Spy Mage System

Chapter 213

213 A Little Run to the Base

Soon enough we arrived to the base, and we all looked out at the place from the SUV window. We could see the building from where we were sitting and it was huge! And I mean: huge, as well as it was surrounded by trees that stood tall. It looked like it was surrounded by nothing but nature as if it were in the middle of nowhere.

“Well that’s scary...” I muttered as I got out of the SUV, looking at Malachi, Fulton and Tisiah who followed behind me. Nikki was last to get out of the car, looking at us all with a big smile on her face and a little bit of worry in her eyes. Soon enough, September exited from the SUV last, making her the last one out. She walked over to us as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at the building.

“Well now...” Nikki said as she looked up towards the building, “This is where we need to be going?”

“Yes, alright Tisiah, September and Nikki, you guys get to your teams. Connor and Malachi need to stay with me,” he ordered bluntly. He had an authoritative tone in his voice, as if he was an experienced agent that had done this a thousand times before. “Yes, sir,” I responded quietly, whereas Malachi repeated it with such a firm voice, “Yes, sir.”

“Good,” Fulton responded with a smile as he walked away.

I sighed in relief and turned my gaze to September who was watching me, but then she smiled and gave me a quick wink. “See ya later,” she said with a smile, as I returned a quick one back, and she went over to where the rest of her team was standing.

“So, what should we do?” I asked Malachi.

“We need to find where Agent Jones and Agent Hanover is,” Fulton returned, looking around-seeming very unsure, “They should be close by.”

“But how are we going to do that?” Tisiah asked as he looked around the base. “We don’t have a clue where to go.”


“Well,” Malachi replied, “we’ll just have to start walking around, and hope we find them.” Which then right at that moment, two footsteps echoed towards our direction, which we turned around to see Agent Hanover and Agent Jones walking over to us. They both had their suitcases and were carrying a few other bags in their hands.

We were a bit startled from the incoming footsteps, but my heart slowed down considerably once I saw them. They both were wearing those military or SWAT outfits you could maybe call them or something, with boots that came up to their knees-they were wearing black gloves on their hands, as well as black pants. The only color on them was a black T-shirt underneath a black jacket, as well as a black helmet on top of their heads which had a visor that was up and over their eyes, so that you could not see their eyes. They also had these black glasses on that went all the way up to their noses that were covering their entire faces. Their eyes were concealed inside of these dark sunglasses.

“Are you guys in Delta Team?” Agent Jones asked, and Fulton nodded in response-shooting him with a smile that instantly spawned on his face, “Good.”

“I’m Agent Jones and this is Agent Hanover,” he began, as he took off his sunglasses and looked at us all with his brown eyes. “We have orders to start breaching in five minutes.” Malachi nodded, as if he wanted to be a part of the authority group, “Understood, sir.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I tried not to laugh but it was too hard, because this man’s appearance was too much of a stereotype of what a secret agent should look like. He was the stereotypical spy who looks like he’s in a cartoon. And I was sure that there are secret agents like that in the world today. But I knew there were others that didn’t really have such appearances-like Agent Jones.

“Alright, make sure your gear is ready,” Agent Hanover ordered strictly with a base in his voice that boomed like a speaker, “we’re going in!”

“Yes sir,” everyone responded and began to put on their equipment. They were getting dressed in camouflage suits, which was a lot different than the regular camouflage uniforms they had before. It was all black and had pockets and pouches on their jackets-and it was comfortable. It had thick padding in it so it would keep you protected and warm in the cold weather.

“Well dang...” I said in a quiet voice, “Now we’re getting into the game.”

Fulton put on his vest and strapped it. It was only me, Malachi and Fulton, plus Agent Jones and Agent Hanover, who were going in with the Delta Team.

“You know I think I can feel some sort of magic,” Fulton said with his back turned towards me and Malachi, who were standing beside him.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked him as I stared at him. I felt like I could see him shifting his weight back and forth and making his body twitch from the side of my vision. “Excitement, I think,” he said with a smile, and I could only give him a worried smile, since I didn’t really know what to do, but then he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it tightly as he continued talking to me, “Just keep your eyes open for anything.”

I nodded with him, before he took it off. “Alright,” Agent Jones said, using a gesture to give an order. “Let’s move.”

Everyone moved as if they were on cue, and they entered the base through the back door of the building. The door opened automatically as if there was an electric eye or something that would activate the entrance once someone approached. I had my gun close in hand, the sweat rolling down my face, and the wind blowing in my face.

“Alright,” I heard Agent Hanover say as we made our way through the woods to the fence, “let’s go over it.”

As I moved through, I could feel the crunch of the leaves under my foot as we continued to move towards the base, and the warm air heating my face, while my chest and heart began to beat faster and faster as I got closer. I began to feel the excitement rise as we got closer to the base, which was like a fortress, and we all walked up to the fence that had barbed wire at the top.

“Jones?” Hanover cued to him, his face directly at his eye, “can you make sure we can climb over this?”

“Yeah, I’ll make sure,” Jones replied before going over the fence with a jump, and then he turned to us with a smirk on his face, “I can do it.” Malachi sighed once he went next, “Show off.” He grabbed hold of the fence, and used a lot more momentum to jump over the barbed wire, and he landed on the other side with a smile. I moved closer to him to jump the fence, but before I could, Jones came back to me, and I could see him mumbling something.

“What?” I asked, wondering what he said.

“You’ve got to let go of your gun before you jump,” he said as he moved in front of me so that I had no choice but to do what he said. I nodded before I touched the fence, feeling the weight and fear burn intensely in my heart, and then I let go of the gun before I jumped. I steadily climbed upwards, until my hands barely touched the barbed wire at the top of the fence.

“Hurry up!” I heard Jones shout, “We don’t have a lot of time!”

I stopped, trying to breath and trying to understand. I needed right timing, right direction. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the sweat drip down my forehead. I took a deep breath as I opened my eyes and looked at the top of the fence, seeing that it was very high. “Oh man,” I whispered, “this is not gonna be easy.”

“Just climb over!” Hanover yelled at me, “it’ll be fine!”

Soon enough, I pushed myself up-hopping over the fence to the other side, and then turning around to look at the base, seeing a couple men on top of the building, one with binoculars, and one with a rifle. “Dang,” I muttered. Soon enough, the others hopped over the fence.

“Alright, there are two guards, tranquilize them-understood?” Agent Jones ordered, looking at me before taking a quick glance at Malachi. “You too.”

“Alright,” I replied as I got into position, trying to find a good angle so I could shoot my dart.

Malachi nodded his head before he turned towards one of the guards with the binoculars. “Got a shot?” I asked quickly, peering towards him, but then I saw Malachi nod his head and move forward as he pulled out his gun and shot the man through the head, then he turned back to me and shook his head, “no.”

“Okay,” I replied quickly as I moved closer to the second guard. The second guard was holding the rifle in his hands as he was looking in my direction, and then he aimed it in my direction as he looked through the scope of the weapon. He was a little ways away from me, but there was no way he wasn’t going to see me as he pointed his weapon at me.

I quickly took the shot, as the guard rocked back like an omelet, dropping his rifle, and then he fell onto the roof of the building.

“Nice shot!” Jones yelled out as he turned back to us, “Alright everyone-let’s move.” Immediately, Delta Team rushed in towards the window, with Agent Jones taking out the rope Captain Briggs talked about, and threw it into the building.

I looked down at the rope before I grabbed it. It felt rough and rough like a tree branch or something that would hurt if you fell onto it. “Let’s get this rope,” I said quickly.

We all moved up the rope like a fire escape before we hopped into the window of the building. We probably climbed like twenty feet, which isn’t too bad compared to mountain climbing, but when I looked down, I felt like I was going to fall, which scared me to death. Luckily, we made it inside the building and climbed down a ladder to a hallway with several doors in it.

“Alright, Hanover and Fulton-with me. You two will check the hallway,” Jones said quickly, as he reloaded his weapon, and then he pointed down the hall to the rooms that were in the hallway. “Fulton and Hanover and I will check these rooms.”

“Got it,” Fulton said quickly before he turned to Hanover with a smile, “let’s do this.” They went to the left while I looked at Malachi, who seemed completely clueless. “I’m too young for this,” he said, although the ironic thing was that he was almost eighteen, while I was only sixteen. I could tell that he was nervous and had butterflies in his gut.

“It’ll be fine,” I assured him. “Let’s go.”

We continued through the hall slowly, the flashlight of my gun shining even part of the place. The hall was quite masterful, and everything was very nice. It almost reminded me of a movie with James Bond. We were looking at paintings on the walls that had been done in past centuries. Then, we turned down a hallway where there was a door that had to be opened quickly, and so I pushed it open.

But as I opened it, I felt completely shocked at what I saw.

I felt like throwing up, and just dying on the spot. I didn’t know how to react or respond, and I just froze with my mouth open in complete shock.

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