The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 428

Chapter 428 - I Have Ascended!

“Is she going to call the cops? What do we do now? I'm terrified! Should we make a run for it?” Third Brother feigned fear, his face twisted into a mocking sneer.

The other thugs burst into raucous laughter.

“Let's be real, after snatching your classmate's junky phone, we barely made any cash. That thing's worth maybe a thousand yuan. At best, we could sell it for two hundred. That's hardly enough to warrant a police case,” Third Brother scoffed.

“We're students from Eastsea University. The police won't let you off the hook!” The woman's expression turned stern.

“Oh, so you're a student. I've got a thing for young girls! How about you join us for a drink?”

With his back to Su Ming, Third Brother reached out toward the woman's shoulder.

In an instant, she grabbed Third Brother's wrist with a swift hand, twisting it sharply.

Third Brother yelped in agony.

Su Ming was taken aback.

He hadn't expected the woman to be skilled in martial arts.

She then unleashed a powerful kick from her long legs, landing it squarely on Third Brother's stomach.

He staggered back several steps, clutching his belly, his face ashen and beaded with sweat from the pain.

“Give back my classmate's phone now, or you'll regret it!” The woman demanded, her brow furrowed in a fierce display.

She was intentionally projecting an intimidating presence.

Despite her martial arts training from a young age, she was still up against five grown men.

Her physical strength was significantly less than theirs.

Most of her efforts were dedicated to her studies, with martial arts practice being only an occasional activity.

The movie scenes where one girl takes down dozens of guys were clearly exaggerated.

Her intention was to simply shock these thugs into returning her classmate's phone without a fight.

But clearly, her plan hadn't worked.

As the woman made her move, the thugs didn't get angry; instead, they laughed even louder.

“Third Brother, look at you—all beaten up!”

“I can't stop laughing. You got pushed around by a girl!”

“My sides are splitting from laughing so hard.”

Embarrassed by his friends' jeers, Third Brother's face flushed with humiliation.

In a sudden rage, he pulled out a small dagger from his pocket.

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He brandished his knife at the beautiful woman with a menacing air.

While the beauty might not be able to take on five guys, handling one seemed manageable.

Especially since this thug didn't appear to be as physically fit as the woman.

She remained utterly composed.

Once again, she seized Third Brother's wrist and gave it a sharp twist.

Pain shot through Third Brother, causing him to drop the dagger.

He was promptly kicked away once more.


Just then, the tallest and most muscular of the group sneered, “You're quite the spitfire, little lady. Try your luck with me.”

Su Ming, observing from a short distance, furrowed his brow.

He could tell that this muscular man was likely skilled in martial arts, given his calloused, thick palms.

Simultaneously, Su Ming grasped the situation's backstory.

Clearly, these loafers had snatched the cell phone of the woman's classmate. She had come to retrieve it, demonstrating her strong sense of justice.

Su Ming approached slowly.

He wasn't one to simply stand by.

His decision to assist the young woman stemmed not only from their shared Eastsea University connection but also from his disdain for bullies.

The woman's courage in confronting the thugs on behalf of her classmate earned Su Ming's respect.

Su Ming might not be the most merciful person, but he was a young man with a heart for justice.

Whenever he saw someone in trouble, Su Ming was always ready to lend a hand.

“Boss! Grab this wench! You've got to avenge me!” Third Brother exclaimed.

Having regained his senses, Third Brother was still nursing his sore hand.

The woman faced the towering man with a grave expression.

Even if he lacked martial arts training, his muscular physique posed a formidable challenge.

She had trained in martial arts from a young age, but she was aware that she couldn't overpower him. Her technical prowess was no match for his brute strength.

Yet, having resolved to defend her classmate, she was not about to retreat.

She stood her ground.

In this era of law and order, evildoers couldn't evade justice.

She stood firmly on the side of justice, unafraid of those who opposed her.

Just then, Third Brother suddenly felt an odd sensation, as if his body had become as light as air.

Glancing down, he was astonished to see his body floating off the ground.

Was he actually flying away?

Could it be that he was ascending to the fabled Immortal Realm to become a legendary deity?

“Look at me—I'm on the verge of becoming an immortal!” he exclaimed.

“This girl must have unblocked my meridians. You all doubted my cultivation practices, but now you see the truth. I'm on my way to becoming the most powerful being in the world!”

Third Brother was elated.

After boasting for quite a while, he noticed his companions were eerily quiet.

Confused, Third Brother saw their gazes; they looked at him as though he were a fool.

He suspected they were green with envy.

In their group, he was the one always picked on, tasked with ordering takeout and running errands.

Now was his chance to prove his worth!

But then Third Brother felt something was off. Why was there a choking sensation around his neck, making it impossible to breathe?

Surely, it was because he was ascending, and the air was getting thinner.

He was convinced his reasoning was spot on.

However, his companions saw the clear truth: behind Third Brother stood a man who had effortlessly hoisted him up with one hand—none other than Su Ming.

With Third Brother's slight build, standing at just 1.6 meters and weighing 45 kilograms, anyone with a bit of martial arts training could lift him with ease, especially Su Ming, who had undergone physical enhancements twice.

“Why can't I move? Did my flight to the heavens fail?” Third Brother wondered, his face a portrait of bewilderment.

He looked around, and as he was about to turn back, everything went dark, and he passed out.

Su Ming released his grip, and Third Brother slumped to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Su Ming sniffed dismissively, thinking Third Brother was quite the simpleton.

Tucking the Crackled Electronic Cigarette into his pocket, Su Ming found it to be a handy tool.

The leader, who had been conversing with the beautiful woman, furrowed his brow at Su Ming. “Kid, do you fancy sticking your nose where it doesn't belong?”

Su Ming nodded affirmatively. “Who wouldn't want to play the hero and rescue a damsel in distress?”

The boss let out a derisive snort. “Well, that'll depend on whether you've got the chops for it!”

Su Ming admitted, “I had a bit of confidence before, but seeing you has made me doubt myself. Have you trained in martial arts as well?”

Hearing this, the boss swelled with pride. “Of course.”

He planted his hands on his hips and proclaimed loudly, “I started martial arts training at three, mastering the Golden Bell Shield and the Iron Head Technique. You're no match for me. Today, I'm in a good mood and don't have the time to entertain you. Scram!”

Indeed, the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique exist in the real world.

But they're not as mystical or formidable as they're portrayed in novels; they're simply skills for withstanding blows.

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