The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 396

Chapter 396 - Explain

Manager Liu was completely taken aback.

Could it be that Dean Shen was unaware that the very genius she spoke of was their employer?

Manager Liu's expression turned grim.

His eyes and mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He opened his mouth but was rendered speechless.

Shen Dan was livid.

“What's the matter? Have you lost your ability to speak?”

Hands on her hips, Shen Dan was visibly upset.

“As an orchestra manager, you should be dedicated to learning and striving for excellence.”

“Making money is essential, but remember your core mission. Art transcends everything.”

“By acting this way, you're degrading art.”

“Where is this person?”

Shen Dan's anger escalated with every word.

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Manager Liu blinked frantically, glancing repeatedly towards Su Ming.

”What's wrong with your eyes?” Shen Dan inquired, noticing his behavior.

Manager Liu was at a loss for words.

Taking a deep breath, he finally set his gaze on Su Ming.

“Mr. Su is our employer.”

The room fell into a hushed silence at Manager Liu's revelation.

Shen Dan was stunned, her previous words now making her feel incredibly awkward.

As she pondered her next move, her assistant stepped forward, eyes wide with indignation, and blurted out, “So what if he's the employer?”

But before the assistant could finish, Shen Dan let out a shout and enthusiastically gave a thumbs up, her face alight with admiration.

The assistant was caught off guard.

The reporters and onlookers shared in the confusion.

”Dean Shen, you didn't say that a moment ago,” the assistant remarked, unable to contain himself.

”What did I say?” Shen Dan cut him off sharply.

”I now understand Mr. Su's intentions,” she declared confidently.

Su Ming was just as surprised by her reaction.

All he had wanted was for them to perform and cheer up his plants and animals; he had no ulterior motives.

”Manager Liu, you've been with Mr. Su for so long and yet you fail to grasp his thoughts,” Shen Dan chided.

Manager Liu was perplexed.

“You all lack vision,” she continued.

“If Mr. Su is as skilled as you say, he could easily perform himself. Why would he invite you?”

“Is Mr. Su simply trying to avoid exhaustion?”

“Of course not. Someone who has mastered an instrument to such a degree would never fear fatigue!”

“He must have spotted your shortcomings and wanted to offer some guidance. He aimed for you to immerse yourselves in nature, to truly understand the world, and to elevate your artistic sensibility and skill,” Shen Dan declared emphatically.

Upon hearing this, Su Ming couldn't resist giving a thumbs up, though he felt a twinge of embarrassment. Just yesterday, he had been clueless. It was only after the Excellent Banana ripened that he mastered the skill.

Manager Liu, listening in, found himself nodding in agreement with Dean Shen's insightful comments. Without Dean Shen's wisdom, they might never have grasped such a profound truth in their lifetimes. He was deeply moved.

”Thank you, Mr. Su, for enlightening us! We were so naive,” Manager Liu exclaimed with urgency.

His colleagues, too, rose to their feet and bowed deeply. They were deeply grateful for Su Ming's personal instruction, correcting their errors without asking for payment.

Su Ming, rubbing his nose and clearing his throat, casually placed his hands behind his back. “Really, it's no big deal,” he remarked.

At his words, tears welled up in the eyes of Manager Liu and his team.

“Thank you, Dean Shen. Without your visit today, we would have remained in the dark,” they said.

“We never imagined Mr. Su could be so magnanimous. We are truly honored,” they added, their voices filled with admiration.

“Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Su. I'm going to practice diligently and certainly won't let you down,” they vowed with conviction.

”Let's wrap up for today. You all can head back now. Take a few days to rest; there's no need to come in,” Su Ming said with a smile, signaling the end of the session.

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