The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 395

Chapter 395 - This Really Is a Good Name!

When the members of the symphony orchestra witnessed Su Ming's actions, they were taken aback.

Mr. Su was planning to use leaves as a musical instrument?

Could that be true?

Was it possible for him to produce a melody using leaves?

Deep down, they knew it was feasible.

Yet, the challenge of performing with leaves far surpassed that of using traditional instruments.

Ordinary instruments produce sound through the vibration of metal.

But coaxing a tune from a leaf depended on the player's lips and breath control.

This was no small feat.

And since no two leaves were alike, the task was incredibly daunting for Su Ming.

Could Su Ming actually accomplish such a feat?

Seeing the puzzled looks on everyone's faces, Su Ming allowed a smile to spread across his own.

He then inhaled deeply, placed the leaf to his lips, and gently blew.

Instantly, music emerged—resonant and flowing, reminiscent of a sprite in dance.

The music carried notes of joy and hints of sorrow, keeping company with the stars above and the mountains below.

Su Ming transformed the cacophony of the city center into a piece that was both enchanting and melodious.

The entire orchestra was spellbound by the tune.

My goodness!

The music was mesmerizing.

They had assumed Su Ming would manage only a simple tune.

Yet, they hadn't anticipated that he would infuse the piece with such raw emotion.

It was a level of artistry they couldn't achieve with even the most expensive of instruments.

Meanwhile, outside the door, Shen Dan had just stepped out of her car.

A throng of reporters quickly gathered behind her.

“Dean Shen, why are you so upset?”

“Dean Shen, what's happened?”

They encircled her, bombarding her with questions.

Shen Dan looked visibly upset.

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“Some orchestras do disgraceful things for money,” she said with indignation.

“They stoop so low as to play music for pigs. It's a disgrace.”

Shen Dan was seething with anger.

“They're inside here.”

“Let's go in and put an end to this charade.”

With that, she charged ahead, followed by a cadre of security personnel, a pack of journalists, and onlookers eager to see how the events would unfold.

But as they approached the entrance, the sound of music reached their ears.

It was harmonious and exceedingly beautiful.

Shen Dan, initially furious, found herself instantly transfixed upon hearing the melody.

After all, Shen Dan was a consummate musician.

She found the melody enchantingly beautiful.

The seamless connection of the notes and the exquisite portrayal of the mood were flawless.

The piece was impeccable, utterly captivating to the ear.

Shen Dan was spellbound.

Her anger had long since dissipated.

She stood still, eyes closed, simply listening to the music.

She felt herself transform into a little bird, soaring freely in the sky, joyfully dancing among the clouds.

Then, she imagined herself as a deer, prancing merrily through the forest.

Next, she became a droplet of water, bravely navigating the rapids of a stream, merging into the river, and surging towards the ocean.

Shen Dan was wholly absorbed in the music.

A tear gathered on her quivering lashes and slowly made its way down her cheek.

This was a piece of music that touched her soul like none she had ever heard before.

The reporters, security personnel, and the crowd behind her were equally transfixed.

Though they weren't experts in music, the emotional resonance was universal.

They were all astonished, lost in the music.

As the final crisp note faded, the music came to an end.

Su Ming removed the leaf from his lips.

He nodded in approval.

The skill the System had granted him was remarkable.

He could turn anything into a musical instrument.

Su Ming tossed the leaf to the ground and turned to face the members of the orchestra.

To his surprise, he saw a large group of people at the entrance.

When had they arrived?

What did they want?

Where had all these reporters come from?

Their silent presence had taken him aback.

Shen Dan was the first to snap out of it, rushing towards Su Ming as though she had wings.

She seized his hand in hers.

Her face was a canvas of ecstatic joy, streaked with tears.

“My goodness! Sir, your musical talent is extraordinary. May I know your name? And the name of the piece you just played?”

Su Ming stood there, blinking in bewilderment.

He had no intention of fleeing. Could she possibly grip his hand with a little less force?

His hand ached.

The first question she posed was easy for him to answer, but he was at a loss regarding the second.

He had simply played a tune without thinking to name it.

What should he call it?

Mountain and Flowing Water?

That name seemed too commonplace.

Su Clan's March?

The name lacked originality.

So, what should he call the piece?

Adhering to the System's naming conventions, he decided to call the composition the Qidelongdong March.

Su Ming chuckled and said, “I'm Su Ming. The piece you just heard is called the Qidelongdong March.”

Shen Dan's expression stiffened instantly.

The corners of her eyes twitched uncontrollably.

The Qidelongdong March sounded awful.

Was this what being a master was like?

She pondered the abstract art master Picasso, whose paintings were beyond many people's comprehension.

Yet, his artwork sold for over a hundred million yuan.

Were his paintings subpar?

In his youth, Picasso was a master of realistic painting.

His works were as lifelike as photographs.

It was only in his later years that his style evolved into abstraction.

This was seen as a return to the essence of the world.

It signified reaching the pinnacle of perfection, a return to simplicity.

Only a true master could achieve such a state.

Despite the Qidelongdong March's awkward sound, Mr. Su must have chosen the name with profound intent.

“It's truly a fine name!”

Shen Dan's enthusiasm returned in an instant.

She grasped Su Ming's hand and shook it energetically.

Was she certain?

Su Ming couldn't help but inwardly grumble.

He had simply picked a name at random for the piece.

Why did she believe it was a good name?

Could there be a deeper meaning to the name that he hadn't considered?

Perhaps he was indeed a genius!

As they shook hands and exchanged greetings, Manager Liu and his colleagues finally caught on.

They scrutinized Shen Dan and recognized her as a heavyweight in the music world.

She was a true leader in the industry.

“Dean Shen, what brings you here?”

Manager Liu rushed forward, bowing to Shen Dan.

The group of musicians behind him showed great respect for her.

Shen Dan smiled and said, “Mr. Su, I need to attend to something first.”

She then reluctantly released Su Ming's hand.

The next moment, her warm and enthusiastic face turned stern.

Her eyes blazed with fury and seriousness.

“Are you Manager Liu?”

Manager Liu quickly responded, “Yes!”

Shen Dan, hands clasped behind her back, spoke with grave seriousness, “Manager Liu, did you really bring an orchestra to perform for pigs? How disgraceful! Who hired you? Bring him to me; I intend to give him a piece of my mind!”

Upon hearing her words, Manager Liu glanced at Shen Dan and then at Su Ming.

The individual standing before Dean Shen was precisely the person she had been seeking.

She had just taken Su Ming's hand with great respect.

Did she truly want him to reveal the answer?

If he were to announce it loudly, the situation could deteriorate significantly.

Shen Dan went on to berate him, “Manager Liu, how could you bring such a prodigy from your orchestra to perform for swine without reporting it? You're squandering talent! How utterly selfish of you!”

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