Spy Mage System

Chapter 211

211 Dormitory Search

“Alright, we need to find a hotel to sleep in,” Nikki said to us, constantly moving to avoid the constant arrivals of other agents. Tisiah nodded. “I don’t think they have any beds here, although it would make sense if they did.”

“Well I’m not trying to sleep with a bunch of noise from a bunch of agents,” September said, smoothing her hair in frustration, “and I don’t want to get bitten by mosquitoes or any of that kind of stuff. We need a hotel room.”

“There’s no way you would get bitten by mosquitoes,” Nikki said, shaking her head. “That makes no sense at all.”

“Well,” September replied while shrugging, “you never know.”

“Nikki,” Fulton said, “I need you to find us a place to stay. Now.”

“Oh, sure,” she answered before she took out her phone and began to search for hotels around Washington D.C. She was about to close her phone but then she suddenly stopped and looked up at it as if she had seen something interesting on it. “Uh...no,” she said before closing it again. “That’s odd.”

“What?” asked Malachi who was leaning against a nearby wall, looking down at her as she looked up at her phone again. “What’s odd?”

“It says that there are no available rooms anywhere in Washington D.C. for the next three days,” Nikki replied.

“Why?” I asked, confused as well with Malachi.


She shrugged in response and just put it away, looking at each of us which my face was probably written with confusion. “I don’t know,” she said simply and walked away from us to look around again, which only added to my confusion as well. “I don’t know,” she said again as she turned around to face us with her hands on her hips and her head tilted down.

I looked by the side and saw a man that was walking in our direction. I was going to say something, but I felt very uncomfortable about it as he came closer to us-and then I saw his eyes, which were pitch-black and his nose that was long and pointed upwards like a cat’s...and then his lips...they were long and thin...

“Hey, uh is there dorms here?” Malachi asked, as the man looked up from the ground and smiled, and I could tell that he was very happy that he had found somebody who could talk to him. He walked over to us, but he was wearing a black suit that had a purple tie around it that was cut in the same style as the one Agent Nelson had worn.

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“Yeah, there should be I hope,” he said with a smile that reached from cheek to cheek, before he returned, “I’m sorry, have you been here before?”

“Not exactly,” Malachi replied, “but we’re looking for somewhere to stay tonight. We are tired, so we decided to sleep here tonight.”

“Best idea, D.C’s not allowing any hotels to allow people in for three days,” he said before he turned the corner and walked away.

“Well, he didn’t tell us where to find the dorms though...” I muttered, looking at Malachi as he sighed, “or even how to get there.”

“Oh well,” September said before turning the corner to see who else she could find, “maybe if we keep walking we will find it.” I shrugged in response, perhaps we would, but I didn’t really care either way. I just wanted to get out of this place and just forget about everything...

“You alright?” Nikki asked as I turned around and noticed her looking at me.

“Yeah...I think,” I returned, not very certain, “I mean...I’m okay.”

“You sure?” She asked me, her eyes narrowing a little as if she didn’t believe me. “You seem a little...off.”

“What?” I asked back, not knowing what she meant by that. “I’m not off at all... I think.” I was really starting to believe that I was off, though.

“You look pale,” she told me in response, “and you seem a little agitated...and...well...you know...” She just gave me an awkward look like she had no idea what to say to me.

“What?” I asked back again in response. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I didn’t understand why she was acting like this...

“You just look like you don’t feel too good,” she told me as we started walking again. I shrugged as we began to follow after her, making our way through the endless rows of agents that were coming towards us, all of them dressed in black suits, many of which had masks over their faces.

“Maybe it’s the mission,” Tisiah said with a sigh.

“You think so?” Nikki asked in response. “I don’t think it’s that bad of a mission... we’re just looking for a couple scientists.”

“A dangerous scientist that clearly wants to kill us for his revenge,” Tisiah added, which just made it feel a whole lot worse than before, especially when I thought of Dr. Mord and how much of a bad person he was. I wanted nothing more than to get away from him and to just forget about him forever-but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I sighed thoughtfully, just thinking about all that he did throughout this whole thing, and how much of a fool he was.

“Maybe you should take it easy,” September suggested as we made our way through the endless rows of agents. “I can’t even begin to imagine what your body is going through right now.”

“I’m fine,” I told her, feeling my legs burn from the amount of energy that was constantly draining from them-and the way that they felt like they were going to snap in half at any minute. I felt tired, tired of all this that was happening-but then again, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being a part of these agencies and all the things that they could do...

But at the same time, it was just so much that I felt like I couldn’t handle anymore-but I could only think about this so much, because I had a job to do. My job was to fight the virus and help those that needed my help, but I couldn’t let anything get in my way. It was so frustrating-just like Nikki had said earlier, I felt agitated and upset, like I wanted to break everything that I saw.

But then I kind of wanted it to continue-to be honest with you, I was starting to enjoy this... I mean, just a couple of hours ago I was hiding in the shadows, scared for my life, afraid of what could happen next...and now, I was standing there with my hands on my hips, looking around at all the people who were running into danger without any care for their safety. I loved this-I loved every moment of it-it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened in my life.

From regular kid to a spy-who has powers, yeah-it was an opportunity of more than a lifetime, and I knew that I had to make the most of it-I had to go all out.

But at the same time, I couldn’t let anything get in the way. Not even Agent Nelson.

I couldn’t let anyone stand in my way-especially not her.

“I’m fine,” I repeated with a smile as I looked up and down the line of agents and nodded, “I’m doing just fine.” September shrugged before we began to go down some stairs, which then there was a certain sign on the wall that said “temporary dorms”, which was the only clue that we would need for finding the place where we could sleep for the night.

“I think we’re here,” September said, with a voice that seemed pretty expecting, but I didn’t know where we were going-not at all.

“Okay,” Nikki agreed as she looked at the sign that was hung on the wall.

“Now, do we go to the left or right...or both?” Tisiah asked as he turned to look both ways once he stepped onto the floor, which was covered in an old carpet of green and grey. The floor was lit with lamps, which gave off an orangey glow that just lit up the place. It was bright as heaven-but it still wasn’t enough to light up the whole space as well as it should have.

“Maybe both?” I muttered in response as I looked at both halls, seeing if there was anywhere that we could rest. There wasn’t any doors to either side of us that looked like they’d lead to anything useful...but then again, I hadn’t expected there would be. “Let’s try the left,” Tisiah said, making his way through that hall, while September and Nikki followed after him, and I stayed behind with them.

Tisiah looked down the hall to where it turned around a corner. He sighed before he started walking down that hall, September and Nikki following behind him as we continued down that way, making our way through the halls and down some more stairs until we finally arrived at a door, which was marked with “dormitory”, which meant that it was probably where we would be sleeping for the night.

“Here,” Tisiah told us as he turned around, holding the door open for us so that we could pass through.

“Nice...” Malachi said with a smile, which already preached he had some plans in mind already, which he obviously did. “This is a nice room.” He said as he looked around the dorm-which was decorated in black and white, with a few posters and paintings that hung on the walls-as well as a few couches that were placed around the room with a TV on the wall above them. There were two beds in the room-one on each side-as well as a closet that stood by itself in the corner of the room.

“We should be ready by the morning for sure,” Malachi said, looking up at every thing with a big smile that reflected off the walls, “We’re lucky to have a good place to sleep for the night.”

“Yeah,” Tisiah said, nodding his head and placing his hand on his chin thoughtfully, “But what about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” Malachi asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“We have another day ahead of us,” Tisiah said with a shrug, “And we need to take down Dr. Mord.”

“Or at least steal his virus,” September said before taking a seat down at one of the couches that was by the wall, while Tisiah took his seat on the other couch, leaving Nikki and me standing alone. “I don’t think we should let him get away with all this,” September added. “We shouldn’t let him get away with all this.”

“Right,” Tisiah agreed. “We should get ready for tomorrow, because I have a feeling we’re gonna need to be on our game.”

“You’re not wrong,” I told him with a shrug.

“Alright,” Tisiah said as he sat up from his couch and walked over to Nikki and me, “Let’s get to bed.”

“Whoa, hold up-let me see if they got some food here real quick,” Malachi said, getting up and slowly making his way towards the fridge, which was on the far end of the room. I watched him go until he shut the door and went back towards the couch, “You hungry?”

“Not really,” I replied.

“Me neither,” Nikki agreed.

“I’m starving!” September said.

“I’m not sure,” Tisiah said as he stepped out of the line that was forming as we made our way to the beds that sat against the wall of the room, “But it’s too late for me to eat anything, so I think I’ll just go to sleep. I’m pretty tired.” He then made his way over to his bed, lying down on it and pulling the sheets up to cover his body.

“I’m surprised a guy like you don’t wanna eat,” Malachi said bluntly.

“Are you calling me fat?” Tisiah immediately asked, turning his head from his original position from when he laid on the bed, “Because if you are, I’ll make sure to kick your-”

“No,” Malachi shook his head before turning his attention towards me, “You wanna grab some food?” Tisiah said nothing, and he returned to his bed, staying silent in doing so, as he turned over onto his side, facing away from us.

“No, I’m good,” I told Malachi as he turned towards me. “But thanks for asking.”

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