The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 128 - Second Chaos Layer

After another day of walking, Cain, Kali, and Amber were incredibly close to Azure Lightning City. Before the final stretch, the trio decided to take another rest at the local village.

As per usual when coming to these villages, Cain and Amber went off on an impromptu date. 

Typically, this just consisted of the couple going to some store, quietly lounging around there until getting something to eat.

It wasn't particularly romantic nor remotely exciting. But it felt cuddly and nice. Wrapping Amber into his arms while simply sitting together was all the serenity Cain needed. 

The duo didn't even talk much during this time, allowing themselves to just be engrossed in these lovely quiet moments. 

Kali, on the other hand, would go off on her own, exploring the village just a little bit.

She mainly seeks out items or tools related to cultivation. But none of these villages ever had anything that fancied her interest, so she would regulate to consolidating her foundation.

By now, night has already fallen over the village. 

After sharing a sweet goodnight kiss with Cain, Amber went into her own room while the sibling duo entered into their own shared room.

This was one thing Kali could take solace in. At least for the time being, she can still share a room at night with her brother. 

Although, when they do take the relationship to the next level….Kali didn't even think about it.

She dreaded their sibling bonding time will become even less! 

This is why Kali would hold any slight moments with him, very dear to her heart. 

She didn't once consider the possibility of simply asking to spend more time together. It felt too strange for a reason she wasn't entirely sure why. 

At this time, Cain wasn't even aware of Kali's thoughts. His focus was completely taken. He sat eyes closed, book and emerald in hand, assimilating into his cultivation state.

Brilliant rays of lights continually flashed out of the Chaotic Emerald as it poured streams of Chaos Energy directly into Cain's Soul. 

A mystical Aura pulsated throughout the atmosphere.

Chaos Energy power leaked like a dam cracking and spilling out small streaks of water. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This was 20% of Chaos Energy. The power contained inside it couldn't be understood by any ordinary minds.

Even Kali was utterly entranced by this indescribable mystical Aura. Typically, she would just let herself be swept in this momentum, not really paying close attention to the quality of Chaos Energy.

However, as Chaos Energy engulfed her, Kali's brows shot up. Her Spirit Sense managed to pick up something extremely critical. 

Whenever Cain practiced second layer Chaos Energy, it was always frantic, practically uncontrollable. It was a sense of randomness that made it seem like Chaos Energy could never be locked down. 

But, as of now, Chaos Energy finally felt far calmer, like a frizzle stream of water!

The circulation of this Chaos Energy reminded Kali of Qi Energy. 

Qi Energy was a sensation of a smooth cycle that is impossible to interrupt. It symbolizes how Qi Energy circulates thoughts of one internal body as its own separate system.

Controllable and powerful, ready to tear whatever is in its way. 

This Chaos Energy wasn't quite at that level. But Cain was rapidly nearing it. 

Springs of excitement rapidly filled Kali. This is it; he's finally going to reach a new layer of Chaos Energy! 

At least, Kali desperately hoped he did. 

At this time, all sensation from the outside world was lost on Cain. He ignored everything, the rush of energy, the filament of power, and the hellish pain striking his Soul's Core. 

All that Cain focused on were the Chaos Words lighting up his entire Mental Psyche.

Finally, after these last days, Cain perceived a very slight, vague truth about Chaos Energy. It was a simple one but had a tremendous impact on his being as a whole. 

'Chaos Energy makes up a massive part of Qi Essence in its entirety.'

These words sunken deep into Cain's Mental Psyche, crawling right into the center of his subconscious. 

What were Qi Essence and its relations to Qi Energy? 

Or how exactly does Chaos Energy relates to it?

Cain didn't know these answers. But what he does realize is that Chaos Energy existed before the universe itself. And it's one of the stems that most likely form the foundation of the whole universe!

With one of the foundations that make up of all Qi Essence, Cain will grasp into his very Soul's Core and use it to its fullest extent! 


The sound of million glass shards shattering reverberated Cain's entire Mental Psyche.

The invisible force preventing him from reaching Chaos Energy's second layer had just completely shattered! 

In this instance, the Chaotic Emerald burst with a blinding ray of Chaos Light. The whole room was instantly drowned in total Chaos Energy! 

"Ahh!" Kali shut her eyes, feeling a hellish sting nearly burn her eyeballs. 

For some reason, the Chaos Energy wasn't directly affecting her internal body. But just looking was impossible. 

At this moment, the mystical Aura pricking her Spirit Sense only turned more ethereal. With her eyes closed, she fell into another trance.

At the same time, Cain wasn't happy yet. Now, he could no longer ignore the excruciating pain! 

The full release of 20% Chaos Energy rampaged his mind, body, and Soul. Tiny wisps of Chaos Energy continually drilled into every inch of his entire being. Down to his bones, organs, flesh, mental psyche, and Soul's Core, Chaos Energy was continually refining into each part.

Cain's prowess was strengthening by several degrees. His foundation in Qi, Astral, and Soul experienced rapid changes to contend with the abundance of Chaos Energy.

But at the same time, Cain couldn't even identify these sensations. The pain rampaging through him felt like he was genuinely dying! His face had gone ashen as his Martial Heart violently quivered.

Cain stubbornly persisted in this hell for ten seconds, thirty seconds, a minute, and then, a tremendous change happened at two minutes. 

It was finally at that moment when Cain's heart suddenly stopped!

In that instance, Cain was on the very verge of losing consciousness. 

The pain of having one's heart stop….was this worse than death? It certainly felt like it. 

The instincts to unleash bloodcurdling scream nearly rushed out of Cain. However, in the briefest of moments his heart stopped; he perceived an otherworldly Aura. 

Without any hesitation, Cain pushed down everything wracking his mind. He put forth his whole Will to grasp this otherworldly Aura!

Responding to his desire, Cain's Soul Core intensely trembles as if it was breaking apart. Then, a massive wave of Soul Energy blasted out. 

This Soul Energy was dozens of times more powerful than what Cain could use even at his peak state!

Instantaneously, Cain's Soul Energy latched on to this otherworld Aura; this was the complete 20% of Chaos Energy! 


After experiencing pain worse than death, Cain's Soul Core had finally fully linked with 20% Chaos Energy!

Immediately, the pain alleviated. Cain's heart began rapidly beating again as Chaos Energy completely assimilated into his mind, body, and Soul. 

A few moments later, the Chaotic Emerald lost its blinding light, returning to its usual faint glow.

And at this time, Cain's eyes snapped open. His once pale face is now brimming with vigorous vitality! 

Cain couldn't suppress a maddening broad grin from splitting across his entire face. The power coursing through him was immense. A cultivation breakthrough couldn't even compare to this! 

As several new pieces of information imprinted into Cain's mental psyche, he slowly stood up.

Every joint of his literally burst with overflowing power. 

Without pulling out any of his skills, just how powerful he is now? 

Could he possibly punch an Early Stage Profound Soul Powerhouse to death using purely base Qi Energy?

Cain couldn't precisely tell as true Profound Soul powerhouses have a myriad of abilities. But he was sure as hell eager to find out! 

"Holy hell, Cain!" Kali suddenly spoke after opening her eyes, gaining Cain's attention.

Pure awe contorted her face. Her tone was in near disbelief. "I couldn't even open my eyes during that time. And you….you feel far stronger! Are you all ok now?"

Closing his eyes, gripping his energy-filled fists, Cain nodded. "Not only just ok. But like you said, far more powerful. Let's see what's in store for this level." 

Cain then quickly picked up the Ancient Chaos book and flipped towards the second page.

There, he saw information that was passively filling his mental psyche. This page had two techniques. 

Chaos Spirit Force and Chaos Chains. 

Reading these techniques over, Cain's excitement shot through the roof! His body practically over shivered in rolling anticipation. 

The Chaos Chains was a powerful Martial Skill at an unknown Grade. But for Cain to use this skill, he needed to master the Chaos Spirit Form.

And this is was the source of Cain's fervent passion. 

As of now, Cain's Soul Core was not only powerful but had a far stronger link to the 'Chaos Force.' Because of this, he could now directly stimulate the Chaos Energy within his Qi Veins.

Doing so will amplify all the energy within Cain's body by Chaos Energy, causing his prowess to Chaos boost by 6 times! 

And the book directly explained that this was no ordinary Energy amplification manuals.

There weren't many Energy amplification across the universe. But the ones that exist from Mortal all the way up to Divine Grade simply couldn't compare to Chaos amplification.

The disparity was like a massive chasm that couldn't be crossed even with the power of infinite flight. 

By Chaos amplification, one's prowess transforms to the point where the Gods themselves will find this a bizarre oddity that stood against all Rules.

As he read this over, a striking thought drilled into Cain's mind. 

When dense Qi Energy, Spirit Energy, Draconic Lightning Energy, and Astral Energy all fused with Chaos amplification, just how many leaps has his combat prowess taken now?

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