The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 430

Chapter 430 - My Name Is Hsu Chenyue

The Boss squeezed his thighs together tightly.

His calves were splayed out as he clutched the critical areas of his body, his entire frame convulsing.

Sweat drenched his forehead, and the pain left his mind utterly blank.

It took a considerable amount of time before he began to feel slightly better.

Gasping for air, he lifted his head to look at Su Ming.

“Weren't you about to throw a punch just now?”

Su Ming had certainly looked like he was gearing up to punch.

Instead, he delivered a kick to the Boss.

Su Ming first struck his boss in the face, then aimed a kick at his sensitive areas.

Such an assault could bring even the toughest individual to their knees.

Su Ming appeared bewildered and naively asked, “What's the matter? Am I not allowed to kick there?”

The Boss was at a loss for words.

He reflected on his past misdeeds, how he had bullied countless people and spent more time in detention than at home.

Yet, he had never encountered someone like Su Ming. He had intended to let Su Ming go, considering him to be his bane.

But now, he felt he couldn't let Su Ming leave!

He had hoped to impress a beautiful woman with his strength, but instead, Su Ming had thoroughly thrashed him.

His reputation was already tarnished. If he let Su Ming walk away now, he would forfeit any chance to redeem himself in front of the woman.

The Boss was desperate to salvage his dignity!

“This time, hit me in the chest with your fist!” he demanded, clenching his teeth. The pain had subsided slightly, and he managed to stand upright.

He was determined that after withstanding Su Ming's punch, he would make Su Ming experience real agony!

But the pain from Su Ming's previous kick to his groin lingered, and he planned to seek medical attention later.

Su Ming nodded in agreement and said, “Okay.”

He then took a deep breath, positioned his legs apart, and slightly lifted his right fist, tilting his body to the right.

The Boss, noticing Su Ming's stance, also inhaled sharply and concentrated.

Su Ming's posture clearly indicated his martial arts training.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Su Ming mused that with the System's assistance, he had mastered combat skills in mere minutes—a feat that would take ordinary people years of grueling practice.

Bracing his legs, Su Ming channeled all his power into a punch that landed squarely on the Boss's chest.

It felt as though his chest had been struck by a sledgehammer.

He was overcome by a surge of intense pain.

Staggering backward, he lost his footing and collapsed to the ground, rolling several times.

Su Ming quickly withdrew his fist, apologizing, “I'm sorry! It's my first time fighting, and I didn't control my punch properly. Are you alright? Let me help you up.”

He advanced a few steps.

“No! I'm fine!” the boss exclaimed, scrambling to his feet.

”Don't come any closer!”

He was clearly terrified of Su Ming.

Before encountering Su Ming, the boss had never been bested in a fight. Even a beer bottle to the head hadn't fazed him much.

But now, every part of him ached from Su Ming's beating.

The woman nearby was visibly stunned.

Having trained in martial arts from a young age, she could immediately recognize that Su Ming's strength was extraordinary.

It wasn't just raw power; some people possess great strength but lack the skill to use it effectively.

Su Ming, however, had harnessed every ounce of muscle power, channeling it from his calves to his arms.

This technique was complex and challenging to master.

From Su Ming's assault, she could see that his capabilities were certainly impressive.

Relieved, her eyes conveyed deep gratitude towards Su Ming.

Without his intervention, she had no idea how she would have handled the situation.

With a grin, Su Ming asked, “Could you hand over that phone now?”

The boss glanced at one of his henchmen and commanded, “Give him back the phone!”

The subordinate, shaking, approached Su Ming and placed the phone in his hand.

Immediately after, the boss retreated several meters.

Scratching his head, Su Ming mused, “Am I really that intimidating? I thought I looked pretty handsome.”

Yet to the thugs, Su Ming was a figure of terror. Only someone as burly as their boss could endure a kick from Su Ming.

Had they been on the receiving end of such a blow to the groin, a hospital visit would have been inevitable.

Su Ming chuckled, examining the phone they had passed to him. The screen was shattered, clearly rendering the device unusable.

He stepped forward.

The boss, shivering, stepped back and inquired, “What are you going to do?”

The movement exacerbated the pain in his already sore groin, prompting a pained scream, a forehead slick with sweat, and a sharp intake of cold air.

“This phone is broken. Shouldn't you compensate me with a new one?”

“Sure,” the boss hastily replied, frantically pulling out cash from his pocket. “Come on, everyone, get your money out!”

However, the thugs were short on cash.

Together, they scraped up only 1,500 yuan.

Su Ming extended his hand to take the money.

It was nearly soaked through with the thugs' sweaty palms.

They were all intimidated by Su Ming.

“You guys have been up to no good, haven't you?”

“We won't dare again,” they pledged.

The gangsters were terrified.

They believed Su Ming to be a martial arts master.

“Later, head to the police station and confess all your misdeeds. Accept the punishment of the law. Afterwards, find yourselves some honest work. You're skilled fighters; you could work as security guards. Don't you want to lead a stable life? If I catch you committing crimes again, I'll ensure you regret it,” Su Ming said with a cold laugh.

“Understood!” The thugs nodded eagerly.

They then helped each other up and sprinted off.

Minutes later, the delinquents burst into the police station, loudly declaring their intent to confess.

During their interrogation, they spilled everything, even admitting to stealing neighbors' underwear in their youth.

Su Ming handed the broken phone and the money to the beautiful woman, saying, “The screen is shattered, but the internal components might fetch some cash. Give this 1,500 yuan to your classmate; she can get a slightly better phone with it.”

The woman accepted the phone, expressing her gratitude. “Thank you.”

“It's no big deal. We're alumni, after all. Plus, it's a privilege to assist someone as beautiful as you,” Su Ming quipped.

She gazed into Su Ming's eyes.

His eyes were captivating, a deep black that seemed pure and devoid of any ulterior motives.

The woman felt a twinge of curiosity. Renowned for her beauty in Eastsea, men usually showed some interest, but Su Ming did not.

This left her with a faint sense of disappointment.

She couldn't help wondering, “Is it because I'm not attractive or charming enough that he seems so composed?”

“Are you a student at Eastsea University too? You've been such a great help, and I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Hsu Chenyue.” Hsu Chenyue extended her hand with a warm smile.

Su Ming returned the smile and gently shook Hsu Chenyue's soft fingertips before promptly releasing them. “I'm Su Ming. I graduated from Eastsea University a few years back.”

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