Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 271 - Two Hundred And Seventy-one: Grown Up

Chapter 271 - Two Hundred And Seventy-one: Grown Up

The third point of view

"Where is Anabelle?" Isabella's brow raised when she discovered she had not logged in. They promised to video chat by this time.

"Ooh, Izzy, don't tell me you're concerned about Anabelle. You've grown soft," Pedro teased her on purpose.

"I have not gone soft, I just don't need her disturbing me later for details," there was a crease on her face.

"Well, Anabelle is asleep so you don't have to worry," He answered.

Isabella's brow raised at that answer, she folded her arms with her signature interrogative look, "How do you know she's asleep?"

Pedro was taken aback by the promptness of the question, he had forgotten how sharp the girl could be.

He and Anabelle had an intense argument concerning the lies she told Isabella.


"What was that lie about?" he was pissed

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that but I had to,"

"You had to lie to Isabella of all people about what? Us dating?"

"You don't get it," Anabelle defended, "I don't want Isabella to feel left out. We are a team here and once the two of us get together, Isabella would be the castoff,"

"Isabella doesn't give a damn if the both of our dates, she said it herself, so why are you doing this?" Pedro was vexed.

"Isabella doesn't always say the truth, she keeps her emotions bottled up - you of all people should know that," she gestured at all.

"So what you're trying to say is that if Isabella is not cool with our relationship, you're willing to break up with me, is that it?"

"No, that's not it ...." Anabelle ran her hand through her hair. She inhaled sharply, "Fine, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied,"

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"Tell that to Isabella not me," He said and left.

End of Flashback.

"I know Anabelle like the back of my hand, she can't miss such an important meeting - especially with you involved - unless she takes her meds. They make her sleepy."

Or she's avoiding me, Isabella thought, unknown to Pedro. There was something the two were keeping from her and she would find it out.

"Do you know me like the back of your hand too?" Isabella threw that sudden question at him.

Pedro was stunned by the directness of her question, he shifted uneasily on his seat. For some weird reason, that question made his heart race. What was wrong with him?

"A-hem," Pedro cleared his throat awkwardly, "No," he blurted.

Isabella's expression shifted, where has his damn royalty gone to? He had always been on her side when they were young.

"I can't read yours because I don't know if you're the back or front of my hand," Pedro laughed - all by himself.

Isabella wasn't amused at all which made Pedro shut up. He had hoped that somehow this comment would elicit laughter that would clear the awkward tension between them.

"How did the plan go?" Prado changed the topic tactically.

Isabella gave him a long stare before responding, "Jennifer interrupted and things went downhill from there. But the good news, she's finally out of here,"

"You mean like, left?" Pedro didn't know what to make of her statement.

"Yes, Niklaus finally man up and told her to leave but there's something strange,"

"What is strange?"

"Something seems to be wrong with Jennifer?"

"How so?"

"She hit Neon"


"Jennifer doesn't hit Neon, but she did yesterday. Pedro, I saw the looks in her eyes, she was raving insane," Isabella told him.

" What were you expecting Isabella? She was frustrated, your father chased her out," Pedro pointed out.

"You don't understand, Peddy. Her eyes were murderous, bloodthirsty,"

"Isabella, you're currently stressed out. You just need to chill a little, have fun, and take your mind off your father, Reina, and Jennifer's problem for a while." He opined.

"There's nothing fun to do..." her eyes suddenly lit up.

Pedro didn't like this one bit.

"Pedro, get your ass over here," She smiled.

Pedro groaned.?This was not going to end well.

Isabella got off her bed, hurried into the bathroom, and observed her bathing ritual. By the time she was through, Pedro was already downstairs waiting for her.

"What's that?" his brow raised questioningly at the duffel bag in her grasp.

"Secret," Isabella smiled at him.

For a moment there, Pedro was struck shocked at the sight. So Isabella could smile this wide, not to talk of how beautiful she looked.

"Pedro," Isabella snapped her fingers at his face.

"What," He was awoken from his reverie.

Isabella leaned closer to him and took a sniff, "Did you apply perfume?" She asked, surprised.

Pedro was uncomfortable with her closeness, "Maybe? A little?"

She leaned more closer, straining her head to meet his neck, "What's the name of the perfume?"

"Why are you so interested in it?" He went red in the face.

"Because I want to," Isabella insisted.

The more Pedro tried to distance himself from her, the closer Isabella got till he had no choice but to put some distance between them. However, in the process of trying to place his hand on her shoulder, Isabella somehow moved and his hands ended on her breasts.

For a minute, no one moved.

Isabella was stunned, her gaze slowly traveled from his face to his hands still rested on her….

"You son of a biscuit!" She hit him on the head.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Pedro cried out in pain, taking his hands off her chest "I'm so sorry, it was a mistake. Who knew my hands were going to find their way there?" he protested with a pout.

"The nerve!" Isabella fumed, "Just because you smell good and we're friends, you think you can get a good feel for free, is that it?"

Pedro knew his life was in danger, he took to his heels. However, Isabella had always been a strong and athletic person, she jumped over the sofa between them and pushed him to the ground.

Isabella straddled him, she tried to grab his hair but Pedro was quick to grab both hands, they began a power tussle. Each tried to overcome the other but their powers were evenly matched.

"Give up! " Isabella smiled at successfully pinning his hand to the ground.

"No way," Pedro rolled her to her back, overthrowing her, "Always respect a man's ego," he grinned victoriously.

"Ego, my ass," She flipped him over.

Pedro released a sharp gasp when his back hit the bare floor. Gosh, why was she so strong? But there was another problem, a certain part of his body was reacting to her sitting on him.

Isabella must have felt it too because she stilled; She didn't dare to move, knowing what would happen next. They were speechless, staring at each other unsure of what to do.

Isabella blushed, did she just give him a boner? She was a bold one but Pedro was her friend… wait, was he? Why shouldn't she date him? He was hot for God's sake and that was her type of guy.

Pedro's heart was slamming against his chest, he felt blood rush to his brain yet guilt overwhelmed him. He was dating Anabelle, so he shouldn't be in this compromising position with Isabella.

He was just about to pull her away from him with all the control he had when Isabella moved against him. Pedro gasped while his eyes grew wide, what did she just do.

"Isabella," He hissed, aroused beyond measure, but he had to stop this madness.

"Don't fight it," Isabella whispered, lowered her head, and kissed him before he could comprehend what was going on.

He overestimated his control.

Yes, Pedro wanted to stop this but he was a man and his body was designed to such responses and so, found himself kissing her back.

They were no longer kids, Isabella discovered that by slipping her hand inside his shirt, caressing his stomach. Those baby fat had been replaced by a perfectly toned stomach; she traced his six-packs.

Pedro's primal side was activated and he showed that by flipping her over, conquering, and taking the lead. He swore, he has never felt this way with anybody - not even Anabelle.

He and Anabelle started going out two months ago and all they shared was sweet, brief kisses- nothing beyond that. He had to consider her health plus the fact, Anabelle believed in the fairy tale type of romance.

But this was intense and passionate, seeping right his veins and making his blood boil. He felt alive, like that demon in him had awoken.

Isabella never thought it would be good - Better than her other kisses. Not that she kissed much, none of the so-called boyfriends lasted more than a day - she beat her father's record. Moreover, none of them interested her, she just kept them around for the attention and to whirl away time - those unfaithful douches.

Pedro was not what she expected, he was so innocent and sweet that she wanted to taint his soul - but it seems, the angel was a hybrid.

And so both of them were so engrossed in their passionate moment that they didn't hear Niklaus come in until the glass in his grasp fell and broke.

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