Chapter 122 - "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RETURN? "


John muttered under his breath at the shocking revelation.

"No... it's...not like that..."

Madison stuttered before everyone assumed wrong about her. Lana narrowed her eyes. 

"Then what is it, Madi?"

"Are you not gay and was deceiving my brother??"

Lana fired questions altogether in Madi's way. And she had no idea how to respond to them all together without making both the brother and sister think her to be a liar.

"I m...I...uhh..."

"See, she is gay but on a date with a brother.."

Lana cruelly laughed, not able to perceive the real face of Madison, a woman she had loved with all her heart and maybe still did...

Madison noticed the sad look of John as he did not know how to react to the newly released information.

"...but I m also bi."

Madison concluded. Lana shook her head, rolling her eyes, getting angry at how swiftly Madison could lie and turn the situation to her side.

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"And I was about to tell you that, John...believe me, please."

Madison whispered the last word, expecting John to give her one last chance to explain herself and come clean.

She did not want him to think of her as a lier. She might have before did not care about what he thought of her but now she mattered to her what he thought about her.

And it was that look that made Lana more annoyed. She could not believe that Madison could go to any length to get her brother on her side instead of trying to make up with her.

"You deceived me...but I will not let you do that to my brother."

Lana walked upfront and face to face declared it on Madison's face. John remained static in his position, watching the scene unfold before him.

"I loved you, Lana...I still do. I never deceived you."

Madison stepped in. It hurt her that all these times, Lana thought her to be like that.

"Then what are you doing here with my brother?"

Lana questioned, scanning Madi's face closely, trying to see if she was lying or not.

"I came here only to confirm John as our investor."

The truth slipped out of Madison's lips even before she could stop herself. She just got so lost in Lana's grey eyes after eight long years.

John stepped backwards and his hand knocked the glass bottle of red wine down, making it fall down on the tiled floor, breaking it into numerous pieces tainting the white floor red.

It broke Madison's daze state and look at John, realizing the damage that she just did.

He did not wait for one moment and turned to the other side, walking away. Madison was about to follow him but Lana held her back, holding on to her wrist.

"You did not change one bit."

She mumbled, looking into Madison's watery eyes. She broke out of Lana's hold and ran after John.

It broke Lana more watching her lover...ex-lover running after her brother, eight years after their reunion.

"John!!! John!!! Please wait...John."

Madison screamed, running after him, holding the ends of her gown. She could not let him go thinking so wrong about her.

John did not stop and continued making his way out of the restaurant. All the restaurant staff on standby watched the scenario.

Madison finally grabbed hold of John, stopping him. She held onto his bicep, huffing for air.

"You have to listen to me."

She said, glancing at him when he turned around to face her.

"What's there to listen to?? Did not I hear a lot for the night??"

He questioned, harshly, slapping Madison's hand away from him roughly.

"I was meaning to tell you...about the truth but you have to believe me, I had no idea Lana is your sister."

Madison stated. She wanted him to understand it so badly. She did not want him to have a wrong impression of her.

It was then Lana too came and both of them looked at her way. Madison did not know whom to explain first and what to say at that exact moment.

"So all these times, you were using me?"

John interviewed, expecting an honest reply. He did not care if Madi was gay...he still liked her regardless.


Madison answered right away. Lana stood by listening to the conversation unfolding.

"I did not...I like you that's why I m here, John."

She let out, staring into his grey eyes. His were a darker shade than his sister's.

"So you lied to me all these times??"

Lana could not help the question. It broke Madi and John's moment, making them both turn to look at her.

"I did not..."

Madison said, "I have always loved you, Lana...and still do..."

"Alright, I m out of here."

John declared, even before Madison could complete her confession. It made her look back at John again, who walked out and so did Lana, followed after her brother.


Madison held Lana's hand before she could get inside the black Mercedes. John was already inside.

"Can we...can we meet please?"

After what a mess of confusion she had created between the brother and sister, Lana did not know why she was still standing and listening to a lier?

"Delta, we are leaving."

Her brother's voice made her pull out of Madison's hold.

"Just please!!"

Madison pleaded, not wanting to let go of her just yet. She looked expectedly into Lana's orbs.

"Why did you have to return, Madison?"

It was the last thing, Lana spoke before getting inside the Mercedes and driving away.

Madison stood in her spot for a while, trying to recall what just happened. As the rain poured down, she let out a deep agonizing scream.

She realized how she had ruined any chances she ever had with Lana or John. She liked John too...more than she should like a man she had just met but she loved Lana ...

Ahhh!!! What an utter mess!!





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