Spy Mage System

Chapter 222

222 Battlefield At Sea

I heard slow footsteps make their way towards us, as his posture revealed under the light. “Wow, that was different,” Dr. Mord said with a very hysterical chuckle, looking at us all like we were crazy for even attempting such a feat in the first place.

“You know you’re not supposed to be out here,” Dr. Mord scowled at me, as I noticed Nikki and Malachi looking at each other in disbelief at what he just said-since it was obvious they couldn’t even remember being in the cell block to begin with-since they both seemed as confused as anyone else around us here.

He slowly walked towards Mr. Drails, whose face showed no fear at all, even though we all knew that he was cornered with enemies surrounding him on every side with guns pointed at him-but still no fear was evident on his face whatsoever. “I’m pretty sure the boats behind us are ready to just blow us up, aren’t they?” Dr. Mord said, but Mr. Drails responded with nothing, looking at him curiously instead of angering or flustering him in any sort of way-which seemed odd for someone who had just been surrounded by enemies for quite some time now and was probably on the verge of being executed for something.

Dr. Mord sighed as he looked down at the ground, then came in for a sudden punch, which somehow Mr. Drails blocked. But in the process, guns cocked at his response, his quickness to act. I felt a sense of suspense tickle inside of me, wondering if he would be able to handle himself against Dr. Mord-who seemed much stronger than him at this point in time-and how well he would react to such a threat if it came down to it.

Dr. Mord chuckled, and as if he just wanted a little revenge, he threw a punch across Mr. Drails’s face, as he stumbled back-barely holding on. But then he clenched his fist again and pulled it back before he hit Mr. Drails again across the face-making him stumble backward again.

“Now, as we were saying. I specifically wanted to borrow your agents just for, uh-personal reasons, and clearly you wish to not cooperate, but anyway, now if you can call off these boats that are pursuing us sadly here, maybe we can work out a little something,” Dr. Mord said with a chuckle once again, as Mr. Drails looked at him with pure disgust on his face-with his lips slightly curled upward like he had lost all hope of ever getting out of here alive.

“You kidnap my agents, devise a virus to kill us all, and you expect me to believe you’re going to work out something?” Mr. Drails hissed, and Dr. Mord reeled his neck back from the insult...sort of. Dr. Mord nodded with a smile, like some sort of toddler that showed her mother a drawing he designed.

“Yeah, yeah, I admit that was a bit of a stretch,” Dr. Mord said with a laugh that was very different from the one he had just seconds ago-now sounding more like an actual villain would sound like. “Oh well, we’re wasting time aren’t we? Make the choice.”

“What choice, the choice that would endanger us all?” Mr. Drails spat at him, which made me very uncomfortable, and scared based on what Dr. Mord could and would possibly do, since this was definitely not normal behavior for him at all. He was always so professional and calm-not at all like this-and yet here he was now showing extreme emotions like he had been pushed over the edge.


“Everyone is already endangered,” Dr. Mord responded with a smile before he turned back to one of his guards before turning his head back to Mr. Drails. “Well then? What’s it gonna be?”

Mr. Drails thought about it for a second and then sighed as he looked at us all before he spoke up. But as he did, a loud noise bellowed from farther away. My head turned, to see not much or anything at all. The noise continued to sound, and soon enough screams followed.

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“What the...” Malachi muttered, and even Dr. Mord’s face was confused-and possibly scared, since we could hear people dying around us now-which was strange for this whole situation since there were only about five of us here with no one else in sight that we could hear or see anywhere near us.

Then all of a sudden, bodies from the YMPA began to rush towards us like an assault.

“Well,” Dr. Mord chuckled. “Kill these six and then deal with the rest of them, we gotta bail.”

“Wait, what?!” Malachi shouted, as a guard pulled up his gun, aiming it at us. But then, a bullet whipped and shot through his head, causing his body to collapse into nothing more than ash on the floor of the ship-along with everyone else outside. Dr. Mord looked in shock, as he stared at us then the agents right behind us.

“Guards, get them!” he ordered, as his guards immediately charged as if they were going to battle, which meant we were about to have some sort of shoot-out right here in front of us-and we were unarmed in the process. Soon enough, bolts began to speed through the air, dashing towards enemies, striking them in midair before their bodies were shot right out of their bodies with the impact of a bomb from their own weapons-that was firing on them.

But a few guards and Dr. Mord looked at us, as if they were preparing for a fight.

“The rest of you guys need to find boat 4-3-2,” Mr. Drails said. “Let no one see you.”

“Yes, sir!” September said, as we began to dash ahead. But I slowed down, seeing Mr. Drails face against the guards that were in front of him. The light gave a feeling, a sort of sentiment of danger and risk.

“Come on Connor!” Malachi shouted, as I slowly began to move then I booked it behind him.

“Connor!” I heard Nikki shout my name as she began to run past me with Tisiah at her side as well-while she grabbed my hand and pulled me behind them quickly while she moved with me by her side.

Agents were fighting and battling galore through the ship, as if this was a battlefield on sea. “Alright, where do we go?” Malachi asked, and I shook my head as we advanced up the stairs. “I’m not sure,” I said, looking around, then noticing some stairs that went up towards the deck above us-which meant that was where boat number 4-3-2 would probably be at this moment in time.

“This place is legit a war-zone,” Nikki said. “And Mr. Drails is all by himself, fighting with those guys.”

“He knows what he’s doing, I hope,” September said, as we arrived to a very long hall that didn’t comprise battling agents, but rather led straight up into the bowels of boat 4-3-2.

“Okay,” Malachi said after we looked around for a bit and then heard another gunshot from behind us-which made me freeze up as we slowly turned around. Guards were right behind us, and they were coming at full speed.

“Well, this is bad,” September said with a heavy breath, as the guards slowly advanced towards us.

“Don’t move,” one of them ordered, which made my heart freeze up when I looked at the guard’s faces and saw they were dead eyes staring back at us all along with guns pointed at our chests-as if they were going to kill us all right there on the spot.

I looked at September, seeing her with a worried face that was trying to despise a plan. “Wait, let me a make a distraction, then you get the boat up and running,” Malachi said to September, who looked back at him-then she nodded.

All of a sudden, he turned ahead, looking at the guard ahead of him and with a smile he made a sense of a declaration like this: Yeah, I’m coming. He sped forward with his wand out before she shot a bolt, speeding in their direction, before it hit one of the guards, who twirled like a top onto the ground.

The guard looked up, and his eyes bulged with fear-but also fury.

“Get them!” he shouted, as they began to charge towards us.

“Go!” Malachi shouted to September who immediately booked towards the boat that right ahead of the ship.

The first one came with a swing, which Malachi obviously noticed because he countered with a block. Nikki did the same, except she started with the swing and the guard blocked. As I approached my enemy, the guard seemed to be ready, or at least was preparing. He scooted back before he came in with the attack.

He came in with a good swing, which I ducked before returning with two swings that were blocked. “Dang it,” I muttered before I scooted back from his attacks that were shooting from every direction, as I moved in close and countered by hitting him hard in the stomach and chest with two more blows that forced him to bend over in pain-and then I shot him right off the floor by hitting him once more in the back.

He rolled, and for quite a considerable amount of time before he returned to his feet.

“Nice, but I’ve seen better,” he said breathlessly, which made me doubtful of his claim. He came in with a swing that was immediately blocked, before I pushed it out of the way, and then followed with a hefty kick to the chest. He stumbled back, coming in with a swing that was blocked, but also locked in.

Our wands tangled with one another, as we moved left and right and swung, before I pushed him back as he stumbled again. But all of a sudden, he came in with a good swing that knocked him by my jaw, sending me into the wall before I dropped to the ground.

“How do you feel now?” he chuckled, before I got up quickly and then kicked him in the face and knocked him out cold on the ground next to me. “You got me again!” he shouted gleefully, while rubbing his jaw. “Now you know how it feels when you get knocked out!”

“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered before turning towards the ship’s exit.

I heard the roar of the boat’s engine, but it wasn’t exactly the best time being that I was still dealing with this fool. The guard got back up and charged at me again, his arms flailing back and forth as he ran towards me. He swung his wand and it collided with my own wand, and it pushed me back. All of a sudden, and swung came at my head and I ducked, feeling the heat and adrenaline of what just happened, before I returned with a quick kick that pushed it a few feet. He was on his knees when I kicked him again in the gut-and then he fell down on his face-before I turned away from him and dashed towards the exit stairs.

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