The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 147 - World Spirit Master Branch

Yesterday quickly flew by. And true to their words, Cain and Kali spent the entirety of it getting a good feel for Profound Qi Energy. 

Utilizing this form of Energy was honestly exhilarating to them. Every minor move they made felt hundreds of times more powerful than anything Nascent Qi has to offer. 

Cain and Kali couldn't even tell where their combat prowess wholly lies as of now.

Just at the peak of Nascent Formation, they both could easily crush an Early Stage Profound Soul powerhouse without even their full strength. 

And now, by just reaching the Profound Soul Realm, their mere breakthrough put significant pressure on Amber.

Lazy or not, Amber has an incredibly deep foundation. In terms of late-stage Profound Soul warriors, she may already be at the top ranks of combat strength! 

Undoubtedly, she'll be able to crush any average Late Stage Profound Soul warrior with absolute ease. And yet, she could just barely deal with the sibling duo's breakthrough phenomenon in her base state.

At the very least, Cain and Kali assume they could defeat any peak Middle-Stage Profound Soul warrior with relative ease. As for Late-Stage, they know they'll need actual combat for that.

But, this was all for another time. 

As of now, Cain and Kali were proudly strolling through the luxurious streets of Azure Lightning City's High-Class districts.

Their current fit was of a slightly modified version of the Crimson Sea Academy's Discipline Lord uniform. All elegantly designed clothes, fitted to exude their majestic presence.

And most importantly, upon the right side of their chest was the Discipline Lord badge. This, combined with their own Profound Soul Natural Aura, caused Cain and Kali to have incomparably smooth times traveling. 

All gazes landing on them were of the utmost respect with just a slight hint of reverence. 

Whispers buzzed all around the sibling duo, saying things like, 

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"That's….that has to be the Crimson Sea new talents!"

"Just look at them. So young and already reached the Profound Soul Realm! I wonder just how strong are they?" 

"Surely, the Academy wouldn't lie. They may have something mind-breaking in them!"

Young Profound Soul geniuses would be enough to cause considerable waves within the City. But Profound Soul geniuses with Discipline Lord status were practically untouchable existences!

Not even High-Class Family people dared to recklessly bother them for anything. Offending these two young lords would be the equivalent of inviting a great disaster upon themselves.

Even the Sect-like organization who ranked higher than High-Class Families, could only stare from afar. 

This was the absolute disparity in status. 

No matter if Cain or Kali's cultivation couldn't even be counted at the top ranks. They hold power that is absolutely impossible to resist! 

When hearing these whispering thoughts, Cain and Kali thought little of it. Everything went according to their expectations.

It didn't matter what kind of society it is; the weaker would always fear the stronger. All for the simple preservation of their own lives. 

'And to think, I would be just like them weeks ago.' Cain internally mused. 

These moments always remind him to be grateful for this new life he was so graciously gifted. Shaking his head of these thoughts, Cain quickly carried on down the streets.

Then, after only several minutes of walking, the sibling duo neared a more secluded area of the streets. 

Around here, there was only one massively luxurious building far more extensive compared to other dozens filling just one street lane.

This building carried a luminous, eye-catching design. It wasn't just that the colors of the building were bright, but it was like they quite literally emitted a hypnotic glow akin to rays of lights.

Evidently, these colors weren't crafted by any ordinary cultivator's means. But by the beautiful effects of Spirit Energy! 

Right before Cain and Kali's eyes were the luxurious World Spirit Master Branch. The place that has quite a severe reputation surrounding it. 

And at first glance, the sibling could already reason why. 

"You sense the others trailing around there, right? I can barely perceive any Qi from them. Their foundations are quite….shabby. Yet, there certainly aren't weak."

Kali honestly spoke her first impression. Her critical eyes stayed squarely on the folks trailing in front of the World Spirit Master Branch. 

Each of them wore strangely unique clothes that looked like it was crafted from Spirit Energy as well.

The fabrics all emitted a radiant glow that almost seemed life-like. And most striking about their clothes was specifically a badge similarly made entirely out of beautiful Spirit Energy.

Combined with their eye-catching clothes were their mysteriously powerful Auras. 

Towards any other average cultivators, they would only feel a faint sense of pressure from a source of Energy unidentifiable to them.

Their strength would be evident, but an average cultivator wouldn't be able to tell to an exact degree. Though, no matter any World Spirit Master's strength, nobody would dare to recklessly offend them.

Cain and Kali, on the other hand, were able to have a more accurate grasp of their strength. 

Most of these World Spirit Masters have Spirit Energy either equal or slightly stronger than their own. While a few World Spirit Masters were simply a league in their own. 

When perceiving their Spirit Auras, the sibling equated that most were just as powerful as a Profound Soul genius!

The quantity of their Spirit Auras exuded the same pressure as any other Early Stage Profound Soul genius. More intrigue than what they already had filled the sibling duo's mind.

Before walking on in, Cain suddenly gained an idea. He told Kali, "Even if we do have this status and cultivation, I'll still assume these guys will try to find some fault with us. So, let's leak a good portion of our Spirit Core Energy. This should act as an Aura in a way."

When previously using the combined forces of Qi and Spirit Energy, their Auras would be overshadowed by either their Draconic or Qi Aura. 

Spirit Energy, when fused together, is mainly for tremendously boosting striking power than really informing people they can use Spirit Energy.

But to have a smooth transition to this domineering Branch, Cain decided it was time to test and see just how strong their Spirit Energy is on its own. 

"Oh? That's actually a fine idea. Let's do it." Kali promptly agreed. 

Then, at the same time, Cain and Kali linked their Soul Energy towards their Spirit Core, pulling out a good portion of Spirit Energy. 

Unlike all other instances, the sibling duo simply let Spirit Energy naturally flow all throughout their bodies.

Within a second, faint wisps of Spirit Energy streaked out of the sibling duo. Anybody walking past them would have to strain their eyes to spot the tiny green lights flashing out of them.

With their Spirit Aura formed, Cain and Kali calmly stroll towards the World Spirit Master Branch. 

As they inched closer, the other World Spirit Masters trailing about naturally noticed their presence.

Numerous eyes promptly gathered on the sibling duo. And instead of the usual air of superiority they would have towards the average cultivator, legitimate intrigue rapidly filled their gazes.

"Mn? This Spirit Aura….it's not bad at all? Say, these kids surely are great geniuses from Crimson Sea, right? Their cultivation foundation is powerful so, what gives?"

"No idea. But evidently, they're planning to join us. Can they honestly pass?" 

"It seems likely. Compared to average trash, they're clearly far superior." 

As whispered colluded around the sibling duo, Cain and Kali had already entered inside the World Spirit Master Branch.

Upon entering inside, the sibling duo first took notice of how amazingly spacious it was. 

On the outside, the building already looked wide enough, spanning out for several miles. But somehow, the interior was at least thousands of square feet long and wide, and the dome was dozens of feet high! 

The mere lobby area reminded Cain of an enormous auditorium style with this massive spaciousness. 

Furthermore, the designs here simply looked magical. Everything was expertly crafted out of Spirit Energy, allowing for even the chairs to emit luminous glows of colorful lights.

Along with the unique interior designs, the atmosphere here was incredibly refreshing. 

It may not be Qi Energy's environment, but Cain and Kali could feel all hidden tension quietly leave their bodies, allowing them to become even calmer. 

In the brief moment the sibling duo was engrossed by the environment, many World Spirit Masters gazes naturally fell upon them. 

And similar to the ones outside, these World Spirit Masters felt genuine intrigue. 

"Seems like something interesting is finally going to happen. Wonder if these brats can actually pass the test." 

At this moment, Cain and Kali swept their gazes over the masses of World Spirit Masters. Each of them all held striking appearances separating from the average mortal and even the average cultivator. 

Cain and Kali were honestly impressed. There wasn't a single World Spirit Master who didn't exude an air of superiority. Even the ones who seem the kindest still look like they genuinely believe there at the top of all society.

Still, as long as their arrogance doesn't try to suppress them, Cain and Kali didn't take too much note of this.

And since nobody was trying to stroll up to them, the sibling promptly settled their sights right on the main front desk.

With confidence filling their every step, Cain and Kali made a straight beeline towards the receptionist. 

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