The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 370

Chapter 370 - Principal You Are too Shameless

As Su Ming approached the school gate, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Why were they staring at him?

He stepped to the left, and every gaze followed suit.

He moved to the right, and again, the eyes tracked his every move.

Pausing, Su Ming glanced over his shoulder.

Besides an old man sweeping the street, there was no one else.

Could this sweeper be some sort of undercover boss?

He certainly didn't look the part.


At the height of Su Ming's indecision about whether to move forward, a crisp voice rang out.

Su Qiu was standing at the front, caught between laughter and tears.

In an instant, Su Ming got it.

He had no choice but to advance.

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He hadn't gone far when the school's leaders converged on him.

“Good morning, Mr. Su!”

“Have you had breakfast, Mr. Su?”

“Don't mind him, Mr. Su. He's the one who failed you before!”

The group swarmed around Su Ming with overwhelming warmth.

Su Ming gestured frantically: “Sister, what's all this about?”

Su Qiu looked equally bemused: “I was just waiting for you here. I ran into one of the academy's leaders, and then everyone just showed up.”

As the crowd pressed in, Su Ming urged, “Please, go about your business.”

“We're not busy at all!”

They shook their heads vehemently.

The news from the previous night had spread like wildfire across the school.

The principal had crossed someone untouchable, compelling his son to rejoin the senior year of high school.

The implications of that person's influence were clear.

And, crucially, Su Ming's sister was a student at Eastsea University.

This morning, upon his arrival, the vice principal was delighted to see Su Qiu.

Learning she was waiting for Su Ming, he decided to join the wait.

?And so the news proliferated.

Su Ming felt a twitch in his eyelid and a tingling on his scalp.

As he was about to lead Su Qiu away, a thunderous voice erupted from behind.

“What are you doing?”

Ye Loong, hands clasped behind him and brow furrowed, strode forward. “What's this commotion at the school gate? Are you looking to get fired?”

The principal had arrived!

With a collective sigh and reluctant shakes of their heads, they stepped back a few paces.

Once the crowd had cleared, Ye Loong's stern expression vanished, replaced by a beaming smile. “Mr. Su, what brings you here?”

?”I remember you're an alumnus of Eastsea University; my signature is even on your diploma. How about a campus tour? I could show you around personally. We've added several new labs and a park recently,” Ye Loong said, still smiling warmly.

?The teachers behind him were visibly displeased by the sudden change in demeanor.

They cast disapproving glances at the principal.

Scratching his head and blinking, Su Ming replied, “Maybe some other time. I'm here to take Su Qiu out for an errand today.”

?”Alright!” Ye Loong agreed without hesitation.

Su Ming was startled by the swift response.

“Mr. Su, here's a special pass for the school. With this, you can go anywhere you like, no need to knock, even if it's my office,” Ye Loong offered.

?Su Ming blinked and accepted the pass, realizing that refusing it would only waste more time.

He quickly grabbed the pass and hurried off with Su Qiu.

Su Qiu had to stifle her laughter at Su Ming's hasty departure.

“Laugh again, and I'll sell you off to the mountains!” Su Ming threatened, turning to her with a mock fierce look.

?”I won't laugh anymore!” Su Qiu promptly straightened up.

?Left without a comeback, Su Ming rolled his eyes, got into the car with Su Qiu, and they headed straight for Appliances City.

?Driving leisurely down a street, they were suddenly interrupted by an elderly lady darting out from a side alley.

She appeared to be in her sixties or seventies, her hair white, and she was unsteady on her feet, leaning heavily on a cane.

Su Ming hit the brakes, bringing the car to a standstill.

The old lady made a beeline for Su Ming's car and then stumbled and fell.

?Both Su Ming and Su Qiu were stunned.

Su Ming had bought so many cars that he hadn't yet installed a dashcam in this one.

After a moment's hesitation, Su Qiu was the first to exit the car.

?Su Ming followed suit, and Su Qiu approached the old lady to offer assistance.

The elderly woman, clearly advanced in years, exerted considerable effort trying to rise from the ground.

Despite her prolonged struggle, she remained unable to stand.

Su Qiu inquired, “Grandma, does your family live nearby? Could you provide me with a family member's phone number? I can call them and ask for assistance.”

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