Spy Mage System

Chapter 223

223 Escaping at Sea

But then he attacked me and tackled me to the ground. We rolled and rolled and rolled, before we stopped at the corner of the ship. I needed to get him off quickly. I punched him off before he rolled and returned to his feet, as I did the same.

“You’re not leaving this ship!” the guard hissed, before he received his wand and lurched at me once again. He swung as I blocked, then he came with another, which this time I ducked, which was a close call. I returned with a hit, but the hit didn’t actually hit, and his blocked and swung it out of the way before kicking me in the chest.

I stumbled back, but held my ground as I saw him charge with another oscillate. I ducked, then dodged the second, then the third before I kicked him in the thigh, making him wobble like a top. Our wands clashed with each swing, moving it from side to side before I shot a kick at his calf, and he doubled down to the ground.

But then I heard the loud roar of a boat, and I knew what was coming.

“Jump in, quick!” September shouted, as I rushed over and glanced down, seeing the boat trail by us. I turned around to still notice the other guards battling my accomplices. I needed to break that fight up, then quickly hop onto the boat.

Let’s go.

I rushed over towards them, charging up my Perk and quickly putting away my wand, seeing guards were beginning to take damage from their battles as well as Nikki was now running towards me with Tisiah running after her as well. But the guards were pursuing them, at a very dashing pace, and I needed to stop them.

Quickly I drilled the ground, firing a shockwave, storming in their direction. The guards suddenly flew and soared in the air, as the wood began to break and shatter, and soon enough-sections began to capsize and descend, and wood launched into the air.

“Well, that ain’t good, is it,” Malachi said with worry, but then his eyes expanded as he turned towards me. “Mr. Drails.”


My eyes expanded with him as I looked at September, who seemed to notice also what he said. “We need to get Mr. Drails quick!” I shouted, hopping onto the boat, as the others eagerly followed and went on the boat.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Alright, let’s go, go, go, go!” Malachi shouted, as September sped off through the water at insane speeds, before heading up to where Mr. Drails was located. “This is not good at all,” Tisiah muttered as we continued to dash through the sea, before arriving at Mr. Drails’ whereabouts. I glanced up, seeing him engaging in battle, before he turned around and noticed our arrival.

“Jump on, the ship is crashing!” I shouted, as Mr. Drails glanced at us and then peeked back at the oncoming guards. But quickly, he made a portal that sucked them before he sped his way towards the edge of the boat. But all of a sudden, something-or in this case, someone-stopped him in his tracks.

“Don’t you dare move,” I heard the voice threaten, as I looked up-seeing Dr. Mord’s crazed face that seem to scream at me, spurting fear inside of me. I was scared just looking at him, nonetheless the safety of my father...somewhat or someway, he had gotten himself into this mess-and now it was time for me to help him get out of this one as well-before my father could die as well.

“You want your precious Mr. Drails to die? Or would you rather give yourselves away. Choose your pick!” he screamed, his voice trembling and stern, but also desperate for us to answer him and make the right choice here-but of course it had to be mine. I wasn’t about to let this guy ruin my plan or my family’s life-at all cost.

But, how was that choice any better?

In the end, I’m over here, going to die to pay for some mistake I never made, while the virus allows itself to make its way through the streets like some American citizen, terrorizing everyone it comes across-or it may be the people of New York are already terrorized by it-while we’re already at our wit’s end trying to find out how to stop it or find out how to defeat it.

But I don’t want my father to die, that would be the last thing that I would want.

The last thing, and I mean the last thing, that I want is for anyone of us to die in vain.

I would never want that for me or for my family or for anyone else here at this point in time-at least for me. I needed to make something happen, but what, some sort of plan that’s all of a sudden going to help us escape the situation, and possibly help us defeat the virus?

Yeah, probably.

I looked at the ship that was in front of us, seeing that it wasn’t as damaged as the other side of the ship, which was good-in this case I guess. But maybe if we made a section of this area explode, it may somewhat catapult Mr. Drails into the boat if lucky, and then we move on our way to freedom.

But that trick I committed was still handling with the other side, shattering rooms, and annihilating everything in its path.

Could I employ my Perk, not to make it explode right where we are-of course not, but more of-speed up the process. Make it go quicker, so that we can slip away from Dr. Mord. Probably, probably not. But it’s worth a try.

“September, move me closer to the boat,” I whispered to September, who nodded her head. Slowly, she advanced towards the boat. Slowly, my arms glowed as my Perk charged up, and tried to keep my cool, knowing that have to stop this somehow and someway quickly.

I saw Dr. Mord with fear in his eyes as he looked at me, and I could tell he was seconds from leaping and tackling me into the water very quickly. “No!” he shouted, by my arms were already flailed back before I propelled them forward, making contact with the boat, as the cracks and little splinters of wood made their way towards their section faster.

“Oh, no,” Dr. Mord muttered as the boat slowly broke, and it was only a matter of time before the engine decided to commit suicide momentarily. Then all of a sudden-a big blast of fire and fiery clouds bursted into the air, as everyone was risen from their feet immediately. Mr. Drails soared through the air like a bird, but his eyes were facing towards the boat, and he quickly descended at a speeding pace, a pace that hurriedly sped up as time continued to pass on, before he finally landed onto the boat.

Fire raged from the ship.

Screams of fear and agony bellowed from the ship.

I couldn’t even see the body or any sort of figure of Dr. Mord. It was as if he just disappeared, fizzled in the explosion, and a bittersweet ending was now at its end, knowing that he was just trying to avenge his sister, but his brain was too caught up, too obsessed, too revengeful to keep him in his tracks.

It was sad, no doubt about it. And I now felt bad for him, almost pitiful. He wanted to avenge his sister, but he never truly found out about the truth. About her killing and exploding herself, the danger that she posed on us. He never knew, not once-and never again. I hope that one day he can finally come to peace with it all before he finally dies or disappears forever from this world into an unknown place in the afterlife-whatever you wish for yourself when you depart from this mortal realm.

But then, I heard a faint growl of an engine. A roaring engine.

We were at sea. No road or anything, so it wouldn’t be a car.

“Guys, I think they’re chasing us,” I said, as September turned around and shock blasted on our faces as two-three boats pulled up on us and pursued us, and they weren’t that far. They were pretty close, not gonna lie.

“Oh, no, move!” Malachi screeched, as September pushed the pedal, speeding up the boat even faster-but they were getting closer and closer towards us-until suddenly Nikki took her wand out and fired off a bolt of lighting into them-and then she shot out a few more bolts towards the boats.

They crashed into the water, creating little splashes that accompanied the chasers behind us. They were fast, moving and moving, their engines roaring as they continued to advance, and fear and sweat poured down my head, which now shock and hopelessness, all of them, added to the mix.

The mix of every negative fear there was.

We’re going down soon enough and then we’ll be at the bottom of the ocean-at least I hope we won’t be found soon enough or until we figure out a plan B to get ourselves out of here-and back home safely where we belong-but is it even possible?

“Keep driving!” I shouted out loud as we continued on our path.

I got out my pistol, and quickly I began to shoot at the guards behind us. I grunted with each shot, although it was drowned out with the sound that the gun released with every shot. But then a bullet came at me at full speed, and I screamed before ducking down.

“That was close...” I muttered, shooting an extra burst of bullets, before I rolled with a grunt out of the way.

A few more shots.

None of them landed.

We were at sea. No road or anything, so it wouldn’t be a car.

“Guys, I think they’re chasing us,” I said, as September turned around and shock blasted on our faces as two-three boats pulled up on us and pursued us, and they weren’t that far. They were pretty close, not gonna lie.

“Oh, no, move!” Malachi screeched, as September pushed the pedal, speeding up the boat even faster-but they were getting closer and closer towards us-until suddenly Nikki took her wand out and fired off a bolt of lighting into them-and then she shot out a few more bolts towards the boats.

They crashed into the water, creating little splashes that accompanied the chasers behind us. They were fast, moving and moving, their engines roaring as they continued to advance, and fear and sweat poured down my head, which now shock and hopelessness, all of them, added to the mix.

The mix of every negative fear there was.

We’re going down soon enough and then we’ll be at the bottom of the ocean-at least I hope we won’t be found soon enough or until we figure out a Plan B to get ourselves out of here-and back home safely where we belong-but is it even possible?

“Keep driving!” I shouted out loud as we continued on our path.

I got out my pistol, and quickly I shot at the guards behind us. I grunted with each shot, although it was drowned out by the sound that the gun released with every shot. But then, a bullet came at me at full speed, and I screamed before ducking down.

“That was close...” I muttered, shooting an extra burst of bullets, before I rolled with a grunt out of the way.

A few more shots.

None of them landed.

Worry already overtook me as we continued to speed down the sea, the waves crashing behind us.

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