Chapter 152 Oswal & The Speed Gang

Chapter 152 Oswal & The Speed Gang

Oswal looks at the front of a house with hesitation. He is holding a paper bag in his hand. Two days have passed since he told Edgar to visit Simon's parents.

"I will give my gift to her, then leave," thought Oswal. He nods his head at his plan.

He approached and knocked on the door.

"Coming," said a woman named Onor.

She opened the door and looks shocked.

"W-What?" She subconsciously steps back and then gasped.

A man in his sixties came out of the kitchen when he heard his wife's shout. He saw Oswal, then he also looks shocked.

Oswal is puzzled as he looks at them.

And then, Oswal understands as he looks at the picture that looks like himself, who also has thick eyebrows and quite long black hair. The picture is Simon's brother who died while saving people during beast horde.

Onor and Dante are looking at Oswal with astonished faces.

"W-Where is Simon?" asked Onor as she finally recovered from her shock.

Oswal has a look of hesitation. He can't bear to tell the truth yet. He finally understands why Mr. Simon told him to visit his parents a few times. Simon was their only child remaining. He did not leave a son or even a daughter who would continue their family line.

Oswal feels that he must at least fill a little of the void that Mr. Simon left.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Mr. Simon is assigned overseas by the company. I was his subordinate, so he asked me a favor to buy you a gift," said Oswal. Simon's parents did not know that he was working as a secret agent for PHA.

"That Simon, he did not even tell us that he went overseas. It's been a long time since he called us. Sigh, I heard that always happens when a man works in a company." Said Dante.

"You are right, Uncle. Mr. Simon is promoted, so he is really busy and can't call frequently." Followed up by Oswal.

"Really?" Onor is happy for her son.

"Grandmaaa! Happy birthday!" A girl shouted as she entered the house.

"Kyaaa! G-Ghost!" Jenny screams as she steps back and points her finger at Oswal.

Onor and Dante laugh at the girl, then explain the situation to her.

Jenny approached Oswal and touched his arms.

Jenny's touch seems electrified Oswal.

"W-what are you doing?!" screamed Oswal. It's his first time being touched by a woman. His mother died when he was born. His father raised him alone, but he also died during the beast horde.

"I'm just confirming it. You know, because of magic, many things are possible. If not for Grandma's explanation, I would have truly thought that you are a ghost," said Jenny.

"Grandma, I asked Aunt Nora to make dainties as my gift for you. I'm on my way to get it," said Jenny.

"But the road toward there is not safe. There is a notorious gang that appeared there." Onor feels worried and can't help but look at Oswal.

Oswal understands the meaning of Onor's gaze.

"I will go with her," said Oswal.

They safely reached the area.

"You can wait here if you like. You can enjoy the good view here," said Jenny with a smile.

Oswal nods."I will wait here."

Jenny takes the stairs that lead to the top. There is also a cement road toward the top of the mountain.

Oswal stands beside the guard rails. Beyond the guard rail is a mountain slope.

The strong blow of the wind sways his clothes and hair as he looks at the nice view. He can see the city and the gorgeous mountain range.

WOOSH! A rushing bicycle runs behind Oswal.

"Oswaaal!" Jenny's shout catches Oswal's attention.

"Hmm?" Oswal turned to his back and looks at Jenny, who is shouting on the stairs and rapidly moving down.

"Catch that man! He snatched my bag!" Jenny shouted as she pointed her finger at the cyclist rapidly moving away.

"What?" Oswal looks at the back of the cyclist and subconsciously wants to use his magic.

"No, if I use magic, I will be forced to register with PHA. My real identity could be found out. If it reaches Poison Lord's ears, the parents of Mr. Simon might get involved and do harm," Oswal quickly thought.

Huff-huff A chubby cyclist stops cycling near Oswal. He is out of breath. He was trying to chase the thief.

Oscar pats the shoulder of the cyclist.

"You should take a break. Leave the rest to me."

The thief is grinning as he rides his bicycle.He looks behind him, and then he feels shocked.

"What?!" The thief sees Oswal rapidly chasing as he rides a bicycle, and then the thief increases his speed.

There are three cyclists that are resting beside the guard rail. They are wearing helmet and eyeshades.

The thief briefly looks at them, then keeps moving away.

Oswal's keeps chasing the thief.

The three cyclists look at the back of Oswal, then they grin. They start riding their bicycle.

Oswal has to slow down on corners to avoid hitting the guard rail and falling to the slope, but the cyclists are very familiar with the corners.

They quickly catch up with Oswal, then they reach out to one of their water bottle, and hidden within it is a silver metal.

They hold the silver metal and pulled up its top. It's an electric metal. They can control their bicycle with ease while not holding the handle.

One of their hand holds the bike's handle, while the other holds the metal stick. They turn on the electricity on the metal, then they accelerate toward the back of Oswal, who is slowing down because he is approaching a corner.

Oswal notices the three men.

The three men are grinning. Their faces look hideous.

The man in the middle, who is the nearest to Oswal, raised the silver metal with a big grin, then swung it down.

Oswal suddenly pressed the brake of the bike and lifted its back wheel.

"FALL! DUMBA- Ahhh!" The man screams.

The back wheel hit the face of the man.

The man on the left side approaches. He is raising the metal.

Oswal moves the back wheel that is still in the air to the left side.

Bang! "Ahhh!" screams the man. His body was hit by the back wheel, and then he crashed to the ground.

"DIEEE!" shouts the man on the right side as he swings down the silver metal on Oswal's head.

Oswal moved down the back wheel and then lifted the front wheel. The bike is standing on one wheel, and then Oswal rotates the bike.

He made a round kick in the air.

Boom! Oswal's left foot kicked the face of the man. The man flew out of his bike and crashed to the ground.

Oswal's feet landed on the pedals of the bike.

Flop! The front wheel of the bike landed on the cement road, and then he keep chasing the thief.

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