Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 270 - Two Hundred And Seventy: Sadistic Side Of Him

Chapter 270 - Two Hundred And Seventy: Sadistic Side Of Him

Jennifer's point of view

I was so scared of this side of Niklaus. He had never raised his voice on me until today and he looked so frightening.

"Niklaus, you're hurting me," I cried out yet he gave me a deaf ear nor did he slow down his strides.

Why was he treating me this way? All I did was just say the truth, why was I now the evil one and Reina goes scot-free? It was so unfair!

I knew they did something in here, I saw the hickey on Reina's shoulder which she showed off on purpose. Even without that, I saw Niklaus's wrinkled shirt and slightly messy hair - he must have tried to tidy up, but he failed to cover up everything. Niklaus was a person who enjoyed cleanliness, even a dirty spot on his clothes upsets him, not to talk of rumpled ones.

"Get in!" He pushed me inside the room. Wait a minute, this was my room, why would he bring me here unless...

"Pack your things and get the hell out of my house" He spat fiercely.

"What?" No way, this couldn't be happening," You're pulling my legs, right?" I laughed uneasily.

His gaze pierced into me, "You heard me right, pack your things and get the hell out of here!"

"No, you can't do this to me" I shook my head stubbornly, tears falling from my eyes, "Niklaus, you don't mean this..."I?tried touching him but he hissed at me, "You're just angry, when you're calm, you'd realize you're making a mistake,"

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"Don't make me repeat myself twice cause you're not going to like what I would do to you," The threat in his voice was obvious but I refused to believe it. Niklaus was not this kind of person.

"I'm sorry," I got on my knees and began to plead with him, "If it's because of Reina, then I'll go over to her place and apologize, no, kowtow to her, but please don't send me away,"

"You of all people, Jennifer…" he spoke through gritted teeth, "Knew what the hellish ordeal I went through the past seven years, and now I've been given a second chance, you dare to try to ruin it?! " he yelled at me; eyes red and wide from anger," Moreover, we had a deal and now I've confirmed she's Maya, it's time to honor your end of the deal, "

"No! You heard her today, she insisted to be Reina," I argued.

"That's none of your business, Jennifer," He told me, "Why she's pretending to be another person she isn't is left for me to figure out. Now get out of here!" He treated me like I was some trash.

I would not take this.

I shot up to my feet, fist clenched "You did this to me, Niklaus! You made me fall for you and this is how you treat me? I'm the victim here! Can't you see it, I'm the one who suffered the damages in this game of yours!" I screamed right at his face. I didn't care if I looked like a lunatic right now.

To my horror, Niklaus' eyes darkened, there was this murderous glint in his eyes as he whispered, "How dare you? "

That whisper sent shivers down my spine, I took a step back. Niklaus was becoming increasingly scary, I didn't like it one bit.

"How dare you try to emotionally manipulate me?" he questioned, his eyes looking like a storm was brewing in there.

I forgot to breathe when he backed me into the wall roughly. I whimpered from the pain but he didn't seem to hear it or choose to ignore it. He grabbed my chin so tight it hurt, the tears fell faster

"Who do you think you are to try to emotionally blackmail me, Jennifer? Do you even know who I am? Just because I let go of my dark side, you try to play me like a yoyo, is that it?!"

I could only shake my head in reply, it was not like I could speak anyway; Niklaus clamped my jaw so tight I could only make muffled noises.

It hurt and he seemed to enjoy my terrified state. It was so heartbreaking, I've been with Niklaus for seven years and I never knew he had this sadistic side to him,?I was so scared now.

Niklaus went on, "I've made people disappear without a trace, done so many bad things and gotten away with it. Yet, you little fly with no value dare to manipulate me?"

I cried further, I was so afraid for my future now. He could kill me if that satisfies me but I was concerned for my son, Neon. Niklaus would not kill him because I know he loved him more than he ever loved me - Neon was a substitute for his son he thought died - but what if he takes Neon away from me?

Neon was my life, he was my everything. What if Niklaus keeps Neon away from me as some sort of punishment? No, I would rather die than accept that.

"I'm taking into account the time we spent together, but if you ever step foot here - unless I order so - I'll make sure you never set eyes on Neon ever again," Niklaus threatened, let go of my chin and stride away without glancing back.

I said it, he knew.

I slid down the wall to the ground, bringing my knees up to my chest, and cried my heart out. I was a fool to have believed Niklaus. He said he was going to make me happy! He said we were going to get married and make a comfortable family! They were all lies! Niklaus lied to me! He used me!

With anger burning in my heart and fresh tears blurring my sight, I shot up to my feet and began to pack up.

All of a sudden, I tossed the bag to the side. I don't need this, I don't need this shit! I would leave my stuff here so when Niklaus passes here, he would be reminded of me and the guilt would eat away at him.

A smile curved my lips, I would do exactly that. This was not yet over, Nik would still come back to me. He loves me, he just hasn't realized it because Reina has bewitched him.

I grabbed only my purse, cards, and other necessary documents, stuffed them into my handbag, and made my way downstairs.

Isabella was there with Neon and she seemed to know what happened since she had this apologetic look on her face. The day I leave, she finally shows her sincere emotion, how pathetic!

She lowered her head apologetically, "I'm sorry for - "

"Keep it, I don't need it," I raised my hand, cutting her off. I snatched Neon from her, he looked at me with eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

"Let's go,"

"Go where? "

"Anywhere but here," I answered blandly

"Will Isabella come along with us?" he asked, pointing at Isabella who looked away from the guilt.

"No, it's just you and I; the two of us alone," I answered, getting annoyed by his probing question. Couldn't he just look around and sense the unwelcomed mood here? Neon was so dumb, no wonder Reina's kid was able to beat him.

"No, I don't want to go without Izzy," He slipped from my grasp and ran to Isabella's side. This angered me and I went over and dragged him back, slapping him on the cheek.

"Jennifer!" Isabella was stunned and tried to step in but I pinned her with a look.

"You're not a family member, don't get in the way of me disciplining my son," I told her off.

"Suit yourself!" Isabella stormed away while Neon cried for her to return. He was such a crybaby, why couldn't he do one thing right.

"Get off the floor," I began to pull him away.

"Jennifer," Someone called my name and I turned around to meet Amanda. "What is it?" I didn't have much patience anymore.

"Sir Niklaus asked me to give this to you," She handed a black card to me, " He said the amount should be sufficient for you to live a comfortable life with Neon,"

I took it without thinking twice.

Yes, you might ask why I took the card? I wasted seven years of my life with him, I deserved this at the barest. I had married my husband at the age of eighteen and he died just a year later, so I was still quite young and attractive. While my friends were dating and getting married, I remained devoted to Niklaus, and in the end, this is what I get in return.

I took one final glance at the place I once called home and took my leave. Neon had calmed down but he wasn't talking to me - I'll get him to talk later by bribing him with ice cream. I drive off in my car without looking back.

Logging into a hotel, I began to think about my next step of my life when my phone lit up with a message. It was from that same number that sent me the photo earlier. Who the hell was this, I wondered.

Curiously, I clicked on the message,

"Let's meet up, Jennifer"

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