Chapter 123 - "I M WAITING..."

With slumping shoulders, Madison opened the door of her room and got inside the dark.

She very slowly closed the door, not wanting Anna Maria to wake up in this late and did not want to talk things out either.

After numerous times of calling Tinsley, finally, she got to talk to her through Kian's cell phone.

"Oh my God! Madi. Are you alright?"

Tinsley asked through the other side, after Madison narrated her the entire story, sitting on the balcony, watching out the stary night sky, all alone.

"I m trying to be."

She muttered softly. A strand of tear fell off from her red swollen eyes that had been crying ever since the tragic evening.

"You know everything will be fine...the moment you get to meet Lana again, come clean about your feelings."

Tinsley suggested. She could tell that Madi was still not over Lana and their past love. It was very much present in her heart.

Who could understand more clearly if not her?

She had kept her childhood love in her heart all these long even when she thought that she could never be able to be with Kian.

But look what destiny had planned for her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"If only she accepts to see me again?"

Madison said, hopelessly. After what happened tonight, the chances of Lana even wanting to meet her or see her was negative to zero.

"She will. From what I have heard, she still loves you too."

Tinsley tried to console Madison. She could hear the soft sobs and it was disturbing to hear Madi cry.

She clutched the duvet closer to her chest when she heard the light sobs turn into deep, stronger one's.

For her, Madison was the strong kind of woman who would not cry over small petty things like her.

And listening to her cries, it only confirmed how much hurt and pain she was in for to cry like that.

"What sick was I could not decide what to do at that moment?? after John or Lana?"

Madison questioned herself. It was a real question and to which she had not found an answer to yet.

"When I ran after John, it hurt Lana and when I tried to confess that I was never over her, it hurt if I cheated on two persons together..."

Madison explained, with sobs in between. She could see their faces in her head.

How hurt John seemed from the bitter revelations. And how much it pained her to watch Lana question their love.

"And at last, I ended up hurting both of them."

Madi concluded, rubbing away her tears and trying to inhale and exhale to calm herself down.

"Believe in destiny, Madi...look what happened to me and Kian."

Tinsley spoke, holding the phone closer in the dark bedroom.

"You will end up with whom you are faithed. It's how it works and your heart knows it so have faith."

Madison was not exactly sure how to perceive that. She was not into Gods or religion. She was not against it either.

Her heart knew it???

It was easy before because it had only Lana in there but now it was hard...two persons were living inside of it.

Then with whom was she going to end up??

A big blank question with no passage to answer at the moment. Only time would tell. And all she could do was wait...

"Everything will be fine."

Madison nodded in approval. She knew what she had to do next at least. She vowed to not give up without fighting for Lana.

In these eight years, she had never thought for once, they would cross paths again but here they were tonight.

Maybe...maybe this was the destiny, Tinsley was talking about?

"I m so sorry I messed up the only investor we had. "

She apologised, knowing how obvious it was that the deal was off between her and John.

"Do not apologize...Kian has not come up with any ideas yet so."

Tinsley let out, trying to make her feel better even though she was not there to hug her at the moment.

"I will look into more...I promise."

Madison said, getting up from the balcony and heading inside.

"Tell me about everything alright for you both?"

She inquired. It had been a few days since they had talked so she wondered if everything was fine.

That question made Tinsley wonder if everything was alright or not??

"Everything will be alright."

She uttered out, comforting more to herself than Madison. Everything had to be fine. She said to herself.

With that Madi hung up and Kian was quick to get inside as if he had been waiting by the other side, listening to their conversation to get his cell phone.

Tinsley kept the phone on the nightstand which Kian picked up. There was an awkward silence right after.

"Dinners ready."

He said. Tinsley nodded, looking at him. The lights from the street half illuminated the room so it was difficult to see who was wearing what face.

"I will be there in a sec...second."

She softly spoke out. Kian shook his head in positive but still kept standing near the bed, making Tinsley conscious.

"Is it hurting?"

He asked, scratching the back of his neck, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable with his question at all.

She had barely spoken to him since last night. Even when in the morning, he tried to converse with her, she was lost in something.

And the entire day did not come out of the bedroom. She would always complain about how hard it was for her to be in one place ever since she started to work.

It was true, he never saw her confided in the bedroom like today. But then what happened had shaken his core wonder it did to her too and she was going to take time to recover.

And he was going to wait for it no matter what.

Tinsley shook her head in negative. Kian walked up to the door and turned to say a few last words.

"I m waiting..."

And closed the door behind him.





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