Spy Mage System

Chapter 212

212 Making Our Way

Now was the time that we were going to storm that base of Dr. Mord’s. The commotion was sending through my nerves already. My arms were wiggling from the anticipation that was rolling through my hairs.

We were in that same room before where Captain Briggs was telling us the plan, using excessive writing and very interesting drawings.

I looked by the side, and it seemed as if Malachi was waiting for this moment all his entire life. He was walking as if he just got married, with his presence spilling his joy and his charm all around everywhere. He took a seat beside me, almost creeping me out of how bright he was this day. I felt excited-but also very dreadful. Like, come on, you can still die from this mission.

Now, I know you’re probably saying something like, “But haven’t you been an agent for months now-you should expect this. But you gotta understand, every time you do a mission, you can die. That’s the scary part. You can die. You die-you’re dead.

I still got Mom and Dad to worry about, as well as my uncle-or actual dad in this case-and I don’t wanna die and lose them. My life feels pretty complete now that I have Greg and his buddies as friends, Mom and Dad, friends in the YMPA, and I also have Mr. Drails, which now thinking about it made me think about what Fulton claimed.

Did my father really love-no.

No, we’re not doing that again. Fulton is jealous because of my success with my father. Rocke was a bad person-and that’s not my fault. Honestly, I think Fulton is up to something to be honest and I mean really up to something. But I’m not gonna waste my time in doing so, because I don’t have any time to waste. I have a family to live for. I have friends to have fun with, and I have to live the best life I possibly can live with all these things in mind.

As I looked up, Captain Briggs was walking towards the board with his marker firm in his grip. I could already tell I was in for a ride, so I sat down and braced myself. He began drawing the path that we were supposed to take from here on out. He had drawn everything as clear as day before, but I guess he thought we wouldn’t follow his instructions correctly.

“So, it’s pretty simple,” Captain Briggs began, “The four of you will sneak into the base, find out what kind of security is on the place, and make sure it doesn’t come back on you when you get inside,”


“You’re forgetting one thing,” I said.

“What’s that?” Captain Briggs asked as he paused in drawing to look at me.

“We’re not supposed to kill anybody,” I told him with a serious expression, “So if we come across a scientist who isn’t working for Dr. Mord or is even just an innocent civilian, we’ll be forced to let them go.”

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“You’re going to be fighting in there too,” He pointed out.

“We know,” Tisiah said, “But we want to keep it low key-we don’t want any people to get hurt.”

“So don’t hurt any people,” he said with a few pauses in between, giving a certain look that was confused, but then it faded into something that looked like he was happy about the situation, “Alright, good point. Now, is everyone ready?”

“Yes, sir!” everyone shouted, which I was certainly late to the party, “We are ready to go.”

“Alright then,” He walked away from the board, “Let’s begin the mission.”

Agents rose from their seats, as Tisiah looked at me, and it seemed as if he was asking a question or wanting me to go first, but I didn’t care enough to answer it. So I stood up from my chair, looking forward to the challenge-as well as I was trying not to get scared out of my brain-and started walking towards the door with everyone else behind me.

When I reached the door, we turned our attention towards Captain Briggs, “Ready!” We called to him.

“Alright!” he said as he began drawing on the board, “Let’s do this! I can’t wait to see what happens.”

I just had to laugh at how enthusiastic Captain Briggs was-he was the real deal! Soon enough, Malachi and Fulton caught up with me, with two other guys behind them. One of them was wearing a black suit, with his head shaved and wearing sunglasses. He was very short and thin, almost like a midget. The other was wearing a tan trench coat and a pair of black gloves. He looked more like a kidnapper than an agent, but we were all professionals here.

“Ya’ll ready?” Fulton asked me and Malachi, who were walking side by side.

“Sure,” I said, and Malachi nodded, “Let’s do this.”

Once the door opened, someone shouted-though I have no clue who he was, he said: “Delta Team goes in SUV 2!”

“Where is that?” Malachi asked, as we looked around, trying to find this SUV number two.

“It’s over there,” Tisiah said as he pointed over our heads, “By those trees.”

“Alright!” Captain Briggs yelled out again, “Move out!” Fulton gestured as he turned towards us, “Come on, let’s go.”

We followed after him as he lead the way to the SUV. There were two guys in front of us who were wearing suits that resembled Fulton’s. We had to walk over to them since they were in the way, but once we got there, they were all smiles. They both had blond hair, which was parted in the middle and slicked down. They were both about six feet tall, and their faces were smooth and tan with dark eyes.

I opened the door and focused on them, afraid from their weird sort of looks. I entered inside the car before I sat down, which the seat immediately warmed my body, which I didn’t expect. A few minutes passed and the door shut behind me. Fulton was sitting across from me and Tisiah was right beside me as well as Nikki and September.

“We’ve been in SUV’s a lot lately I do have to say,” Nikki chuckled as she put on her seatbelt, “This will be nice and easy compared to those.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I replied as I turned around in my seat, “We’ve never done this mission before, so who knows? It could be a little harder.”

“I can’t wait,” Tisiah said as he looked at me, “I’m excited.”

I’m scared. I don’t want to get hurt or die.

We’re all nervous about the situation. I didn’t want to say anything that would make them worry more about me, but it felt like they knew. We all were worried about each other-though no one ever admitted to it.

“Yeah,” Nikki continued as she put on her seatbelt, “I can’t wait either. This would be another successful mission under my belt.” I nodded, feeling the excitement but also an uncertain feeling that was breathing inside of me, “And I would love to do that.”

“Well,” Fulton began as he buckled his seatbelt, “I’ll be happy once this is done with and I can get back home.” He looked at Nikki as he held her hand tightly in his own, “And I’d love to get a good night’s rest too.”

“Tell me about it,” Malachi added with such a base in his voice, that a laugh was shared amongst all of us. “But I live for this.”

“Of course you do-you’ve been doing it for years!” Nikki said which she wasn’t wrong, “This is your life.”

“Well,” Fulton sighed, “I guess we better get going.” He looked around at us all again and gave a sort of serious expression. The SUV began to move as many began to exit of the garage, and into the bustling roads. The cars were moving quickly-they were going at a normal speed for this area-but they were still going really fast, which was making me even more nervous and afraid of being hurt. I was wondering how we would be able to catch Dr. Mord in time, and how we would be able to find his virus before anyone else did. I just hope we get to him before he does anything else-that we stop him before he hurts or kills anyone else.

The roars of the engines rang inside my ear, and the vibration rumbled under my body. These cars be moving though, not gonna lie, they weren’t too bad on the bumps and rough roadways-the SUV was surprisingly comfortable to ride in.

As we moved out onto the street, I felt like we were driving faster and faster than normal-though, I was getting used to this because it was happening all the time.

“How do you guys feel?” Fulton asked me and Tisiah with a grin as he looked at us both. “Fine,” I responded, but a weird feeling of digust or something sanctioned inside of me as I looked at him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing,” Fulton chuckled.

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