The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 136 - Sword Energy

The night quickly came, drowning Crimson Sea Academy in its luminescent glow. 

At this time, Cain was already back at his house. After another successful date with Amber, he parted ways with her only after giving her an electrifying kiss.

In all honesty, kissing Amber wasn't just for pleasure and sharing of emotions. Cain legitimately felt his Martial Hert quiver in warmth, unleashing soothing soul waves throughout his Mental Psyche.

The most he could gather about this phenomenon is that feelings between cultivators run far deeper than mortals. 

He and Amber will eventually culminate to a point where their very souls have a spiritual dependence on each other. By the time they join as one, perhaps not only will their cultivation grow but also their Martial Hearts experience some sort of breakthrough.

As of now, their feelings only allowed Cain to fall into a calm Mental Psyche state for cultivation. 

An opportunity he was taking full advantage of now. 

Instead of going into his training room, Cain was inside the open courtyard at the back of his house.

The courtyard was expectantly gorgeous and spacious. It extended out for at least a thousand square feet long, giving Cain plenty of room to perform whatever he wants back here.

The trees were in full bloom along with the large, vibrant bushes and plants, appearing as a small beautiful garden. 

A fresh, rich fragrance flowed out of the courtyard, culminating into a peaceful Aura that'll wash over one's body.

It's pleasant scenery that can easily soothe anyone's Mental Psyche, allowing them to have a better meditation. 

Cain appreciated such a sight, but his mind wasn't focused on this.

He currently stood in the middle of the courtyard, facing one of the trees, his expression intently focused. Inside one of his hands was a long sword fitted with a unique design.

The blade of the sword was formed in a spiral pattern, and running along its surface were luminous golden lines. These golden lines carried a touch of an unfathomable aura. Anyone who sees these golden lines wouldn't be able to move their eyes for a few seconds.

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This was Cain's Elite Grade Earthen Spiral Sword. 

Previously, Cain would only sit down to perceive its Sword Energy, familiarizing himself with its sharp sensation. But for today, Cain was finally attempting to strike out with the Spiral Sword. 

Of course, Cain could simply infuse his own Qi Energy into the Sprial Sword and swing it as he pleased.

But doing so would be a significant waste. 

Not only would he be limiting the Sprial Sword's true potential but also blocking himself off from learning the Sword Sage Arts.

To achieve true harmony with this Spiral Sword, Cain needed to familiarize himself with its Sword Energy intent. And from there, he'll memorize its Sword Energy intent deep into his Mental Psyche.

Cain had come to learn that Sword Energy's Intent is just comprehending the sensations from Sword Energy. 

It was like he was thoroughly studying the deep inner workings of a Sword beyond past how it was crafted by materials.

Compared to his Draconic Lightning Energy, Cain had a much easier time comprehending Sword Energy Intent. Although oddly enough, he didn't form a Sword Spark within his Qi Seed, at least not yet he did.

Cain had also come to learn that various forms of Spark Energy only form when a cultivator comprehends its mystical Energy properties. 

Like how Cain had to comprehend Draconinc Lightning Energy before it fully absorbed into his body. Once the bodily infusion was completed, a Lightning Spark had formed from that moment.

The thing is, this was only unique to the Lightning Draconic Arts. 

Typically a cultivator didn't need to painfully refine their entire body with another form of Energy. 

When their Mental Psyche has enough understanding, they can freely absorb that type of Energy into their dantian, forming that Energy Spark. 

Energy Sparks can come in nearly any form. It wasn't only strictly limited to Elemental Energies. 

Because of this, Cain did previously attempt to absorb the Spiral Sword's Energy. But besides a slight boost in strength, he didn't perceive any Sword Spark forming.

Cain just concluded that his Sword Energy Intent perception wasn't quite there yet. This is why he's taking a good number of hours to put his entire focus on comprehending Sword Energy Intent.

And one of the best ways to quicken his comprehension is to utilize pure Sword Energy to attack. 

His Soul Energy needs to have a fine grasp over Sword Energy before he can tread on highly advanced techniques.

It was finally after all these hours that Cain was ready. His Soul Energy linked inside the Spiral Sword and smoothly fused with a significant portion of its Energy. 

Cain didn't feel any Mental Blocks or confusion that would've prevented him from achieving this. 

In this instance, the Spiral Sword's golden lines alight a slightly shimmering glow.

Power coursed through Cain's arms, inscribing him with an entirely different sensation compared to Lightning and regular Qi Energy. His expression turned slightly cold, almost detached in a way.

His target locked squarely on the tree meters before him. And the only goal in Cain's mind was to slice this huge tree in one strike! 

All in one smooth motion, as if he wielded a blade for years, Cain lifted his sword high into the skies, causing its golden light to intensify.

Then, Cain cleanly swung down! 


A golden sword light shot out of the Spiral Sword with unstoppable momentum, shooting right towards the tree at lightning speed!

Quiet, nearly inaudible whistling sounds swirled around the Sword light. Its speed would be nearly untraceable to any Half-Step Profound Soul experts.

With a loud bang, barks of trees scattered into the wind as the golden Sword light crashed upon it. Every scattered tree bark was easily shredded into nothingness by the scattered sword lights.

Behind the Sword light wake, a hole of around a few feet craved into the tree. 

On the surface, that strike wouldn't arouse anyone one's attention. The power behind the Sword light wasn't anything special at all. In fact, it looked quite weak.

But a pleased smile crossed Cain's face. 

'Like I expected, my control has already reached this degree of excellence. If it was uncontrollable, the Sword light would've dispersed before even hitting the tree. Before I attempt to fuse it with Qi Energy, I'll get this down to a perfect degree.' Cain determined himself. 

While he could use Sword Energy without wasting any of his other Energy reserves, the power behind it would be virtually worthless. 

Only by performing a true fusion of Energies could his Sword light reach an extreme degree. 

Because his Draconic Lightning Energy permanently infused inside his entire internal body, Cain had directly skipped this fusion step. Thus, with every move of Lightning Energy, his own Qi Energy would always be ingrained in it. 

Cain's strength amplifiers by numerous degrees when he infuses Astral, Spirit, and Chaos Energy. If he were to add Sword Energy towards all of this, his strength would enhance even more! 

As Cain pulled his mind back into Sword Energ Intent, he suddenly paused.

At that moment, his Soul's Core stimulated just very slightly. 

Cain's senses are highly sensitive to even the tiniest of traces. He immediately knew where this slight sensation was coming from.

To hide this well, that presence certainly was a league above Cain's current prowess. Though, whoever it was didn't emit an overt malicious vibe. 

Because of the immense power difference circulating the Crimson Sea Academy, many students are simply okay with being spied on.

Even other special Ranking students don't put up any resistance over getting spied. 

Even Cain himself didn't have problems with this, simply accepting it because there was no other option.

However, after experiencing the tribulations of that black-robed man forcefully put him through, Cain's tolerance severely lowered. 

Now that he's showing immense Martial Talent more than worthy of protection, why should he keep his ignorance facade up?

Within the Academy walls, he's practically untouchable! 

And after tomorrow, Cain knows he will have a status even the top ranks Core students can only gaze from afar.

At this moment, Cain had no fear. His eyes snapped up towards a specific spot in the sky, locking square on a figure dozens of meters away from him. 

Cain's gaze was neither unkind nor friendly. He evenly matched with this figure, virtually telling them he was more than aware of their presence.

  It felt good to keep his head held up high. But Cain was aware that he shouldn't go over the line just yet.

A slight glint twinkled in his eyes as he lingered his gaze for a little few moments before swirling back around, focusing on his Spiral Sword's Energy.

And at the same time, hundreds of meters high in the sky, that exact figure slightly narrowed his eyes. 

This was a handsome young man dressed in a luxurious blue robe that covered his Ranking uniform.

The blue robe youth's cultivation was high enough to easily peer over hundreds of meters of distance. So naturally, he spotted Cain specifically looking in his direction.

Questions immediately swirled in his mind. 

Cain's prowess is no doubt, but is it really to that exaggerated extent? No matter if he can cross over a great realm, that shouldn't possibly mean he could perceive a cultivation realm two great realms higher than him, right?

Common sense deemed so. But Cain's intent stare didn't appear to look like some lucky chance. 

There's almost a 90% chance Cain genuinely did sense his exact location!

"So….even out of battle, you continue to show more intriguing stuff." The blue robe youth quietly chuckled to himself. 

Casting one last gave over Cain, he smirked before swiftly flying back to his own residency.

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