The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 127 - Impossible Requirements

After Cain and Amber's little confession, the trio was back on the road. 

Towards making their relationship official, Kali had no other reactions but a slight smirk. She already saw these results coming from miles away. 

Now, she was sure those two wouldn't need to skirt or dance around each other, allowing their feelings to grow until they reached perfect harmony.

Although Kali thought this, the reality was quite different. Naturally, she knew their group dynamics would be heavily mixed up moving forward. But not to a degree where Cain and Amber stick so close to each other!

Or more so, Amber latched onto Cain like a vicious snake! 

In Kali's eyes, this lazy girl is acting like she simply found a comfy pillow for her to always lean on.

The little pink world these two have simply made Kali roll her eyes. Now she was hoping they returned to Crimson Sea Academy far quicker. 

As of now, after leaving Tan Village, a couple of days passed.

With their walking speed, even at a casual pace, the trio was traversing great distance. Now they weren't that far from Azure Lightning City. 

Currently, the trio was on a very secluded road. It was almost like a ghost road, having sparsely anyone else on the dirt road. 

Although, being alone didn't matter for the trio. In fact, Cain and Amber heavily welcome it.

"Mnn~." A regular content hum of peace leaked out Amber. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her expression was weirdly lethargic, combined with pure bliss. After all, her current position was the most comfortable and warmest.

As she walked, her arms coiled around Cain's, shoving it between her soft, pillowy breasts. She completely matched Cain's pace, walking almost in sync with him.

At this moment, Amber didn't look like her usual lazy yet elegant grace. But more like a simple, beautiful girl out with her lover. Her whole natural Aura shifted. Her ease could practically engulf anyone at her pace. 

This simplicity was all that Amber needed.

And Cain was in a similar state of bliss. The soft, warmness coiling his arms gave him a sense of peace he wouldn't usually be able to achieve on his own. 

Amber was sweetly affectionate, and Cain absolutely adored her pleasant change.

Their universe may be viciously cruel. It may be immensely tough to ever make an inch in society. But when things do turn out fine, it's one of the most euphoric feelings in the entire universe.

Under this sensation, Cain couldn't help but think, 'This just has to be one of the facets of cultivation that we need to experience just to simply enjoy them. In any case, it's partial how my Family grew so powerful. Now, if only she could experience this….'

Subconsciously, Cain drifted his gaze over to Kali. And as per usual, she had her arms haughtily crossed, trying her very best to ignore him and Amber. 

Admittedly, Cain felt a bit bad for her. They were practically treating Kali as the third wheel for the last few days. 

That kind of feeling can be frustratingly annoying. Even his previous homeworld, Cain, experienced this a couple of times.

This is why Cain was thinking of helping Kali with increasing her amount of social connections. Considering their status, it would be more than easy. And after they entered the next step of their plan, Cain was sure they'd have youths lining up to befriend them.

Perhaps this inadequacy of third-wheeling can open that small desire for a social connection. 

If not in the Lower Realm, when they return home, it should be a good enough place to start.

In the end, Cain didn't think it'll be just for Kali to be a powerful yet cold woman who barely had anyone in her life. 

Suddenly, Cain's thoughts were interrupted when Amber began tugging on his arm.

"Say, do you and Kali enjoy going on adventures like this? Since you were practically forced out of your home….I can't tell whether it's true enjoyment or not?" Amber's eyes shined with a curious light.

Throughout these last days, she would continually ask questions like these. She would rarely take the initiative to talk about herself, finding whatever Cain has to say highly fascinating.

And no matter the question, Cain would always be up to answer. 

Towards this question, he briefly paused before answering. In this instance, he suddenly remembered he still hadn't told about his God Galaxy origins.

For a while, Cain wondered when he should bring this topic up. And his gut feeling was to wait until they have an impenetrable foundation in this Lower Realm. 

Once then, Cain was sure he'd be strong enough to protect his secrets with Amber.

Pushing these thoughts down, Cain focused on his current emotions and said, "Ah, well, we say forced out of our home. But really, we wanted to venture out for a long time now. It brings that sense of freedom I greatly crave. And as for you….the sense of ease and relaxation, right?"

"Fufu~." Amber sweetly giggled. "That's true. But in all honesty, adventuring too far out would previously be tiring for me. It's only because I such good company that I can now truly feel this sense of freedom. You really are different from normal cultivation junkies."

"Maybe….but I can also understand prideful or even hardworking people's mindset. There really is something enlightening about cultivation that'll just grip your soul and make like this link that can't break. Call it like a spiritual dependence."

Ever since Cain began attempting to reach the second layer of Chaos Energy, his horizons became immensely broad. Simplisitcs things he barely paid attention to before now repeatedly come up in his mind.

With his new perspective, topics like the feeling of pride, the mysteries of Qi Energies properties, or other forms of strength seemed much more complicated. 

He was beginning to believe people don't only cultivate just to be strong, garner pride or respect, or even just to protect their loved ones. 

The basis of cultivation stems from a genuine passion for wanting to discover what truly lies within them. And with that basis, cultivators began to perceive the mysterious truths of the world, going on to reach unimaginable heights. 

Naturally, Cain knew this was barely scratching the surface level of cultivation. There are certainly numerous other facets of pouring one entier soul into their Martial Hearts to pursue the absolute peak of cultivation. 

But Cain wasn't in a rush to learn everything. Slowly unraveling everything piece by piece is one of the fires that fuel his drive to keep pushing on. 

These kinds of feelings weren't shared at all with Amber. 

"Huu~. There you go again, becoming so fascinating." Amber was entranced by the profound look in Cain's eyes when he thinks deeply about cultivation.

  But as for herself, "These little things are too confusing and tiring for me. Personally, I'd rather learn more about those World Spirit Masters. Now that's a versatile life I want to enjoy."

Both Cain and Kali could only shake their heads at this. 

Amber indeed was an odd case. She was born with amazing innate Martial Talent that can be improved and a powerful Royal Bloodline, yet she never pushes herself too far.

But even as she doesn't, she can still soar far beyond her peers. 

If Amber were to get serious, just how far would she actually get? 

Cain found it as an intriguing thought. However, that type of personality simply wasn't Amber. And he honestly prefers to have her just be herself. 

Although, there was one thing that Cain took particular notice of. Her desire to be a World Spirit Master far surpassed what she has for cultivation. 

Cain still wanted a firm foundation of protection so nothing could go awry. This is why he's waiting until after his plan to tell Amber about the Spirit Cave and showcase his own Spirit Energy.

Suddenly, as Cain was about to speak, Kali decided to jump into the conversation. 

An obvious sign of interest was in her tone as she asked, "This been bugging me but, didn't your Family try to see if you have an affinity for Spirit Energy? Or has means to connect you to one if you desire it?"

"Oh, this?" Amber sighed while shrugging. "We're wealthy but not at an some god-level wealth. So even if I did have an affinity for Spirit Energy, I could never know. Those World Spirit Masters charge sky-high prices just for anyone to get tested. Doesn't matter where they come from; the World Spirit Guild doesn't care. They even put the Azure Lightning Sect underneath their shoes."

Cain didn't find this attitude as overbearing at all. The Azure Lightning Sect is known to be unbearable in the first place. 

But barring them, the World Spirit Masters in his own Family has status even above the Supreme Elders! Their level of pride could only be imagined. 

Still, there was one thing Cain decided to ask out of this. "You say just to get tested cost a sky-high price. Could that guild perhaps have the means to actually create other World Spirit Masters?"

"Ahh, this is even more complicated. Your affinity can't be trash, or else the guild will just kick you to the curb. They have enough people and connections, so they never have to worry about gaining any extras. Plus, even if your affinity is great, the money needed for them to awaken Spirit Energy would make my ancestors kill over. Basically, their requirements are impossible to pass."

Amber explained, her tone briefly dripping with slight past remnants of disappointment. 

One of the few interests she has is locked by a massive paywall. Even as she suppressed it, this fact did annoyingly nestle in her mind.

Although as of now, this little fact left nothing more than a sour taste in her mouth. Cain's warmth completely overshadows this slight stain. 

And unbeknownst to Amber, a twinkle shined within Cain's eyes.

Most definitely, he will give Amber a sweet surprise that'll make her lazy bones rattle in excitement.

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