The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 135 - Relaxing Date

Because Cain predicted the amount of uproar his duel would make, he chose the special Ranking corridor where no one else would show up here. 

Thankfully he did as he would be getting swarmed right about now.

As the sibling approached the end of the corridor, they did sense one presence waiting for them. 

Simultaneously a bright smile alights Cain's face, and Kali let loose a small snort, nearly rolling her eyes.

Before even reaching the end, an familiar, lazy voice called out to them. 

"As expected of you crazy guy, going all big for everyone here. I doubt many will get that much sleep over you."

As she spoke, Amber was slowly walking over the sibling duo. Since they were in the Academy, she had her trademark oversized robe hoodie shielding her identity. 

"Heh. I was expecting you to come back sooner. So family was taking up more time than expected?" Kali immdaitely questioned. 

She didn't want to care, but it was impossible to not notice her extended leave. Unknowingly, Amber was coming a natural part of her life Kali didn't even see yet. 

"Huu~. Kind of…." Amber tiredly sighs while coming close to Cain. "Honestly, yesterday just blended in. Felt like I was sleepwalking through all the boring meetings I needed to sit through. Thankfully, I'm here now."

When Amber was only inches away from Cain, it was like her body had a natural reaction. She latched on to Cain's arm just like a sloth hugging its favorite tree, melting in his warmness.

"If you were here earlier, you would've seen the full spectacle. Although, if you were here, you probably would've just slept in." Cain teased as he settled in Amber's engulfing soft serenity.

Contrary to expectations, Amber had actually huffed a little, clinging on to Cain's arm slightly harder. "Hmph. I may be what you call lazy, but I am a supporting girlfriend. Naturally, I wanted to see you dominate even if I would've rested my eyes for just a few moments during the duel."

"Yea, yea. Look, before you two go in your little pink world, tell me if you're going on that date now. If so, I'm going to go off a train."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

  Kali promptly cut off any fluffy moment between the polar opposite couple.

Before answering, Cain considered all his possibilities. Initiating another battle right after this is too much of a rush. He wanted his reptation to reach the peak before once again breaking this peak.

When the truly important figures hear about this duel, they'll inevitably send the utmost reputable people next time. 

Once then, all pieces will fall into place. 

To reach this point, Cain estimated he'll have to wait about a day. These cultivators may be powerful, but the spread of news is a bit slow. At least because of the lack of World Spirit Masters, it's slightly bogged down.

Above all, fostering his relationship with Amber is never time wasted. They weren't moving at a too fast or too slow pace. It was so soothingly natural that Cain felt like their pace was nearly perfect.

Thinking of this, Cain said, "We have at most a day. I'll be spending it with Amber while you can hone your skills, Kali. Tomorrow, we'll be going in for overkill just like today."

"Heh. No need to tell me that. Though, you should get a robe hoodie like her if you don't want to be interrupted on your little date. Later." 

After saying so, Kali immediately began walking off on her own, giving the couple a lazy way from behind.

"Oh my….she really is far more of a cultivation junkie than you, huh? You think she could use some friends?" Amber asked in slight genuine concern. 

No matter what it seemed like on the surface, her and Kali's relationship is gradually improving.

And while it was to a far lesser degree, Amber did want to Kali genuinely enjoy herself with someone completely new. 

The possibilities of that happening appeared to be near impossible. But as Cain repeatedly showed her, miracles indeed can come true. 

"Her? This is a pretty delicate issue. One that'll take a lot of time to resolve. For now, let's enjoy ourselves, shall we? And do you have another robe for me?" Cain asked. 

"Ah, indeed I do. I keep these in spares because….you never know." From within her hoodie, Amber's crimson eyes shined with an anticipating glint. 

The same glint twinkled within Cain's eyes. 

Their dates are always near perfect.


In the violent chaos that is the Lightning Ravine, not too many students were around today. 

The news of a duel between the peak special Ranking Inner students distracted their minds.

After the duel was settled and Cain's outstanding victory spread around, many weren't quite in the mood for rigorous cultivating. 

The excitement of an awe-inspiring battle was too much to simply be forgotten in hours or even in days!

Thus, the Lightning Ravine was sparsely secluded for today. 

Although, a few lingering students were cultivating. 

At one high Ravine cliff where the storms of Lightning strikes came out at an average pace, two students wearing large gray robes were sitting closely together.

Because no one was around their vicinity, the duo dropped their hoodies, showcasing their gorgeous faces. 

Of course, these two were Cain and Amber. 

As they sat together, a faint Qi Energy barrier surrounded them. Any locked on stream of Lightning Energy targeting them would get absorbed straight into the barrier, thereby transferring its Lightning properties inside Cain and Amber's bodies.

With this comfortable environment, Amber took it upon herself to lazily lounge on Cain's shoulder, her eyes in a half-lidded peaceful state. 

Cain was half focused on Amber and half focused on cultivating the Lightning properties absorbing into him.

Under the storms of raging Lightning, the couple was actually having a very nice, relaxing moment. They both sat in a serene, comfortable silence for a few minutes. 

Just enjoying each other presence was enough. It gave their hearts a sense of ease.

And it was finally at this time, Cain peered over to Amber, remarking how she didn't look disturbed at all. He couldn't help himself anymore, asking out of curiosity,

"You know, this type of date isn't surprising. But what is surprising is that you willingly want to relax in the most destructive area of the training rooms. Do you really find this relaxing?"

"Hmm~." Amber gave a cute hum in agreement. "I'm weird in this way, but the strikes of Lightning are pretty peaceful to look at. At least for me. There's just something so natural about it. Plus, this is good for you, crazy guy. Being calm is actually the perfect temperament for controlling Lightning Energy. But you probably knew that already."

"I had a faint guess about it. But, don't you control Shadow Energy? How would you know anything about controlling Lightning?" Cain's interest was piqued even more.

Hearing this question, Amber tiredly sighs, helplessly shrugging her shoulders. "Well, it's not like I learned about it as a genuine interest. Only just because my bloodline has an affinity with converting specifically Lightning Energy. Also, I read that you need to have an unwaveringly calm Mental Psyche to handle berserk Lightning properties Energies. If you can do this and fully comprehend Lightning properties Energies, a Lightning attributed cultivator prowess will rapidly soar."

When she finished her long explanation, Amber sighed again and immediately said, "Huu~. Recalling all of that took a lot out of me, you know? But I did it for you. So maybe now you'll see clearly that there is a great mind under these lazy bones."

"Maybe I will….or maybe I need some more convincing." Cain lightly teased, causing Amber to quietly snort. 

A few quiet moments later, Cain suddenly asked another thought on his mind.

"By the way, can't believe I didn't ask before but, what are your plans for the future? Any long-term goal for the future?" 

Amber paused at this question. Her causal expression turned just slightly more focused.

This probably was the first time she's actually taking this question seriously. After taking the time to truly ponder on it, Amber said, "Honestly….I still don't have a clear clue. Others want the pinnacle of cultivation, protect their loved ones or garner the ultimate status and respect. But for me…. I'm just not sure at all."

"I see, and that's another thing. You really don't have a full heart towards Martial cultivation, yet your realm is so high? Is it all related to your family?" 

Amber's expression turned increasingly sour. "Hitting the nail on the head. I'm virtually the byproduct to keep this long lineage of supposed noble traditions. If I just had a simple Martial Talent and simple parents, things would be far smoother for me. But with all that I was gifted with, it's just been troublesome on top of troublesome. Even now, I have no clear direction on where to take this Talent that so many others gush over."

A solemn look crossed Cain's face. Comparing this to his own life, he realizes he's incredibly lucky that his grandparents pour their utmost love into him.

Without them, he wouldn't even be here. He would be experiencing numerous Royal troubles that would grow to a suffocating degree. 

But even then, when he does return, Royal troubles will inevitably follow.

This kind of lockage inscribed Cain with a sickening feeling. No matter what, he wanted freedom, absolute freedom in the entire universe! 

And to even come close to achieving this, absolute strength is a must.

Thinking of this, Cain couldn't say for sure he knew how to solve this sense of loss inside Amber. But he believed he could give a pathway. 

He then said, "Well, you could try working towards a point where you can obtain absolute freedom. And with this freedom, you'll be able to explore all avenues this life has to offer. It's why I'm diligently cultivating. So one day, I can be free to explore all I want and discover even more about myself."

This made Amber fall silent. She deeply thought upon Cain's words, perceiving every little meaning within them. And gradually, she was beginning to feel a slight shift in her mind.

"Exploring things I want to do, huh….that does sound intriguing in itself. Perhaps this is something I could do. Although, you certainly have to be there with me. Cultivation and expanding that much energy will be the utmost tiresome. Gonna need your support in all sense of the word."

Amber wasn't ashamed to admit her dependence on Cain. On the contrary, she quite welcomed it as her boyfriend is probably the most reliable guy in the World!

"No need to tell me twice. Between us, it's only natural that we'll have each other backs." 

Cain smilingly spoke, also causing a beautiful soft smile to sparkle from Amber.

Starting from tomorrow, Cain knows he'll be taking the first proper step in reaching this untraceable goal of true freedom.

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