The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 373

Chapter 373 - I Want This Room

“Don't worry, Mr. Su, with this video and note in hand, I'll round them all up,” Captain Wu said, beaming with excitement.

?It was clear that this was the work of a gang.

And it wasn't just any gang—these crooks were definitely connected to others.

Following this trail, who knows how many secrets could be unearthed.

It's quite sad, really.

The swindlers roaming the streets have no idea they've been sold out by their own teammates.

There's truth in the saying that one shouldn't fear a formidable enemy as much as a foolish teammate.

They must be cursing up a storm now, realizing these fools left behind a note.

Such stupidity was beyond belief.

Couldn't they think things through?

Captain Wu promptly excused himself to go make the arrests.

Meanwhile, Su Ming and Su Qiu continued on their way to Appliances City.

?But Appliances City wasn't just about appliances; it offered a wide array of electronic products as well.

Su Ming found a parking spot and with Su Qiu in tow, headed straight for a nearby store.

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He purchased the most expensive smartphone available.

He didn't stop there; he also bought a laptop and a desktop computer.

He requested the best specs for his computer, including a large screen, though the store needed some time to prepare the order. Su Ming left his address for delivery.

They spent the better part of the morning shopping and didn't leave until noon.

Stepping out of the store, Su Qiu's stomach growled audibly.

She blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

?”Are you hungry?” Su Ming asked with a smile, patting his own stomach. “Truth be told, I'm a bit peckish myself. Come on, I'll treat you to something tasty.”


Su Qiu nodded, and Su Ming took the lead with her following. The city center was bustling with activity. They rounded a corner and soon came upon a grand restaurant.

?The entrance was adorned with lavish decorations.

The restaurant stretched nearly thirty meters in length and spanned three stories.

?”Let's eat here,” Su Ming suggested with a smile.

?”Brother…” Su Qiu hesitated. “Isn't this place a bit too pricey? Maybe we should eat at the smaller place next door?”

“Why worry? It's my treat. Let's go.”

After finishing his sentence, Su Ming strode into the restaurant. Su Qiu hesitated at the entrance but eventually followed him inside.


The establishment clearly maintained high standards; the hostesses greeting guests at the door were as stunning as flight attendants.

“May I ask if it's just the two of you?” one of the hostesses inquired with a warm smile.

?”Yes! Do you have a private room available?”

“Of course, sir. Right this way, please!”

The hostess led them upstairs to the third floor. Su Ming surveyed the restaurant's interior and gave a nod of approval. The layout was impressive, with a meticulous design that featured famous paintings on the walls and rare spider plants placed at intervals. Su Ming could tell at a glance that the paintings were genuine. However, being a Sichuan restaurant, the kitchen's greasy fumes necessitated that the artworks be protected behind glass. Along the corridor, there was a cabinet displaying an array of valuable porcelain.

Before long, they reached their private room and settled into their seats. Su Ming picked up the menu, and Su Qiu did the same. Her eyes widened at the prices. “Oh my god, the dishes here are so expensive. One spicy boiled fish is 888 yuan!”


For Su Qiu, 888 yuan was once one or two months' worth of living expenses. She remarked, “Isn't that a bit too pricey?”

?”Don't worry about it. The food here is worth the price,” Su Ming reassured her with a smile, then called out to the server, “Could we have a Kung Pao chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork, boiled meat, spicy boiled fish, two bowls of rice, a bottle of hot water, and two Cokes, please?”

?”Right away!” The waitress responded cheerfully and went to prepare their order.

The aroma from the kitchen wafted through the air, and their hunger made them eager for the meal to come. As they waited, a loud argument erupted outside their room.

?”What's the problem here? Why can't I enter this room?” a man's voice demanded, his tone edged with frustration.

?”I'm sorry, sir, but the room is already occupied,” the hostess explained.

?The man let out a derisive laugh and retorted, “Just ask around the city, who doesn't know me? I'm telling you, get those two out of there. I want to dine in the private room. If not, I'll be speaking to your boss about this!”

“I'm sorry, sir, but we really…”

The young lady's words were cut short by a crisp sound at the door, clearly indicating that the man had struck her. Su Ming's brow furrowed slightly as he thought, “Who could be so domineering?”

He approached the door and pushed it open to get a better look.

A young man stood at the entrance.

Dressed in an exceptionally expensive suit and gleaming leather shoes, he sported a small bag at his waist and slicked-back hair. A large, flashy watch adorned his wrist, sparkling conspicuously.

His presence seemed to demand attention, as if he were saying, “Look at me, I'm wealthy. Come and admire me!”

Zhou Yong caught sight of the door swinging open and scrutinized Su Ming from head to toe, a scornful smirk quickly spreading across his face.

?To him, Su Ming appeared destitute.

This man was flaunting his wealth just because he had a little money in his pocket!

But he, Zhou Yong, was truly affluent.

?”Give me this private room immediately,” he demanded, pulling out five banknotes from his pocket. “Don't worry, I'm not unreasonable. Take this money and dine at another establishment.”


Su Ming responded with a calm smile. “I'm sorry, but I'm not giving up this room.”

Zhou Yong, taken aback by the refusal, burst into an incredulous laugh. “You dare to disrespect me? I was generously offering you money, but now I've changed my mind. Get out of here, now!”

Just then, the clacking of high heels resonated from the staircase. A heavily made-up woman approached Zhou Yong and clung to him tenderly, saying, “Darling, I'm so grateful. I've always wanted to dine here but could never afford it. Thank you, my love. What's the issue? Is the private room occupied? Maybe we should just eat downstairs.”

“No way!” Zhou Yong replied, his agitation mounting.

?As Young Master Zhou, he couldn't afford to be embarrassed in front of a woman.

“This is your last chance. Take the money and leave, or don't blame me if I resort to force,” Zhou Yong said with a cold laugh.

?He had intended to tower over Su Ming in disdain, but his height fell short.

No matter!

Zhou Yong mused to himself, “I may not be able to outdo him in that regard, but I've got money, and money talks!”

“Apologies, I'm staying put.”

Su Ming repeated his stance firmly.

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