The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 146 - Special Races Troubles

As Cain and Kali fell silent, contemplating the Thunder Spear Emperor, a thought suddenly streaked inside Amber's mind. 

In this instance, she vividly recalled the sensations experienced through the sibling duo's breakthrough. Simultaneously, her mind couldn't help but also contrast these sensations towards all others she met. 

A moment later, Amber's causal gaze slowly turned to scrutinize, running her eyes up and down the sibling duo's bodies. 

Amber suppressed this thought numerous times before. She simply didn't find it worth it to bring up. Plus, it was all vague sensations before. Just these sensations alone were too puzzling to fully make an accurate judgment.

But now, after experiencing their Soul Forms first hand, Amber was almost all but sure. 

It was absolutely impossible for either Cain or Kali to be humans!

Their Auras weren't at all human alike. It was far more bestial than even the most powerful of Vicious Beasts she encountered. 

With just pure curiosity filling her tone, Amber suddenly asked, "Cain, Kali….what I felt in your breakthrough, it's unmistakably wasn't anywhere close to a human. You two, you're from another race, right?" 

As she cautiously asked, Amber was well-aware of the potential risks.

Races that aren't humans certainly aren't unknown in the Nine Provinces. Her own Family stands at the summit of the entire City. And at higher provinces, she can also recall different races ruling over several different provinces.

But still, to her knowledge, telling one's Races can also be a risk of itself. 

It's widespread that many races that have identical bodily structures to humans carry extraordinary abilities. Abilities that other humans can only dream of having. 

Because of this, it's also commonly known that the so-called demonic or villainous sects hunt these unique Races down for their own selfish gains.

Whether it was for absorbing their blood essence or forcing them into slavehood, it was all knowledge available to the public. 

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Yet, even if one feels injustice about this, the cycle can't ever be broken.

The whole Nine Province is simply a big power struggle. There are no justice rules or laws governing it. And even if one wants to implement such a system, they would need to have absolute strength in all aspects.

All of this is also why it's commonly known for Races who don't come from a powerful background to hide their identities, blending right into the human crowds.

Unless one has special bloodline sensing skills, it's near impossible for even a powerhouse expert to determine a race just on cultivation alone. 

The only exceptions to this rule were World Spirit Master. But with how reclusive nearly all World Spirit Masters are, the average cultivator had no way to depend on them. 

Considering all of this, Amber had already partly assumed Cain and Kali were masking their identities for protection.

And perhaps, they still want to mask until they gain absolute strength. Not saying anything would've been the easiest move. However, Amber couldn't suppress this instinctive gut feeling.

She didn't feel scared or exceedingly nervous about asking this question. On the contrary, every fiber of her being was telling her that Cain and even Kali would be willing to tolerate this.

No matter if they didn't tell her, she just wanted to know if they trusted her this much. 

Amber didn't even fully realize it, but she was unknowingly gauging where her entire relationship lies with the sibling duo.

And as Cain and Kali awoke from their stupor because of the question, they simultaneously paused. They promptly contemplated Amber's question, evaluating their own life at the same time.

Compared to the slew of confusion wrapping Amber's minds, Cain and Kali's thoughts were much more simplistic. 

Cain has zero intentions of ever letting Amber get away from him. His feelings weren't just for show. They genuinely run deep, craving straight into his Martial Heart. 

Beyond the chemical reactions that occur within the brain when a person is with someone they like, Cain was gradually developing deep Soul feelings.

No matter what, he won't even be half-assed with anything concerning Amber. 

And Kali's thoughts were even more simplistic than Cain's. As Dragons, they never let what they need go away.

In Kali's eyes, Amber may be lazy, annoying, and make too much of a mockery over cultivation. But Kali had already reached the point where she was considering how to deal with such a troublesome girl when they returned home.

As the sibling duo rapidly reached the end of their thoughts, they suddenly matched gazes with each other. 

In this moment, they both could tell there was only one more question to consider.

Just when should they reveal their Godly heritage? 

Their trust in Amber won't matter at all to outside sources. Neither Cain nor Kali was naive enough to believe everything would go their way.

Perhaps just days ago, they would be partially willing to believe. But the danger of that random black robe man was an unforgettable experience to them. 

Just being cautious and prepared wasn't enough. They needed to be at least overly prepared to deal with any unexpectedly extremely powerful threats. 

But at the same time, they also didn't want to treat Amber as an outsider.

The duality of these thoughts simmered within their minds, causing an unintentional tense silence to cover the room. 

Mainly tense for Amber as she genuinely didn't want Cain or Kali to raise their guards. She honestly didn't know what to do if that were to happen. 

However, all of her worries were for naught. 

"Mn, yea. I suppose you can give her very water down version. At least until we have the strength to dominate this lowly City."

Kali finally spoke after these silent moments, her tone without any worries. A behemoth like Azure Lightning City was treated as nothing but a slightly wider stepping stone.

Not even the slightest bit of shock could be mustered within Amber. She wryly smiled over this point. Truthfully, only Kali could treat a major City as barely a stepping stone. It's practically set in stone that she'll become the strongest here eventually.

"Mn. I suppose that is good enough." Cain readily nodded and then turned over to Amber. 

If he just told a half-truth, it was far better than outright lying anyways. Furthermore, he is nearly 100% positive before this month ends, he and Kali will become the strongest here. 

His mind was determined, and Cain opened his mouth to speak.

But just as he moved his mouth, Amber noisily sighed. 


So much air and tension gushed out of her body, causing her to collapse right on the bed. It honestly looked like she was the shoulder of an intense burden rather than the God Galaxy sibling duo.

Before either Cain or Kali could react, Amber lazily waved her hand, telling them, "I'm fine knowing you trust me this much. I know the great value of keeping important secrets under wraps. But, more importantly, are you going to the Guild later today or tomorrow?"

Hearing this question, Cain and Kali were briefly caught off guard. This was truly too much of a change of pace. 

Literally moments ago, Amber had a rare serious expression. But now, she was acting like that previous conversation didn't happen at all. 

Such an instant tonal shift did leave Cain feeling a bit odd. But he wasn't too disturbed, already used to Amber's oddness.

Quickly recovering himself, Cain answered, "No, we'll go tomorrow. For today, I'll think it would be better for us to lightly probe just what we can down now. You don't have a problem with this, right, Kali?"

Kali shook her head as an eager smile curled her lips. "Not at all. I'm always a greater fan of action than words." 

"So, what about you, Amber? Want to come with us tomorrow?" Cain turned back over to Amber.

And his question just made Amber sink further into the bed. 

"No way. Even if I am counted as a guest that's coming with you two, those Spirit Masters will be too unruly for me. I'm telling you, some of them are worse than the Elders or other prideful people here. You two can go and train. I'll just take a nice nap here."

"Tch. Suit yourself." 

Kali quickly snapped her attention back onto Cain. She was just about to eagerly pull him along to train when a critical thought flashed into her mind.

A look of contemplation crossed her face as she asked, "Say, thinking about it, it's only been several days at most since all this went down, right? Yet now we're Profound Soul geniuses. The outside doesn't know our cultivation, but I'd rather not deal with more attention than needed in here."

"Oh, that's right. Let me think for a moment….." As he trailed off, Cain already had several thoughts about this. 

Realistically, compared to reaching peak Nascent so quickly, no student or Elder can claim they're using shortcuts to reach the Profound Soul Realm.

Even if one used the Profound Opening Pill, if their Martial Comprehension isn't high enough, then it's impossible to reach the Profound Soul Realm. 

And when considering the level of talent they previously showed, this whole Academy will fawn over them even more.

Now that they reached a level of status that is impossible for anyone to mess with, Cain honestly didn't care about basking in any more attention. It'll just be too much busywork that'll eat up too much of his time.

Taking a few more moments to formulate his answer, Cain then said, "We won't cover up our Aura. But we'll basically avoid all other students by just taking the secret route of here. If it does get leaked, we'll just let Alisha deal with all that noise."

With their minds decided, Cain and Kali prepare for a quick sparring session while Amber quickly drifted off into dreamland.

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