The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 372

Chapter 372 - Su Ming's Tricks

“I didn't expect you to be so clever.”

One of them stepped forward and gave Su Ming a pat on the shoulder.

“Don't worry, once you've paid, we're done here. I'm a man of my word. We won't hassle you again.”

The young man grinned from ear to ear.

Two million would tide him over for some time.

“Must be tough, your line of work?”

Su Ming asked as he pulled out his phone.

“It's not too exhausting,” the young man replied.

?”This two million isn't chump change. I'm using it to close this chapter. You get my drift?”

Su Ming said, chuckling.

“No problem at all!”

The young man slapped his chest and assured loudly, “Rest easy, I guarantee you won't have to deal with this kind of situation ever again.”

Su Ming smiled. “I'll need a receipt.”

The man paused, taken aback.

It was the first time he'd encountered such a request.

“Just write a note, and if this ever happens again, I'll show it.”

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Su Ming continued, still smiling.

The man had an epiphany: “That's no big deal. Third Brother, write him a note.”

“Sure thing!”

Another man agreed cheerfully and quickly scribbled down a note.

?Su Ming examined the note in his hand.

The handwriting was atrocious.

“Fine, give me your account details.”

The young man couldn't contain his excitement now that they were getting down to business.

He hurriedly fished out a bank card from his pocket.

Su Ming didn't hesitate and called Tianhua Bank.

He transferred two million.

The man was ecstatic when he received the confirmation message.

“Thanks, bro!”

He shook hands with Su Ming enthusiastically.

Onlookers who were unaware of the situation might have mistaken them for actual brothers.

At that moment, the old lady's back pain miraculously disappeared, and she stood up straight.

Su Ming offered a wry smile.

“Let's not waste any more time, then.”

The man said, and with a grand gesture, led his group away.

?They moved with surprising speed, as if they were trained for it.

The crowd watching was left speechless.

Despite earlier defenses of the old lady, it was clear from the exchange that Su Ming was being extorted.

Su Qiu, who had been observing, was taken aback.

It finally dawned on her.

“Brother! They're blatantly extorting you!”

“Don't rush.”

Su Ming offered a knowing smile before addressing the onlookers.

“Everyone, these individuals are engaging in extortion, which I'm sure you've realized by now.”

As Su Ming's words settled, several heads around him nodded in agreement.

“I'd like to ask for your assistance.”

His request left the crowd momentarily taken aback.

“Who here has a video recording? I'll buy it for 10,000.”

Su Ming announced.

The crowd buzzed with excitement.

A vendor nearby, who had been idly standing by, sprang into action.

“I was just killing time and happened to record everything, including the conversation!”

Su Ming nodded in approval, walked over to review the footage, and promptly transferred 100,000 yuan.

The surrounding crowd's excitement intensified.

“I have a video too!”

It was as if a frenzy had taken hold, with people eagerly offering their videos and testimonies.

Those without recordings could only look on in frustration.

Before long, seven individuals had provided Su Ming with evidence, and he transferred a total of 700,000 yuan to them.

Subsequently, Su Ming contacted the authorities.

In under ten minutes, the police arrived, led by Captain Wu himself.

?”Mr. Su, it's been a while.”

Captain Wu approached Su Ming quickly, greeting him with a friendly handshake.

Su Ming's strategy had proven incredibly effective.

“It's good to see you, Captain Wu.”

Su Ming returned the greeting with a smile.

He handed over all the gathered evidence to Captain Wu, who scrutinized it and furrowed his brow.

?”Not them again!”

Captain Wu expressed his frustration: “This group is notorious for such schemes, always targeting secluded areas. They flee at the first sign of police.”

“But now, with this video evidence, we can finally catch them.”

Captain Wu couldn't hide his elation.

“Captain Wu, I have additional evidence.”

With that, Su Ming produced a slip of paper.

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