The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 394

C394 – So He Was the Expert!

Su Ming had just finished tidying up the courtyard when he took a moment to sit on a small bench and enjoy the orchestra’s performance. As the music played, he couldn’t help but furrow his brow. The violinist’s skills were mediocre, and the saxophonist wasn’t much better. The cello was out of tune and needed replacing. Even Manager Liu’s conducting was subpar.

In the past, Su Ming wouldn’t have noticed these details; he was a novice to music. But now, as a connoisseur, he could see right through them. They could no longer pull the wool over his eyes. He sighed deeply, feeling somewhat troubled. When he was less knowledgeable about music, he had thought the orchestra’s performances were impressive. Now, aware of every imperfection, he wondered if this was the burden of those with talent.

As Su Ming was lost in thought, the piece came to an end and the musicians took a brief respite. Standing up, he approached Manager Liu.

“Mr. Su,” Manager Liu greeted him anxiously. “Is there something you need?”

“Nothing much,” Su Ming replied with a smile. “Manager Liu, you’ve never studied conducting, have you?”

Manager Liu’s face flushed with embarrassment. He had indeed never learned to conduct. A skilled conductor was crucial for a large concert, but their orchestra played familiar tunes, often for the animals they raised, so the conductor’s expertise seemed less critical. What mattered was the significant profits their performances generated. Envious of his employees’ earnings, Manager Liu had decided to take on the role of conductor himself, assuming the average person wouldn’t notice his lack of skill. But Su Ming was no average person.

“Don’t worry about it,” Su Ming reassured him with a smile. “You should continue as the conductor.”

Truth be told, Su Ming found the situation rather amusing now that he was aware of it.

​”Mr. Su, I…” Manager Liu began, feeling a wave of guilt.

“It’s alright,” Su Ming interrupted, still smiling. “Just focus on conducting well.” He then turned to the violinist and remarked, “There’s an issue with your violin playing.”

​As Su Ming’s words fell, the surrounding crowd was taken aback.

This was their orchestra’s principal violinist, the most skilled performer among them.

While he wasn’t considered a top violinist nationally, he was undoubtedly talented.

Did Mr. Su even understand violin performance?

Was Mr. Su attempting to coach a violinist from an audience member’s perspective?

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“Mr. Su, could you please tell me what my issue is?” the chief violinist asked, rising to his feet in haste.

​Indeed, he was the principal violinist.

But Mr. Su had wealth, and his words carried weight as a result.

If Mr. Su suggested he play the violin upside down, he would oblige without question.

Such is the influence of money.

“You’ve clearly dedicated yourself to mastering the violin,” Mr. Su observed.

“Your posture is exemplary.”

“The height and breadth of your arm movements while bowing the strings are impeccable.”

“However, you may not have noticed that your playing hesitates during rests, leading to a lack of smooth transitions.”

“Typically, the audience wouldn’t detect this, so it’s not a serious issue.”

“Nevertheless, addressing this would enhance your performance,” Su Ming remarked calmly.

The room fell silent at Su Ming’s critique.

Had they misheard?

Su Ming’s feedback was unexpectedly professional.

They had assumed Mr. Su lacked musical knowledge, that he was merely a lay listener.

It turned out Mr. Su was an expert!

The chief violinist was the most astounded.

He was completely bewildered.

Mr. Su had pinpointed his exact issue!

During practice, he always paused at the rests, which had drawn criticism from his teacher.

Gradually, he developed a fear of these pauses.

Each time he played a rest, his shoulder muscles would involuntarily tense up—a subconscious flinch in response to anticipated criticism.

​Not even the music academy professors could spot this subtle imperfection.

But Su Ming had noticed!

Indeed, Su Ming was an expert!

At that moment, Su Ming approached the trumpet player and commented, “There’s a slight flaw in your performance as well…”

The trumpet player was equally dumbfounded.

Su Ming then turned to the drummer and noted, “Your performance also has a slight flaw…”

The drummer was caught off guard.

Su Ming offered some advice, and the entire band was taken aback.

They had originally pegged Su Ming as a mysterious wealthy man.

But it turned out that Su Ming wasn’t just wealthy; he was also well-educated and highly skilled in music.

What’s more, he was proficient in multiple instruments.

Handsome, wealthy, and talented – what a combination!

Is this what sets people apart?

The principal violinist rose nervously: “Mr. Su, we had no idea that we’ve been parading our talents before an expert like you this whole time. Would you mind playing something for us?”

His face was alight with a fervent hope.

As he finished speaking, his colleagues behind him all looked up expectantly.

Their intense stares fixed on Su Ming.

They were certain that Su Ming was a professional musician.

After all, only a seasoned musician could articulate certain professional terms and critiques.

A layperson wouldn’t stand a chance at making sense of them.

Su Ming paused, thinking, “I’ve practiced playing for so long and never really showcased it. Now’s the perfect chance.”

“Alright,” Su Ming nodded.

But then he pondered, “Which instrument should I play?”

The spectators immediately grasped Su Ming’s dilemma and scrambled to offer their own.

“Mr. Su, please use my violin!”

“That violin’s seen better days. Mr. Su, take mine!”

“Mine would be better.”

“No!” Su Ming’s eyes sparkled with inspiration.

He strolled over to the side, grinning, and plucked a leaf from a nearby tree.

He twirled the leaf between his fingers and declared, “This will do.”

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