The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 371

Chapter 371 - I'll Give You More

The old lady was in obvious pain when she spotted Su Qiu.

“I can't remember where my home is. It seems I have one child, or maybe two. I'm not sure.”

Her speech was confusing to listen to.

Su Ming and Su Qiu exchanged a glance, suspecting the old lady might be suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

“Brother, should I help her or not?” Su Qiu asked, still uncertain.

?It's tough to do the right thing in today's world.

“Let's help her out. Don't worry, I've got your back,” Su Ming reassured her with a nod.


Su Qiu stepped forward and gently supported the old lady's arms. “Grandma, let me help you stand. Try to remember the way home. You should get back.”

“Okay. My leg is hurting.”

?No sooner had Su Qiu helped the old lady to her feet than two vans screeched to a halt before and behind them.

The doors flew open.

A group of seven or eight people charged at them.

“Mom, what happened? How did you fall?” one of the men asked as he hurried over.

?”Son, they're the ones who hit me with their car!” the old lady accused, pointing at Su Ming.

?Su Ming and Su Qiu were stunned.

“This old lady's acting is flawlessly connected,” they thought to themselves.

“We couldn't even tell you were pretending.”

“Your portrayal of Alzheimer's was incredibly convincing.”

“But as soon as your people arrived,”

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“Your back stopped hurting, your legs weren't sore, you could talk clearly, and your mind was sharp again.”

“Old lady, it was you who fell on your own. We had already stopped the car before you fell. I was only trying to help you up. Why are you blaming us?” Su Qiu pleaded urgently.

?”You young people hit me with your car, and now you're denying it. My leg hurts, my head hurts, my knee hurts,” the old lady wailed anew.

?She furrowed her brow, looking genuinely injured.

The expressions of the people from the vans turned hostile in an instant.

They quietly encircled Su Ming and Su Qiu.

They had a menacing look in their eyes.

“Hey, young man, you're driving way too recklessly. How could you hit my elderly mother?”

“Exactly. This is a narrow alley with a speed limit. You were driving way too fast. Look how far you sent my mother flying.”

Su Ming blinked.

He thought to himself, “I'm not even going to mention your scamming attempt.”

“I just realized that the old lady supposedly fell right in front of the car.”

“But after you two got out, she managed to scoot several meters on the ground.”

“This lady must have incredible stamina.”

Inwardly, Su Ming gave her a mental thumbs-up.

“Maggots couldn't slide as far as you did.”

“And in this heat, too.”

“You're really something.”

“Doesn't it burn?”

“Even though it's autumn, it's nearly midday. The sun is beating down, and it's hot.”

“Moreover, at your age…”

“If my car had really sent you flying several meters, you probably wouldn't be breathing right now.”

“Kid, why the silent treatment? I'm telling you, this isn't over. You're taking my mom to the hospital for a checkup immediately. And you're going to pay us today, not a cent less.”

With that, they advanced a few steps.

Su Qiu was so upset she was on the verge of tears, thinking, “I was just trying to help, and this is the thanks I get?”

Su Ming just smiled and reassuringly patted his sister's shoulder.

“And what if I refuse?”

No sooner had Su Ming spoken than the old lady burst into dramatic sobs. Her cries were so loud it was as though her voice was amplified.

“The youth today have no sense of public duty.”

“You hit me and now refuse to pay up.”

“There's no morality left!”

The old lady's voice boomed.

Her voice was robust and strong.

Su Ming observed and mused, “With your build, not even a tank could take you down, let alone a car.”

“You could probably live another 40 years with no trouble at all.”

“The saying is true: ‘Good people die young, but trouble lasts a millennium.'”

The street was about ten meters across.

Shops lined both sides of the street, bustling with a steady stream of pedestrians. The imperial court's penchant for spectacle quickly became evident. Within minutes, a large crowd had gathered around the scene.

An elderly woman sat on the ground, wailing and slapping the pavement in distress. She had resorted to a tactic well-known among her peers: the first move in the Crying Style, which was to create a scene.

“The heavens are blind! These two are picking on me!” she cried out.

“They bumped into me and won't even compensate me. Is there no justice left?”

“I'm just a poor, 75-year-old woman.”

Her tears and snot flowed as if she had truly been struck by a vehicle.

“Young man, just own up to hitting someone,” a bystander chimed in.

“I was just over there, having a smoke. I saw them hit this old lady with their car.”

“That's exactly what happened. I saw it too!” another confirmed.

?Voices from the crowd grew louder as more people joined in without knowing the full story.

“You two, so young and driving such a nice car, you hit someone and won't pay up?”

“Don't leave, you two. Let's call the police and let them sort this out.”

“This old lady's age means you've probably shortened her life with that hit.”

The uninformed onlookers began to frown and point fingers at Su Ming and Su Qiu.

?”You!” Su Qiu was livid. These people hadn't witnessed the incident, didn't know the truth, yet they were quick to pass judgment. It was a baseless accusation!

“Calm down, I've got this,” Su Ming reassured her with a smile, stepping forward.

He turned to the old lady's towering son. “Are you her son?”

?”Yes, I am. Listen here, kid, you're not getting away today. Take my mom to the hospital, pay for the damages, and we can put this behind us. Otherwise, we'll get the police involved, take it to court, and you might just find yourself behind bars. You're young; a criminal record wouldn't look good for you,” the tall man said with a scoff.

?Su Ming stroked his chin and nodded thoughtfully. “You've got a point.”

“That's right!” exclaimed the tall man.

“This kid looks young but drives a luxury car. He's definitely loaded,” they thought to themselves, exchanging knowing glances.

“This time, we're going to strike it rich.”

“I've got other things to handle, so I can't take her to the hospital. You guys do it. Isn't it just money you want from me? Tell me how much you want,” Su Ming said with a faint smile.

?”Can it really be this easy?” they wondered, their faces lighting up with joy.

?”You seem like a straightforward guy. We won't ask for too much. Let's say three hundred thousand. No, make it five hundred thousand!” one of them declared, trying to sound firm.

?”The old lady got hit by my car, and five hundred thousand is too little. I'll give you two million. Once you have the two million, we're square, and you can't hassle me anymore,” Su Ming said, smiling again.

?The number left them dumbfounded.

“So much money?” they thought.

“Today we've really hit the jackpot with this easy mark!”

“He's got to be some rich young heir who doesn't care about money.”

“We're going to get rich.”


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