The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 429

Chapter 429 - Didn't You Say That This Is Not Allowed?

In essence, these two skills enable a martial artist to strengthen their skin and muscles to better withstand beatings.

Su Ming glanced at the beautiful woman. “But I still want to give it a try.”

A look of astonishment spread across the beauty's face. She was assisting her classmate because the girl came from an impoverished family and life was quite challenging for her. The classmate had a strong sense of pride and was reluctant to accept help from others. She managed to get by on scholarships and part-time jobs, occasionally sending money home to support her family. The smartphone, which appeared unremarkable to most, was actually the result of six months of her hard work and frugality.

Facing several men, it was natural for the beauty to feel fear.

She wished for someone to come to her aid, though she knew the chances were slim.

To her surprise, someone did step forward to help.

The beauty clenched her teeth and insisted, “You should really get going, I can handle this!”

She didn't want Su Ming to get entangled in her troubles, as it was not his concern.

Hearing her words, the gang leader burst into laughter.

With brazen confidence, he taunted, “Kid, it's too late to walk away now. I've changed my mind: I'm going to teach you a lesson today. But don't worry, we won't gang up on you. I'll stand right here and let you hit me three times. If you knock me down, I'll let you both leave. But if you don't, you'll be leaving here without your clothes.”

He was supremely confident in his abilities.

Having practiced the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique from a young age, he was convinced he could take a hit from an iron rod without injury.

He didn't see Su Ming as a threat.

Su Ming blinked, at a loss for words. He couldn't believe the foolishness of these people.

This was the 21st century; did they really think the world was filled with such fantastical elements?

Nevertheless, with the gang leader issuing such a challenge, he had no choice but to accept.

Su Ming asked, “Are you certain you want me to strike you three times first?”

The gang leader stepped forward, thumping his chest confidently, “Absolutely!”

Now was his moment to display his manhood.

There was a stunning beauty among the onlookers.

He had never had the opportunity to interact with such a beauty before.

He had heard that women were attracted to courageous men. Maybe his valiant display this time would capture the beauty's affections.

Su Ming sighed and shook his head. “If I had known something like this would happen, I wouldn't have come to the beauty's aid. After all, he's mastered the Golden Bell Shield and the Iron Head Technique. I stand no chance against him.”

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Su Ming feigned deep regret.

“Kid, you'll pay for your tall tales!”

“Exactly, don't think you can pretend to be cool for free.”

“You're nothing compared to our boss.”

The three thugs stood by, rooting for their leader.

The beauty, however, tilted her head slightly and blinked, looking puzzled.

The gang's boss had a simple mind, incapable of grappling with complex matters.

But she was sharp.

She saw no trace of fear or regret on Su Ming's face and sensed that he was toying with them.

Su Ming faced the gang leader and asked, “Shall I begin my attack?”

They were of similar stature.

The gang leader boasted confidently, “Bring it on!”

Su Ming nodded.

As the boss braced himself to take Su Ming's punch, Su Ming abruptly lifted his hand.

Then, he delivered a resounding slap to the gang leader's face.

The crisp sound reverberated through the alley.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What was happening?

This didn't seem right.

Common sense would dictate that Su Ming should have punched the gang leader in the chest.

But Su Ming had slapped him instead, catching everyone off guard.

The leader was equally shocked.

His face stung, his head ringing.

Su Ming's slap packed a punch, leaving the boss with a throbbing cheek.

It took the boss a while to come to his senses.

“You dare to slap my face?” The boss was livid.

He thought Su Ming had crossed a line, especially since he had allowed him to attack first.

“You never said I couldn't slap your face,” Su Ming responded, feigning confusion.

The boss was left speechless. Though he appeared brawny and muscular, he wasn't the brightest. Hearing Su Ming's retort, he even began to think there was some truth to it.

He couldn't come up with a single reason to counter Su Ming's argument.

Indeed, he had never explicitly stated that Su Ming wasn't allowed to slap him in the face!

He pondered, “How is this different from martial arts fiction? In those stories, characters always strike at the enemy's chest. Yet, this guy doesn't seem to be wrong.”

“What's the matter? Can't handle my slap?” Su Ming, scratching his head, questioned, “Didn't you train in the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique? Can't you take even one slap from me?”

“I am skilled in the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique! But my face isn't made of iron!” The boss was fuming.

He had honed the power of his limbs, chest, back muscles, and the toughness of his skull with the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique. However, his face remained flesh and blood.

“Aren't you supposed to strengthen your entire body with the Golden Bell Shield and Iron Head Technique?” Su Ming asked, looking puzzled.

The boss was at a loss for words. His eyes bulged, and he was at a loss for a response.

He simply couldn't address Su Ming's point.

“Regardless, you just can't hit my face!” the boss blurted out in desperation.

“Fine,” Su Ming agreed with a nod. “Get ready then. I'm about to begin.”

With that, Su Ming inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. His clenched right fist rose slightly.

He then closed one eye, focusing on the boss's chest with the precision of a sniper zeroing in on a target.

The boss saw this and thought, “He's finally making his move. Bring it on! I won't even flinch.”

As the boss braced himself to withstand Su Ming's punch, Su Ming's right leg shot out, targeting the space between the boss's legs.

His foot connected squarely with the boss's groin.

The boss emitted an odd yelp.

Gasping sharply, he let out a cry of agony, hands clutching his groin.

The pain was intense; it was, after all, a man's most delicate area.

“Damn it. Even if I were made of rebar, I couldn't endure that hit,” the boss inwardly swore.

His henchmen, witnessing the scene, contorted their faces, mouths agape and brows furrowed.

They stepped back, as though they too felt a twinge of pain in their own groins, empathizing with their boss's anguish.

Even the beautiful woman was slightly furrowing her brow.

A touch of compassion graced her features as she observed their leader, who appeared rather pitiable.

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