rocke’s red blazes were getting increasingly big continuously as he shot them at me from all points. I needed to think quick regarding how to manage this person. However at that point unexpectedly one of my companions ran in and hit Rocke in his chest with an air shot, which made his red flares shoot out up high briefly.

“No doubt Vicki!” I yelled, with a gesture. Then, at that point, I shot off one more blue impact of fire at Rocke which made his eyes flare much more strongly than previously.

Then out of nowhere we as a whole heard a noisy blast, making every one of us look towards the docks. The boat was practically down the ocean, meaning the Cybermade was with it as well! Yet again we had very little time here however so we immediately moved once more into fight mode as Rocke kept shooting off red blazes at us with his hand.

I immediately moved to evade as quick as could really be expected yet couldn’t exactly stay aware of them. Then, at that point, out of nowhere he shot off a red impact of fire at me indeed. I avoided that one much better, however it was still extremely hard.

I could hear shouts surrounding us as we kept on battling with our wands against one another, while we evaded Rocke’s assaults.

Out of nowhere an impact of air dashed away from the side of the dock and hit Rocke in the back as I sped towards him, prepared to pursue the open door. He viewed at me in shock as I held my hand out to him. He shook his head in dismay, so I hauled him far removed of the air impact and terminated a blue impact of blazes at him consequently, which made his eyes flare as he backtracked.

He got back up to his feet. “Shrewd,” he said. “Be that as it may, not adequate.”

He shot out a red flood of flares at me and it hit me in my right arm. Then, at that point, he shot off one more at me while I attempted to get my equilibrium back together once more. My arm consumed and I mean consumed, yet it wasn’t terrible enough that it made me drop, or tumble down or any such thing.

I gazed toward Rocke in shock again as I could see that his face had now transformed into this frenzied lunatic’s grin once more and he charged at me at max throttle, not halting, yet not in any event, dialing back by the same token.

I immediately utilized my right hand to shoot off one more blue flood of flares yet he tossed his arm out before him in the nick of time and kept away from it as he charged right towards me at maximum speed too. I moved a couple of steps back, as dread consumed in my heart, yet I was unable to move back any further without abandoning my companions.

He then swung his wand at me from behind and hit me in the side of the head sufficiently to wreck me onto the ground, as he then, at that point, arrived on top of me with all of his energy in his right arm.

“It’s been a good time, however I believe we’re finished here,” Rocke said. Yet, out of nowhere, blood splattered from his head, as he tumbled to the ground and fell on top of me.

I turned upward and saw Malachi coming up short on me with a look of complete help all over, alongside Tisiah who examined outright shock all over. I looked into, seeing Fulton with his firearm in his grasp, pointing it at Rocke who lay dead on top of me.

Fulton grinned and brought down his weapon as every other person on searched in dismay.

He then, at that point, strolled towards me as I attempted to get up starting from the earliest stage, Tisiah helped me up. “You alright?” Fulton asked, and I gestured, however at that point investigated at my companions.

Malachi smiled at me while Tisiah viewed at me in wonder as though he was taking a gander at an alternate individual totally. “What might be said about the Cybermade?” Greg asked, taking a gander at Fulton in dismay, as Fulton moaned accordingly.

Then unexpectedly there was a boisterous thunder and we as a whole glanced back at the boat with perfect timing to see it collide with the dock and break fifty. “Well I’m almost certain nothing about that will be working, nor should the Cybertron,” Fulton said. “I figure we made it happen, you all.”

A grin went across my face, as I took a gander at the sinking boat, and saw all of the TSA laborers all racing to the boat to help.

Then out of nowhere they generally halted abruptly and turned towards us. They thought this way and that among us and afterward immediately took a gander at one another as though they had acknowledged what had simply occurred.

“Come on, how about we go,” Fulton said. “Likewise, I got your radios.”

“You did?!” I yelled, destroys running my face, as I snatched his hand with mine. He grinned at me and gave my hand a crush prior to driving me back towards the others.

Then, at that point, out of nowhere they began cheering, yet it was justifiably.

“We did it!” Greg yelled.

“I can’t really accept that we truly got it done!” Vicki shouted out, as she embraced me firmly.

“I don’t think anybody at any point anticipated that we should win this,” Malachi said, scratching his head. “In any case, we did.”

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