The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 374

Chapter 374 - If the Thing Is Broken You Have to Pay the Compensation

Upon hearing the remark, Zhou Yong was taken aback.

“You won't even give me face!” he thought indignantly.

“Well, I'll just have to show you the disparity between our statuses!”

Zhou Yong was gearing up to respond when Su Qiu emerged from the private room, a look of concern etched on her face.

?His eyes bulged at the sight of her. He was taken aback to find this seemingly destitute man dining with such a beauty.

Su Qiu had always been strikingly beautiful, and her challenging life had left her slender and frail, giving her a pallid complexion that only accentuated her delicate appearance.

The sight of such a fragile and lovely woman often sparked a deep protective instinct in men.

Zhou Yong was convinced that Su Qiu's frailty was due to her poor quality of life with Su Ming.

“I'll be the one to rescue her from this,” he resolved.

“Beauty, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zhou Yong from the Zhou Group. My wealth isn't vast, just a few hundred million.”

“Our meeting must be destiny. Why not get to know each other better? You're clearly not thriving with this impoverished fellow. How about considering a life with me? With me, you'll have wealth, a car, and everything else you could desire.”

Zhou Yong advanced toward Su Qiu with a smile.

Su Qiu recoiled in alarm.

Ye Fenglong had once courted her, but at least Young Master Ye was handsome, whereas Zhou Yong resembled a potato.

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With a scoff, Su Ming shifted to the left, positioning himself protectively in front of Su Qiu.

“If you don't have anything significant to say, we were just about to dine,” Su Ming said with a dismissive smile.

“Damn it!” Zhou Yong seethed at the response.

He fumed internally, “Didn't you grasp what I'm saying? You might be taller and better looking than me, but I'm wealthier. And I certainly outweigh you.”

“Today, I'm the one who will dine with this beauty. What are you going to do about it?” Zhou Yong sneered, reaching out to grab Su Qiu.

Startled, Su Qiu stumbled backward in fright, inadvertently colliding with a nearby shelf.

The shelf wobbled and toppled over.

Porcelain items that had been displayed on the shelf came crashing down, shattering into pieces with a resounding clamor.

Seeing the chaos unfold, Su Qiu was instantly overwhelmed with panic.

“Brother, what do we do?”

Su Qiu may not have been well-versed in porcelain, but she knew that even if these pieces weren't renowned, they would still be quite costly.

“Don't worry.”

Su Ming reassured her with a smile, “I'm here, so there's no need to be scared.”

We were on the third floor, where private rooms were filled to capacity.

The clientele here were generally of high status.

This was precisely why Zhou Yong felt emboldened to hassle Su Ming and Su Qiu.

The sound of the porcelain shattering caught the attention of many. Curious guests from other private rooms emerged.

Upon closer inspection, they were shocked.

“I've dined in this room before. The priciest piece here is the Ming Dynasty Blue and White Porcelain.”

“I've warned the owner about keeping such valuable items in the private rooms, but he ignored my advice. Now, the porcelain is indeed broken.”

“These items aren't cheap,” murmured the onlookers with a collective sigh.

The combined value of the porcelain was astronomical. They assumed Zhou Yong, Su Ming, and Su Qiu, who appeared to be college students, wouldn't have the means to compensate.

A commotion of hurried footsteps approached from the staircase. The hotel manager arrived in a frenzy, his face falling at the sight of the shattered porcelain.

His fingers quivered as he said, “Miss, these pieces are genuine.”

“The most valuable is the Ming Dynasty official kiln Blue and White Porcelain. Our boss acquired it at auction for over half a million.”

Hearing this, Su Qiu was beside herself with worry. What could she possibly do?

“It's okay.”

Su Ming gave Su Qiu's shoulder a reassuring pat and addressed the manager, “How much for the damages? I'll cover it.”

“You? Can you really afford it?” Zhou Yong jeered from the sidelines.

?Su Ming paid him no mind and continued to face the manager, “I'll cover the cost.”

?”Do you really have the means?” The manager was skeptical. “Your attire doesn't scream wealth, and this young man is even wearing a child's watch. You must be joking.”

The manager feared a severe reprimand from his boss, possibly even a deduction from his wages.

“The total comes to about one million dollars. Can you truly cover that? Perhaps you should call your family, and I'll inform the boss. We can discuss the matter of compensation together.”

The manager was reasonable. After all, a million yuan was a significant sum.

If the police got involved, it wouldn't be so straightforward. Criminal compensation would mean a record that could tarnish their futures.

“Give me your bank account number.” Su Ming pulled out his phone, utterly indifferent to the million.

If he withdrew all his money to purchase the Blue and White Porcelain, it could fill a football field.

And if he decided to sell the unused items in his house, the porcelain he could buy might pack Eastsea City to the brim.

“Alright,” the manager conceded, signaling to a waiter to jot down the bank account details.

Zhou Yong scoffed.

“Manager Cao, don't let them deceive you. Do they even have that kind of money?” Zhou Yong challenged.

“Better call the police quick, before they jump out the window and you end up compensating them,” he added, rolling his eyes.

?He thought to himself, “You should've left this private room earlier. If you'd just taken the 500 yuan, you wouldn't be in this mess now.”

“What's happening here?”

Just then, a commanding voice rang out.

Manager Cao turned to see the boss had arrived.

“Boss, they accidentally shattered all the porcelain in the room.”

“What?” The boss was taken aback.

He rushed over, about to survey the damage, when his eyes landed on Su Ming.

He seemed vaguely familiar. The boss felt he had seen him somewhere before.

Then it clicked. “This is Mr. Su!”

The boss's mix of anxiety and anger vanished instantly. He smiled, bowed, and made a beeline for Su Ming. “Mr. Su, I had no idea you were here. Had I known, I would have personally attended to you.”

“You recognize me?” Su Ming asked, eyeing the boss curiously.

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