Chapter 153 Oswal & The Speed Gang(2)

Chapter 153 Oswal & The Speed Gang(2)

The thief is laughing as he continues to drive his bicycle. He slowed down his speed.

"Hahaha, dumb kid! The others should have finished him at this time," said the thief, then he looks behind him. His eyes widened as he saw Oswal still chasing behind him.

"Fuck! How can this be?! Shit!" Cursed by the thief, he increased his speed again. After passing two corners, he made a whistle.

In front of the thief is a big corner, and the road ahead can't be seen.

On the roadside, two cyclists heard the whistle of the thief. They look at each other and laugh.

One of them picked up a bag, and then he took a bat. He gave the other bat to another man.

They sit on their bikes and wait for the signal.

"Hahahaha, its been quite some time since we have to make a move," said the man. The other man also laughed.

The thief drives into the corner. He made hand signs to indicate his estimate of timing.

The men started to move while grinning.

Oswal looks at the next corner. The road ahead cannot be seen, so he slows down his speed.

He enters the corner, and he is greeted by two men on both sides with a swing of their bats at his head and body.

The two men have a big grin on their faces.

Oswal pushed the bike, then moved his body down. His two hands are holding the seat of the bike while his whole body is floating in the air and parallel to the ground.

WOOSH! The two bats missed Oswal.

Oswal pulled back the bike and used the seat to push himself up.

He rotates his body in mid-air, then kicked the heads of the men.

"Ahhhh!" The two men scream and crash to the ground.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Oswal falls from the air.

Flop! He lands on the seat and his feet are on the pedals, then he moves toward the thief again.

"Fuck! That kid is abnormal!" The thief shouted. He stopped on the roadside. He wanted to witness the kid coughing out blood when he is hit with a bat, but what happened was too far from his expectations. It's too late for him to run. He removed the shoulder bag from his body, then threw it toward Oswal.

The shoulder bag is deviating and moving beyond the guard rail.

Oswal increased the bike's speed. The bike is about to hit the guard rail, then he jumped forward. His feet move to the front while his hands hold the handle of the bike, pressing the brakes.

Oswal's feet are stretched beyond the guard rail. They caught the handbag, and then he did a somersault to his back. He sits on the bike, then raises his right hand.

Flop! The handbag landed on his right hand.

"Ahhh!" The thief clashes with another cyclist as he kept looking behind him. He crashed into the guard rail and passed out.

The Speed Gang is apprehended.

Meanwhile, a basketball game is ongoing on the court of Seanlu's school. It is a friendly match between two schools.

Seanlu is dribbling with his right hand. A taller player is guarding him. He dribbles and moves to the right. The guard followed his movement.

Seanlu suddenly dribbled the ball between his legs. His left hand caught the ball, then he moved to the left side and passed his defender.

He dribbles with his left hand. Another defender appears. He suddenly spins to his right, then he keeps dribbling, and the defender is left behind.

A tall guard blocks his way.

Seanlu made a crossover dribble. His left hand dribbled the ball. The ball is spinning in the air as it moves toward the right hand.

The tall guard prepared himself for Seanlu's crossover.

Seanlu's right hand caught the ball, then he suddenly pushed it between the legs of the defender.

"What?!" The defender is shocked.

Boom! The ball hit the floor, but it did not bounce but keeps spinning on the floor.

There is a tall defender near the basket, and?saw the ball on the floor. He moved and wanted to take the ball.

WOOSH! The ball suddenly bounced and moves into the air.

"What?!" The defender is shocked, then he looks at the direction of the ball.

The direction is toward Seanlu, who is moving to the basket.

"You can't pass me so easily!" The defender shouted as he ran back to the basket.

Seanlu jumped, holds the ball in the air, and made a fake shot.

The defender is already in the air. His arms are stretched.

Seanlu moves down the ball, then rotates his body 360 degrees to the right in the air. His right hand that holds the ball is stretched to the side. He raised his hand, intending to make a beautiful layup. His body is facing the seat of the audience.

Seanlu's eyes are close. His left hand holds his eyeglasses.

"Class rep, do you see my magnificence? This magnificent shot is for you," thought Seanlu with a smile, then he moved his hand to finish the shot.

His hand moved up, but the ball is no longer there.

Seanlu opened his eyes and looks at his empty right hand with an astonished face.

Then he saw Eric dribbling the ball.

Eric smirks. Seanlu's face turned ugly.

Seanlu landed on the floor, then he rapidly chased Eric while shouting.

"Spear addict! You will pay for what you've done!"

Eric laughs. The defenders can't catch up with his speed.

There is a tall, chubby man on Seanlu's team who did not join the offensive attack. He remains at the back court. Now he is standing near the three-point line.

Eric stepped with his left foot, gathered strength with his right hand, and then threw the ball to the floor.

Boom! The ball bounced outside of the three-point line.

Eric passed the defender. He jumped near the free-throw line. He holds the ball in the air with his right hand. He gathers strength in his right arm.

"Spear Addict, you will not succeed in front of my eyes!" shouted Seanlu as he jumped and stretched his hand to the ball.

"Four eyes, be a background board for my magnificence."

Eric slammed the ball into the basket.


Eric successfully slammed the ball, but it did not hit the basket. The ball hit the rim.

"Ahhh!" Eric screams as the ball bounces from the rim and hit his face. The back of his head hit Seanlu's face, and then they both fell.

"Kyaaa!" the class rep screams and immediately runs toward them.

One month later.

In the room of a runesmith company that belongs to the Co Family, Stella is meeting with shareholders.

"Miss Stella, you know how the business world works. We can't keep our money on a company that is going to sink and can no longer be saved," said a middle-aged man. The other shareholders nod their heads.

Stella sighs, "We haven't renewed the contract with a shop, but I am already looking for an alternative."

"Miss Stella, all the experienced Runesmith masters have been poached. How will you compete with other companies? As day passes, the money of the company is getting less because no money is coming in," said the man.

Stella has a helpless look on her face as she looks at them.

"Fine, I will buy all the shares, but I remind you all that I can only offer a low price," said Stella.

The men came out of the room. Their faces look heavy. They went to a private lounge room near the Evenheart Guild building.

"Hahahaha, I feel so relieved that I am no longer on that sinking boat!" shouted the man who talked with Stella.

"Hahahaha, Edward is really capable. He covered our losses to let the boat sink. He even invited us on a better boat hahaha," another man said while laughing.

The men celebrated that they sold their shares, but it will become their biggest regret for as long as they live. They will have the urge to slap their faces every time they remember this scene.

Stella met Edgar in a room.

"I already bought all the shares. It is all ready," said Stella with a smile.

Edgar nods his head.

"How are they?" asked Edgar with a smile.

Stella looks at Edgar seriously. She tested their abilities, and she was very shocked.

"As you said, they are reborn."

A helicopter is rushing to a restricted area.

"Damn Maywire! They hid the fact that they have an insufficient number of hyperbeings to clear the broken world. Now, the world's burst happened! The defense set up in the restricted area is in danger!" screamed the co-pilot, then he looks at the three hyperbeings in the helicopter.

"We will be the first to arrive. The others are on the way. Hold on until they arrive!"

Merryl smiled when she heard the co-pilot.

"It's fine. All three of us are enough."

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