The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 397

Chapter 397 - Mr. Su Thank You for Your Guidance!

“Yes!” Manager Liu snapped to attention and responded with conviction.

He turned to his team and said, “Did you all grasp what Mr. Su said? Mr. Su is giving us a few days off to fully understand the new knowledge he imparted today.”

“Once we return, we must diligently study and tackle every challenge we can.”

“We cannot let Mr. Su down!” Manager Liu exclaimed loudly.

“Understood! Thank you, Mr. Su!” the rest of the band members shouted with fervor.

Leading by example, Manager Liu marched out the door with pride.

Being guided by Mr. Su was a privilege for them!

They were more thrilled than if they had won the lottery!

Indeed, masters don't often show their full capabilities.

Consider Mr. Su: young, attractive, wealthy, and not only that, he's immensely talented and skilled with musical instruments.

He is the true master!

Watching Manager Liu depart, Shen Dan broke into a smile.

Su Ming, catching her grin, felt a shiver. It reminded him of the smiles President Chen and his associates would often wear.

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”Mr. Su, could you play that piece again?”

“Please, don't be upset, Mr. Su. I mean no offense.”

“The piece is just so captivating, I want to go back and learn it properly. Of course, you must be exhausted today. When might you have some free time? I'd like to visit you.”

“Do you farm right in the middle of the city?”

“I'd be glad to lend a hand.”

“I grew up in the countryside, helping my parents with the farmwork since I was little. Wheat farming is my specialty.”

“Are you in need of help here? I could assist with the farming.”

“See, there are weeds in this field.”

With Su Ming and the others looking on in astonishment, Shen Dan slipped off her high heels and stepped into the field.

She crouched down and began weeding.

An immediate hush fell over the onlookers.

Shen Dan's assistant and several of her students, seeing her weeding, joined in to help.

The media reporters exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to cover this story.

Dean Shen pulling weeds for a mysterious tycoon in the heart of Eastsea City?

Who would believe such a tale?

“What are you all still doing here?”

Shen Dan's assistant was the first to notice the issue. He glanced at the reporters, his brow furrowed, and announced, “Let's clear out, everyone.”

”Yes!” came the immediate response.

The reporters didn't dare to protest. Shen Dan was a prominent figure and a renowned musician, wielding significant influence in the media world. Here, even the head of the TV station had to heed her words. With that in mind, they saw no reason to stay and promptly dispersed.

The bystanders, aware that Mr. Su was involved, weren't surprised and followed suit, leaving the scene. The assistant made a point to secure the gate on his way out.

As everyone else busied themselves with their tasks, Su Ming was left standing alone. With nothing else to occupy him and knowing the crowd's appreciation for his music, he decided to perform another piece.

After a moment's thought, Su Ming strolled to the roadside and casually plucked a leaf from the ground. He then settled into the rocking chair and poured himself a glass of iced tea. The refreshing beverage soothed him as he relaxed under the gentle midday sun, which filtered through the leaves above.

Lying back, Su Ming closed his eyes slightly, placed the leaf to his lips, inhaled deeply, and began to play. The workers, including Shen Dan, stopped in their tracks, captivated by the sound. The previous tune had been crisp and spirited, but now it carried a somber, lingering quality, soft and soothing. It evoked the image of a joyful fawn or an exuberant child, whereas the current melody conjured the vision of an elder reminiscing in the sunset of life.

Shen Dan herself, now past fifty, had spent her lifetime in music's embrace. She had foregone a complete childhood and youth, her parents having steered her towards musical study from a tender age. Her innate talent had emerged early, bringing her acclaim. Music had shaped her life and her legacy, but it had also led her to miss out on many of life's simple joys, including the precious moments of her younger years.

She had missed her youth.

She had missed the joy of being there for her child's growth.

Lost in Su Ming's music, she wept.

Behind Shen Dan, the assistants and students sat on the ground, reflecting on memories long buried in their hearts.

They thought of their elderly parents, whom they hadn't visited in a long time.

They remembered their family's thatched hut—old and worn, yet a refuge from the elements.

The song carried the most heartfelt emotions in the world.

Minutes later, the melody ceased.

Shen Dan remained in a trance.

Was this the pinnacle of music?

Was this the very thing she had dedicated her life to pursuing?

She had believed herself close to mastering music.

But now, she realized she was not only far from being a distinguished musician, she hadn't even truly begun.

Shen Dan dried her tears, stood up, and approached Su Ming, bowing deeply.

“Thank you, Mr. Su.”

With those words, Shen Dan walked away.

Years of accolades had led Shen Dan astray; she had come to equate music with sophistication.

But Su Ming's mentorship had been a revelation.

Music, she now understood, had always been with the people, rooted in the earth, wandering through the woods and valleys.

Every blade of grass, every tree, every bloom was a vessel for music.

She had been confined to concert halls, having forgotten her initial purpose.

Determined to start anew, she resolved to seek out the diverse sounds of life to refine her craft.

Over a decade later, Shen Dan had become a true musician.

Her music, lauded by many, had achieved sublime beauty.

Yet, in every interview, with tears in her eyes, she would say, “Without Mr. Su, I would not have reached these heights. My music pales in comparison to his.”

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